Questions Archive(Tag:Text)
What is the reason behind respecting the Seyeds? Is there a difference between the Seyeds and other people in their status in this world and the hereafter?
8023 2011/06/14 TheoreticalThe word “Seyyed” means “sir”, “honorable” and “chief” and when used by Shias and in Farsi it refers to those who descend from the prophet through Lady Fatimah. However, individuals that descend from
Please explain the limits of a relationship between two men.
13680 2011/06/14 PracticalBrief Answer: Friendship and brotherhood is of great significance in Islam and this is why there are many conditions mentioned in regard to a good friendship that should be paid attention to such as b
Is it not malevolent to pray that someone be deprived of God's mercy? Why do we curse someone who is dead?
8538 2011/06/14 TraditionalYazid and his likes were cursed by God, the Exalted, the Prophet ( pbuh ) and his noble successors ( a.s. ) who are the embodiments of divine mercy towards the rest of God s creatures. Some pe
Is there a difference between an Islamic government and the Islamic Republic that Imam Khomeini established?
6776 2011/06/14 SystemThere is no considerable difference between an Islamic government and the Islamic Republic in essence, the only thing is that the term ‘Islamic government’ is descriptive of a form of government whose
Did Imam Al-Hussein have a daughter named “Ruqayyah” or “Sukainah” who passed away in Damascus while she was around 3-4 years old?
13715 2011/06/14 تاريخ بزرگانEven though many historians have not made mention of a small girl of Imam Hussein with the name of Ruqayyahh, Fatimah Sughraa or any other name in their books, but some books do cite the story of thi
Is it possible for one to possess self-awareness in their dreams? How is it that the visions of some dreams present themselves in reality?
9526 2011/06/12 TheoreticalSleep is a state in which a person gradually disconnects from the material world around them, leaving their inner senses in a heightened state of awareness. During sleep, one’s self disassociates from
Why has God not protected Masjidul Haram and Ka'bah against floods and other disasters?
10377 2011/06/11 TraditionalKa bah and Masjidul Haram ( Grand Mosque ) are the most sacred, most revered and most valuable places on earth. The building of Ka bah is made of earthly materials. All the laws governing the material
Can a person borrow money to go to hajj?
10479 2011/06/07 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question can be answered in two parts:A ) Hajj is one of the greatest worships that one can borrow money for, and there are hadiths by the infallibles regarding the permissibility of borrowing fo
It has been twenty years that we are offering Friday prayers. Some say that since the distance between our Friday prayer and another that has been going on for 30 years is less than required. Please note that there are two routes to our Friday prayer; one is conventionally used and the other is five kilometers but no one uses it. Considering this, what is our duty?
6389 2011/06/07 Laws and JurisprudenceThe office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei:The required distance between two Friday prayers is one legal farsakh and the criterion isn t a straight line between the two points, rather, it is the conv
Is it permissible to talk ill of a person who has done bad to others and destroyed their lives?
7353 2011/06/01 Practical1. As for the definition of backbiting, we advise you to read Question 714 ( site: 756 ) to know the conditions of backbiting and their exceptions.2. If the person in question is really hurting others
Is there any religious evidence to prove that burning the seeds of Esfand is useful for warding off the evil eye?
44298 2011/05/26 Laws and JurisprudenceScience and man s intellect are unable to perceive and understand some fact. The evil eye is a phenomenon which the human intellect and science have not been able to prove nor have they been able to f
What are the ways through which one can prevent the influence of the evil eye?
15100 2011/05/25 PracticalThe Quran has accepted a fact called the evil eye and it has pointed out instances of its influence. Quranic historical reports from the predecessors also confirm it as a reality. The evil eye
What legal reference do we have for Eid Nowruz?
24593 2011/05/22 Contextual studyThis eid is an ancient Persian holiday that was marked and celebrated before the emergence of Islam.There is a hadith from Imam Sadeq ( as ) in hadith sources regarding Nowruz which the popular vote h
If kurr water is poured on a najis hand, and some of this water splashes off, what is the ruling of such splashed water?
8565 2011/05/22 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to the view of all the maraje’, in the case of kurr water coming in contact with a najis substance, or something that has become najis because of coming in contact with a najis substance, it
What reason do Shia scholars have that proves the story of “Abdullah bin Saba’” by ‘Seyf bin Umar’ to be forged and false?
10467 2011/05/22 تاريخ بزرگانThe true Islam is that which the Shia follow, the teachings of which Imam Ali ( as ) has received from the prophet and transmitted to his followers. The attribution of Shia beliefs to a Jew by the nam
Why is there corruption in Islamic Governments?
7314 2011/05/22 TheoreticalThe reason for corruption in Islamic Governments is summarized in one sentence by the Quran: The lack of faith in God and condemnation of taaghut ( whatever is not in accord with the divine ) . On the
How can the incoherence between verses 21 of chapter 57 and 133 of chapter 3 be resolved in regards to heaven?
7515 2011/05/22 ExegesisPresumably, the point which caused you to imagine that these two verses are incoherent and contradictory with each other was the translation of the word of “al-Samā” into “one heaven” whereas the real
What are the ways through which one can protect himself against the evil eye?
