Questions Archive(Thematic Category:صفات اخلاقی )
Why does Allah love the patients?
3721 2021/03/31 Exegesis
What does the holy Quran say about love of wife and husband towards each other?
3501 2021/03/31 Exegesis
Which one of the retaliation or forgiveness is preferable to each other according to the teachings of Islam?
3365 2021/03/30 عفو و بخشش
How can we keep the thought of death and the Day of Resurrection in our mind?
2686 2021/03/30 تجسس
What is the proper consumption pattern in Islam?
5358 2019/10/06 اسراف و تبذیر
How to cure our psychological obsession?
6619 2015/09/14 وسواسApart from the infallibles other people might at times experience ebbs and flows ups and downs in their beliefs and conviction. Thus they might doubt the existence of God or the genuineness of a divin
How is it possible to get rid of obsession with cleanness and uncleanness?
13559 2015/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is necessary to make a few preliminary points to answer the foregoing question: 1. God the Exalted says that He has not laid upon you any hardship in religion. The Holy Prophet S has said in a wel
What is the cure for doubts and obsession in beliefs?
14018 2015/06/29 وسواسAs you have stated in your message you are suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly have certain thoughts repeatedly or f
I have been thinking for sometimes now that everything around is impure. