Questions Archive(Tag:Text)
How can those who don’t observe the complete hijab study in the Howza?
6242 2011/04/20 PracticalStudying in different fields is always valuable and brings about completion for the individual, nevertheless, reaching values and virtues coming from knowledge calls for some preliminary steps and har
Is it possible for Imam Zaman to ever commit a sin, no matter how small?
6908 2011/04/20 TraditionalAccording to the Ahlul-Bayt’s school of thought, Imam Zaman holds the high rank of infallibility ( ‘ismah ) and is an infallible ( ma’sum ) . The ma’sum is one who through Allah s ( swt ) grace is fre
In the Quran, we can see that the general propositions of prayer have been outlined, but nothing of Imamate can be witnessed, is it possible to point out a section of the Quran as reference for Imamate?
7611 2011/04/20 TraditionalNumerous verses in the Quran have addressed the issue of Imamate. Allameh Hilli ( ra ) and Allameh Majlisi have explicitly listed these verses in Alfain and Bihar al-Anwar. Examples of these ayahs are
Is Imam Ali capable of reviving the dead?
12384 2011/04/20 ExegesisAsserting that someone can independently do so without God’s assistance is in absolute contradiction with tawhid af’ali ( oneness in action ) , for death and life is solely in God’s hand.However, if o
What is the Solution to the inconsistency between the legislative wilayat (authority) of the Imams and the sealing of Prophethood?
7153 2011/04/20 ModernThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is there any reason for the permissibility of chest beating and self-hitting of some Muslims that is done in Muharram and other times?
19310 2011/04/20 History of FiqhMourning for Imam Husein ( as ) is one of the highest forms of worship, and doing anything for him that is considered a form of mourning in culture and society is permissible, unless it really brings
Is it true that one shouldn’t pray for oneself on Ashura?
6958 2011/04/20 PracticalDua and supplication are the needful connection between the servant and his Lord for the fulfillment of worldly and otherworldly needs. Dua for oneself and others is always something good and entails
Is it correct to recite salawat when hearing Surah Yasin, and is there a reason for it?
10176 2011/04/20 ExegesisReciting salawat when mentioning or referring to the Prophet ( sa ) has been recommended in the ahadith. A hadith reveals that the Prophet has ten names, five of which have been mentioned in the Quran
Are the sciences of Alchemy, Limiya, Himiya, and Simiya accepted in the religion?
20190 2011/04/20 Philosophy of Science· Kimiya: A science by which one can transform certain metals and minerals into other things.· Limiya: A science by which the soul can be transferred into another body.· Simiya
Are the boundaries of the Islamic hijab contingent upon different urfs, environments and places? Can ta’zir be carried out if one does not submit to it?
7241 2011/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is wajib for all women to conform to a complete hijab in front of non mahram men. There is no distinction in this hukm between women who are migratory and others and social customs or special envir
Did the imams ever do anything supernatural in order to prove their imamate?
6835 2011/04/20 Traditional“Miracles” in Islamic theological terms are acts that surpass normal limits that challenge others to do the same and are in accordance with the claims of the person performing them. What is meant by s
Do the descendants of the Prophet have to pay khums?
7444 2011/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIf one acquires wealth through business or industry or any other means, in the case of the wealth exceeding his and his household’s yearly needs, he must then submit one fifth ( khums ) of the remaini
What is the measure to choosing individuals as prophets and aimah among others?
7830 2011/04/20 TraditionalBased on the reasons for general prophethood, God chose a group of individuals from the human race as paradigms and representatives to guide mankind.Even though the innate potential to be God’s repres
What is the ruling on using books of supplication which contain tables and forms?
7900 2011/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceFirstly, in regards to your question, it is difficult to recognize exactly what kind of science your book uses; this would require further explanation and expansion on the contents and subject of the
Has the Quran solved all the problems people face in their lives?
15207 2011/04/20 ModernWe believe that the Quran enjoys comprehensiveness and is capable of solving all problems of people s lives, but such a claim does not mean we should expect the Quran to solve everything, even the pro
What is the Mus’haf of Fatimah? Did the prophet and his household know about this book?
10857 2011/04/20 TraditionalThe Mus’haf of Fatimah is the name of a book that was written by Imam Ali during Lady Fatimah s lifetime. The content of this book was communicated to Lady Fatimah through the special angel Gabriel. T
Has Imam Hussein discriminated between Arabs and Non-Arabs in a hadith and has he scorned Ajams?
11136 2011/04/20 Contextual studyThe hadith you mentioned was from Abu Abdillah ( pb ) , which refers to Imam Sadiq ( not Imam Hussein ) in which he says: We are from the Quraysh and our Shias are Arabs and our enemies are Ajams. If
There are several reasons why the third ayah of Surah Al-Ma’idah cannot be about the event of Ghadir! Please share your viewpoint about this?
16208 2011/04/20 Traditional1. The matter of the wilayah of Amir Al-Mu’mineen had been announced only in limited groups of people and certain circumstances, but was formally presented to the ummah on the day of Ghadir, which is
What do Jews say about the coming of the Promised Messiah?
6434 2011/04/20 TraditionalSimilar to other faiths and people, the Jews definitely believe in the coming of a savior at the end of time. In the current Torah, there are many glad tidings of the coming of a universal reformer. I
What is meant by the Makr of Allah that has been mentioned in the Quran?
21552 2011/04/20 Exegesis“Makr” means to devise for good or evil and this is why it is described by the word “السیئ” ( bad/evil ) in the Quran.Allah’s Makr: The many verses that attribute “Makr” to Allah refer to his supreme
In our society there are some peoples who are raising the following questions about Imam Khomeini (ra).
6806 2011/04/20 تاريخ بزرگانThe volumes of Risaala-e-nouin aren t directly authored by Imam Khomeini, Abdul-Karim Bi Azar Shirazi has selected and translated some parts of Imam Khomeini’s book “Tahrir al-Wasilah” and commentated
Are we forbidden to go to a somewhere that divine punishment has taken place?
6836 2011/04/20 TraditionalWe have not come across a hadith in Islamic resources which forbids us from going to a location where divine punishment has taken place, although, there is a hadith in which Imam Ali ( as ) states: “I
Is it mandatory to pause a little after recitation, before going to ruku’? What is the ruling of the qiyam connected to ruku’?
9007 2011/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceSome of the Maraje’ taqlid’s viewpoints regarding the short pause after recitation and the qiyam connected to ruku’, are as follows:The office of the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may God grant him a lon
What does it mean for ethics to be based upon religion?
7823 2011/04/20 ModernIn the discussion regarding the relationship between religion and ethics, there are two general views about the benefits of the morals and ethics.1. Ethics is a matter independent of religion and
If the inheritors of a man are his father, mother, spouse, and 4 daughters, how much will each of their portions be? In the case that his inheritors are his mother, two sisters, and one spouse, how much will each of their portions be?
6797 2011/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIn regards to these verses from the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Infallibles ( a ) , the jurisprudents have derived rules and portions for the division of inheritance; these rules have been me
Is Taqlid not in clear contradiction with the Quranic verse "There is no compulsion in the Religion"? Why does Ali (a.s) denounce differences in the fatwas?
8111 2011/04/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawMost people are individuals who do not have the ability to learn and engage in research and scientific work to reach a level where they may infer and deduce Islamic laws from the sources ( the Quran a
In which year was the revelation of the Quran completed?
17183 2011/04/20 Quranic StudiesThere are different reports about the last chapter and the last verse sent down upon the Prophet ( pbuh ) . According to some reports, the last chapter which was revealed to the Prophet ( pubh ) was C
Is having an earring a sign of being a homosexual? What is the ruling on the marriage of a homosexual with a member of the opposite sex?
8732 2011/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is the repentance of a person who is committing a sin and is determined to repent later on accepted?
7070 2011/04/20 PracticalTrue repentance has certain conditions that if done with those conditions, it will be accepted by our kind and compassionate Lord. These conditions are as follows: 1- Committing the sin out of ignoran
Does being good tempered with your spouse and children cause them to take advantage of such a thing?
7207 2011/04/20 PracticalFirst: Islam teaches us to be good tempered with all people, including one s spouse, children, students, etc., because the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet s household have commanded us to be good
What kind of a relationship can a boy and girl have within the period after the proposal and their engagement but before their marriage?
5933 2011/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceOur wise lord has created men and women for each other and from Islam’s point of view, men and women are supplementary to each other; because they bring along calmness and peace for each other and als
What does Fana mean in Irfan (Mysticism)?
9709 2011/04/20 TheoreticalFana’ is an Arabic word and literally means non existence and being annihilated. In the words of the Urafa’, it means for a servant to utterly abide in Allah in a way that the humanistic aspect of the
Why did Allah create Satan?
17271 2011/04/20 TraditionalFirst: Satan’s role in deviating and misguiding man is confined to tempting him. Second: Progress and development can only take place when there are opposite and conflicting forces, and therefore the
Please explain what a human Shaytan is.
20142 2011/04/20 Traditional“Shaytan” is a general term that refers to any deviating, misguiding and disobedient creature, whether it is human or not. In the Quran, this term has not been used for a specific creature, in fact it
What is the precise meaning of Alhamdulillah and Subhan’Allah
24918 2011/04/20 TraditionalThe literal meaning of Hamd is praise, the opposite of condemnation and dishonor. Tasbih is characterized as glorifying God, making void and absolving Him of all deficiencies, needs, parallels and all