26830 2011/05/22 ExegesisIt begins when the person likes something, then his evil soul dwells on the matter, and by continually looking at the person who has the thing of which he feels jealous, he directs his spell towards h
What is the purpose of dreaming? Why has Allah granted us dreams?
11911 2011/05/18 PracticalDreaming is one of the signs of Allah and a window to the unseen, a characteristic and natural trait that Allah has imparted to our bodies and souls.
Do the believers receive any rewards or divine bounty in the grave and do the disbelievers receive punishment therein?
9991 2011/05/18 TraditionalIn his book Awael al-Maqalat, Shaykh Mufid sorts out human individuals based on their beliefs and deeds into four groups:1. Pious believers;2. Disbelieving, stubborn and grudging sinners;3. Believers
What would have happened if the Caliphate had fallen into the hands of Imam Ali (as)?
7998 2011/05/18 TraditionalCertainly, Imam Ali’s ( as ) greatest concern would have been to continue the way of the Holy Prophet ( saw ) and guard the path of hidayah ( guidance ) and true Islam, so that mankind could reach sa’
Is the marriage of an adherent and practicing religious girl with a carefree and secular minded boy going to be successful?
7690 2011/05/18 PracticalIslam attaches great importance to real pleasure and prosperity of human beings through Islamically balanced, highly ethical, well-educated and well-behaved families and happy homes. It has important
What is the reason behind the necessity of paying Khums and where is it spent? Why don't the Sunnis pay it?
16752 2011/05/18 Laws and Jurisprudence1. There are few verses in the holy Quran that contain general ordinances about obligations such as purity, prayers, hajj, fasting etc. The exposition and clarification of those ordinances and their c
Were the heavens and the earth created in six days or eight days?
11838 2011/05/14 Quranic StudiesGod, the Glorified, has used the word qaddara ( measure ) for sustenance and the term khalaqa ( created ) for the heavens and the earth. That is, within these four days, sustenance needed for life on
Is the repentance of a person who has committed sodomy accepted?
15775 2011/05/08 PracticalFrom the Islamic viewpoint, sodomy is a very inferior and ugly act and is one of the great sins for which heavy punishments have been determined, namely execution. [ 1 ] What various verses of the Qur
One who has repeatedly repented and broken his repentance and now doubts frequently about Allah and the imams, has Allah forsaken such a person? What is the way to gain proximity to Allah?
9259 2011/05/08 PracticalSin and disobedience brings about one’s destruction, while repentance and a resolution to refrain from sin is movement towards salvation. Shaytan is man s enemy and all of his efforts go into creating
Did the Ansar believe in the caliphate of Abu Bakr and is that why they did bey’ah with him?
12400 2011/05/08 Exalted scholarsIn our view, doing bey’ah and pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr without the presence of Imam Ali ( as ) and without his consultation, who, compared to the prophet, according to the famous hadith of manz
Is it true that the number of authentic hadiths in the book of Kafi is one fifth of all the hadiths therein?
9299 2011/05/08 Science of narratorsWhat those scholars who have counted the number of authentic hadiths meant when they said ‘authentic’, is in terms of the science of rijal and they had no intention to narrow things down in fiqhi and
There is a hadith that says: “The believers should encounter each other with cheerful faces”, is this true about the husband and wife as well?
6642 2011/05/08 PracticalOne of the characteristics that hadiths have mentioned about a believer, is that when encountering others, they should have cheerful faces and conceal their sorrow; this characteristic brings about in
What is the ruling of committing sin under compulstion?
7994 2011/05/08 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to religious teachings, religious duties are contingent upon one’s free will and choice, meaning that if one does something out of free will, he will deserve to be rewarded or punished. It i
If someone commits the sin of masturbation and repents afterwards will Allah forgive his sin? Is it true that Allah doesn’t look at the person who commits such sin?
18270 2011/05/08 PracticalTawbah literally means to discontinue a sin and to return to the true path and in other words, to return to regretting the sin. [ i ] Repentance is a move towards salvation and one s serious decision
How does the status of a person, who has been in deviation and engulfed in sins, change in the afterworld through others' good deeds and prayers without him having a role?
9367 2011/05/08 TraditionalThe point in the question is neither hundred percent acceptable nor is it hundred percent refutable, but it depends squarely on the type of the sin and the person who commits it. There are some sins l
Amr Aas has poetry in Imam Ali’s praise; in which book can this poetry be found?
7413 2011/04/21 تاريخ بزرگانThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Was Imam Ali (as) only the friend, companion and relative of the prophet, or was he more than that?
9430 2011/04/21 TraditionalIn addition to being related to and a friend and companion of the prophet ( pbuh ) and his supporter in all phases of his life and in different scenes of defending the religion and spreading the word
What is the best name one can pick for their child?
8240 2011/04/21 Contextual studyNames portray the owner of the name and whenever a name is said, the owner immediately comes to mind, therefore it is important to choose suitable and good names. It has been mentioned in ahadith that