Questions Archive(Tag:wild)
Why do we only have to have twelve imams? How can we be saved and reach salvation during the occultation of Imam Zaman (as)?
7397 2008/07/21 TraditionalContinue...
Islam and Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint on fun, recreation and joking.
9806 2008/07/21 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islam, the main purpose for creation is the perfection of man and all of the different creatures this world contains all have been created for this purpose ( the perfection of man ) , and
How do you prove that Imam Ali (as) was imam and khalifa after the Prophet (pbuh)?
55825 2008/07/21 TraditionalThere is no doubt that in order for Islam to survive, it needs a keeper and guardian and individuals to deliver and express the teachings and guidelines of religion for the people, and carry them out.
What is bid’ah and what are the criteria for an act to be considered bid’ah and what differences do the Shia have with other Islamic sects on this issue?
15181 2008/07/21 TraditionalBid’ah literally means innovation and in other words, something new, and in Islamic terms, means to relate something to religion that it has in no way asserted and in no way complies with any of its s
Do my feet become najis when I walk on wet pavement that a dog has walked on?
9889 2008/07/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIf rainwater or any other water gathers in a ditch and is less than kur ( there is a difference of opinion on what amount is exactly kur, and there are different ways of measuring it, according to Ima
What is the reason for all of the hardship seen in the lives of Allah’s apostles?
8441 2008/07/21 TraditionalThe whole purpose of creation is for God to give, which is a result of His grace, and the problems and hardships this world are accompanied with are in no contradiction with this purpose because first
What is the purpose of creating mankind and the world?
11981 2008/07/20 TraditionalGod Almighty is a never-ending entity possessing all forms of perfection and creating is His grace. Since Allah ( swt ) is the All-Graceful, granting everything and anything possible, his being gracef
How does Islam solve the collision between religion and science?
8175 2008/07/20 ModernThis issue ( the collision of religion and science ) is one imported from Christianity. To find the answer to such a question in Islam, one must pay attention to the following points:1- When studying
It has been narrated that [Imam] Ja`far Ibn Muhamad said: “Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) used to put his face between the breasts of [his daughter] Fatimah (as) before going to sleep." (Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 78). Is this hadith valid?
28324 2008/07/13 Contextual study- Our hadiths are categorized into two groups; some are dependable that have authentic chains of narrators, and others aren’t dependable which are unauthentic or their chain of narrators isn’t clear e
How can the Quran, whose verses contradict one another, be a book of guidance for all of mankind in all ages and throughout time?
13284 2008/07/13 Quranic StudiesAs the Quran itself attests, it is a universal book “a reminder to all worlds” for all people in all times and places “a warner to all mankind”.Its verses, which have been revealed by Allah, are and w
Can one say that angels have different levels of infallibility?
11775 2008/07/02 TraditionalAngels are very noble and delicate creatures and of high and numerous virtues ( which have been expressed by the Quran ) . One of their traits is that they lack any materialistic and animalistic chara
What is the Sunni opinion on Bilal al-Habashi?
13423 2008/07/02 تاريخ بزرگانWhat Sunni references say about the great sahabi, Bilal, is that he was freed by Abu Bakr, a resistant believer against the tortures of the Kuffar, the Prophet s Mu adhin, and one of the Mujahidin ( s
Did Umar scold and punish Abu-Hurairah as a result of him forging hadiths?
43569 2008/07/02 Science of narratorsBukhari, Muslim, Dhahabi, Imam Abu Ja’far Iskafi, Muttaqi Hindi and others have reported that the second khalifah, whipped Abu-Hurairah as a result of him going too far in forging hadiths from the Pro
Was Aristotle a messenger of God?
11758 2008/07/02 تاريخ بزرگانThe great Greek philosopher, physicist and scientist, Aristotle, was born in 384 b.c., in Stageira, north of Greece. His father, Nicomachus, was the personal physician to the King of Macedon. At the a
Does Islam consider prostrating in respect permissible?
13905 2008/07/02 ExegesisAccording to Islam and the Shia school of thought, prostration is the most complete and beautiful form of worship which solely belongs to Allah ( swt ) and no other has the right to be prostrated to.A
How can one create harmony between religion and science?
8354 2008/07/02 Philosophy of ReligionThose who consider religion and science as two separate ways aren’t truly familiar with divine religions particularly Islam and haven’t paid attention to the fact that the two are of completely differ
Why do the Shia consider temporary marriage (sighah/mut’ah) permissible?
20292 2008/07/02 Laws and JurisprudenceFirst of all, we must say that this issue is a fiqhi one, calling for fiqh experts to analyze it in the right place. Here we will mention some points regarding the issue and leave the rest to the deta
What is the role of women during the reign and in the government of Imam Mahdi (as)?
