Questions Archive
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Questions Archive(Tag:proof)
What is the reason for mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s)?
History of Fiqh
The events which have taken place in the history of every society hold valuable experiences and lessons that have been achieved with great pain and at a heavy price. Those experiences and lessons are
Why has God introduced Himself as "Allah" (alif, lām, lām and ha)? Why not another
This name ( Allah ) is used for the Necessary Being ( wajibul wujud ) whose existence is obligatory and pure in all terms. He possesses all the qualities of perfection. To refer to such a being, diffe
What is the meaning of the word "Allah"?
The word Allah which is translated into God is a particular and the most comprehensive name of God. Hazrat Ali ( a.s. ) explaining the meaning of Allah said, Allah means the worshipped one, by Whom pe
If a woman has to perform Kaffara and fast for 60 days of which 31 days must be consecutive, how is that possible if she has a monthly menses cycle?
Laws and Jurisprudence
As for the fasts which should be observed consecutively ( e.g. the Kaffara of the fast which has been made obligatory by way of breaking the fast intentionally or by way of Nadhr ) , if a woman cannot
I cannot marry now because the circumstances are not ready. What should I do to avoid falling into a sin?
Dear User, As you know one of the aims of marriage is to gratify the sexual needs and instincts and there are other purposes also for marriage which have been enumerated and explained in their appropr
Would you be able to tell me whether the book Shawahid al-Tanzil has an authentic chain going back to Haskani?
Contextual study
Shawahid al-Tanzil is one of the important books that has drawn the attention of Muslim scholars and intellectuals all over the Islamic world. There is a difference among the scholars as to the religi
Where are the graves of prophets like Shoaib, Lot, Yusuf, Yunus, Adam, Abraham etc.? How did they die? Do they have tombs? If they do, where are they located?
تاريخ بزرگان
There are not precise details about the lives of many personalities and nobles including the divine prophets except a few of them; the historical sources lack any information about their lives, the ci
There is a tradition which says that the good-doing Jinns do not enter Paradise; rather they will be made to stand along with sinful Shiites in between Paradise and Hell. What is your opinion in this regard?
Contextual study
There are many verses in the Holy Quran which indicate that the Jinns are also duty-bound like humans and they are held responsible for their deeds; and they receive the rewards for their deeds whatso
Did the Imams battle for power and did they want a hereditary form of government?
Firstly, the seerah ( biography ) of the Imams shows that the Imams did not struggle for power nor did they have a craving for power. If at times they were defending their rights, it was because they
Given that I had sexual intercourse with my ex-husband one month after Khula divorce, what is the Islamic ruling about my second marriage several years later with another man. Were the divorce and the second marriage valid?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Dear user, we explained all the probable suppositions concerning divorce in our previous answer to your question ( No.6795 ) . We see that you have not stated whether or not you had complete martial
What is the Islamic law about a man's relationship with his wife after divorce?
Laws and Jurisprudence
It would have been good of you to provide us with details about the said relations and the marriage so that you might not need to study the different rules concerning the circumstances that can be sim
Is this saying, "O, Ali! Telling a lie is good in three places: in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and making promise to a wife" in contradiction with the Persian view about telling a lie such as Cyrus's saying "A Persian man does not tell a lie even in a battle.
Although telling the truth is very important according to our religious teachings, basically it has been, though apparently and formally, accepted as a principle in most human communities. However, in
Conditions and Method of Friday Prayer
Laws and Jurisprudence
Friday prayer is one of the acts of worship about which an entire Sura has been revealed denoting its significance. The prayer consists of 2 sermons which begin with praise and glorification of Allah.
Is Wali al-Faqih infallible according to you?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to traditions and sayings of the Infallibles ( a.s ) , infallibility is restricted to 14 people including the Prophet ( s ) , Hazrat Zahra ( s.a ) and the 12 Shiite Imams. Therefore, Wali al
Let me know the history of the pictures and portraits of the Prophet of Islam (s). Is it permissible, according to Islamic law, to draw a picture of the Prophet (s) and dedicate it to someone?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Your question consists of two parts: ( 1 ) The history of drawing pictures of the Infallibles ( a.s ) ; ( 2 ) The Islamic law about drawing and distributing such pictures. Historically, these pictures
What is the station of intercession on the Day of Resurrection?
Shafa ah ( intercession ) is derived from shaf which means even as opposed to odd - the interceder adds his own recommendation to the plea of the petitioner; in this way the number of pleaders becomes
What are the causes of the emergence and development of different sects among Muslims?
There are different factors involved in the emergence of different sects, religions and denominations among Muslims. They include the following: Discarding the Holy Prophet s Will and recommendations
Is pretending considered to be a kind of lying?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani ( may Allah grant him long life ) : Lying is a deliberate act of expressing an untruth as truth. If your action is not as such, it is not haram. An answer given to th
What are the origin and beliefs of Ya'furiyah sect?
تاريخ کلام
There is not much information about Ya furiyah in history. What has been mentioned in historical resources is the following: 1. Ya furiyah sect refers to the followers of Muhammad bin Bashir who cease
How is the communication of spirits with people on earth?
The Possibility of Communicating with the SpiritsIt is said that one way to obtain information from other worlds is to make contact with spirits.Take note of the following in this regards;A – Such con
What should a person do or what dua should he read in order for him to see a lost relative in his dream?
Quranic Studies
In Al-Mesbah of Kaf ami, there is an instruction about seeing dead relatives in your dream. The instruction is as under: It has been mentioned in some books by Imamiyah scholars that if a person wishe
Can I use the money which I have in Turkish banks to purchase savings bonds and receive interest?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : There is no problem in conducting transactions which are permissible according to Shari ah rules. However, interest-based transac
Can we give part of our Khums dues to the poor? Or is it necessary that we should hand it over to the maraje's representatives or the maraje' themselves?
Laws and Jurisprudence
As per your message, the foregoing question was submitted to His Eminence, Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani ( may Allah grant him long life ) and the answer which he gave to the question is as follows:
What is the Islamic law about taking loans from non-Muslim banks?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Taking out a loan does not require permission of a qualified Mujtahid ( hākim shar a ) even if it is from a government bank. The contract of taking a loan is valid, though it may be based on interest.
Is it permissible for a person to pay his Khums dues to a marja (jurist) other than the marja whom he follows?
Laws and Jurisprudence
As you know, according to the verdicts of some of the grand jurists, payment of khums to a marja other the marja whom the payer is a Muqallid of should be in accordance with certain rules and criteria
Is it permissible to give Khums and Sahme Sadaat to poor and indigent Seyyeds without the permission of the Mujtahid?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Khums literally means one-fifth. In Islamic legal terminology, it means one-fifth of certain items which a person acquires as wealth by means of farming, trade, industry or by means of working in an o
What is the Islamic law about pictures ascribed to the Imams (a.s.)?
Laws and Jurisprudence
What follows are answers given to the above question by the religious authorities ( grand jurists ) :Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : As per the Islamic law, there is no pr
Considering that the Quran says that there is no difference among the prophets, why are the Prophet of Islam (s) and Shiite Imams higher in rank than the other prophets? Did the infallible Imams (a) have the power to commit sins?
The above question has been propounded in two parts one of which has been dealt with in our previous answer to similar questions. The other part consists of two main points that need to be studied her
What is the relationship between the formation of the government of the Prophet (s) with the inner God seeking nature of human beings?
From our perspective, the formation of the government of the Prophet ( s ) was in reality a divine matter. Furthermore, the matter of governance permeates into every aspect of human life. Imam Baqir (
What is the reasoning of secularists in seeking the separation of religion and politics?
Laws and Jurisprudence
By responding to the arguments of people who claim that politics is separate from religion, it will be proven that this cannot be the case and that religion is part and parcel of politics. To those wh
What is an explanation of the Verdict (Hukm) of governance?
The verdict of governance is a command from a ruler towards enacting a religious obligation. This explanation of the concept of the verdict of governance has not been mentioned in narrations; rather t
What are the methods for distinguishing between the authentic ḥadīths and the unauthentic ones?
Contextual study
Unfortunately, the phenomenon of forging and altering ( dass ) the text of the ḥadīths by the hypocrites and enemies started from the early periods of Islamic history. They always intended to attack
What are the ways of strengthening one’s God seeking nature?
The meaning behind the term of one’s God seeking faculty is that same internal ( fitri ) inclination and drive towards God the most high. This sense or faculty is a sort of inner call and its source o
If a man has an illegitimate relationship with a married woman, but they aren't sure if penetration actually took place between the two, have they committed adultery?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Fornication and indiscriminate relationship with women is one of the biggest evils in the society that leads to a lot of irreparable damages. Based on this, this type of relationship is forbidden and
What is the ruling of adultery with a married woman and what is the way of its repentance?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Fornication especially with a married woman is one of the most hateful and grievous sins. But the Almighty Allah is most merciful in His judgment. If a sinner who has committed a shameful and abominab