10513 2008/06/30 SystemIn addition to the great changes the world has gone through since the time of Prophet Muhammad’s prophethood till today, the role, importance and rank of women has also entered a new stage in which ca
Is this statement "Everyday is Ashura and every place is Karbala" a hadith? How reliable is its chain of narrators (sanad)?
16186 2008/06/23 The infalliblesWe weren’t able to find any hadithic proof showing that this sentence: “Every day is Ashura and every place is Karbala” is a hadith from the infallibles. Yet this concept which is derived from the occ
I needed some information on the Ithna’Ashari sect in West Africa.
6878 2008/06/17 ModernWe apologize for the delay in responding to you. Information like that which you are looking for can only be found in specific centers, and although our researchers tried their best, they weren’t able
How can one cure jealousy?
8174 2008/06/17 PracticalJealousy is a low spirit and attitude in its possessor causing him/her to wish for another to lose something he/she has.In order to remedy this problem, the following points are prescribed:1 ) Thinkin
Is Islam a religion of peace and brotherhood, or a religion of war and violence?
8982 2008/06/17 ModernThe Holy Quran has verified the fact that Islam is a religion of peace and tranquility by saying: “Oh ye who believe ! Enter into peace and tranquility altogether and follow not the footsteps of Satan
What is the meaning of “the seven heavens” that have been mentioned in the Quran?
15740 2008/06/17 ExegesisConsidering the questions that science still has regarding space and the galaxies, one cannot reach a definite conclusion on what is exactly meant by “the seven heavens”. Nevertheless, some viewpoint
In the Quran’s viewpoint, is man an ignorant and unjust creature or is he khalifatullah (God’s vicegerent)?
9949 2008/06/17 Exegesis1. The Holy Quran praises man ( mankind ) in many ways, while, on the other hand, scolding and reproaching him in various verses.2. Because of man s high potentials, he is able to reach and ascend to
Is it necessary to wear the ring on the right hand?
18459 2008/05/25 Laws and JurisprudenceOne of the Prophet ( p.b.u.h. ) and imams’ traditions, is to wear a ring. The material, appearance and design of the ring have all been pointed to in our hadiths. It has also been advised to wear the
What is the time frame in which Dua Ahd should be read in?
8085 2008/05/25 Contextual studyIt has been stated in traditions that whosoever recites this hadith for forty days in the morning, he/she will be one of the companions of Imam Zaman ( a.s. ) and … [ 1 ] . Conclusion: Dua Ahd needs t
Is the following hadith correct: This verse was added to Surah Inshirah: “And we made Ali (a.s.) your son-in-law.”?
10279 2008/05/14 ExegesisNo hadith with such meaning was found, although there are some hadiths about the last two verses of Surah Inshirah, فاذا فرغت فانصب والی ربک فارغب that have been mentioned in hadithic-tafsir books ( b
What is the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s fatwa on looking at non-mahrams?
7786 2008/05/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThe Supreme Leader’s fatwa on looking at non-mahrams is the same as the late Imam Khomeini’s. Imam Khomeini says: “It is haram for men to look at the body of non-mahram women, regardless of whether it
Can I offer prayers during my period when the signs of haydh aren’t seen?
17190 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudencePaying attention to the upcoming points might help you reach the answer you are looking for:The six types of women in haydh:Mubtadi’ah: A woman who sees blood for the first time in her life. [ 1 ] Muz
Is the following hadith correct: “The obedience of Ali (a.s.) is humility and modesty, and disobeying him is kufr.”?
10365 2008/05/12 Contextual studyWhat this hadith is conveying is completely correct because its meaning is mutawatir, meaning that a very high number of hadiths disclose the same meaning and confirm it, such that one becomes sure th
Why is it necessary to follow a marja’?
11338 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqlid means for someone who doesn’t have the required expertise in a field that calls for expertise, to go to an expert in that field for help. The most important reason behind the need for taqlid in
If Allah (s.w.t.) sends us back to this world after our death, would we become righteous people?
9420 2008/05/12 TraditionalFirst of all, the returning of people to this world after death defeats the whole purpose of this universe’s creation and the appointment and sending of the prophets. Secondly, if by any chances peopl
What is Islam’s viewpoint on cloning?
9974 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudenceCloning and especially the cloning of humans is a new subject that has come up in our era and as a result, its ruling hasn’t been mentioned in the Quran and Islamic tradition, yet Shia scholars and ju
What is the meaning of being infallible?
10494 2008/05/11 TraditionalAllamah Tabatabai states: Infallibility means the presence of a quality in the infallible person that protects him or her from doing what is not permissible ( e.g. sin or error ) . [ 1 ] It should be
Why hasn’t Imam Ali (a.s.) been mentioned in the Holy Quran?
89128 2008/05/11 ExegesisOne should be aware that although the imam’s names, ) especially Imam Ali’s ( , haven’t been mentioned in the Quran, nevertheless, their names, ) especially Imam Ali’s ( , can be found in the Prophet’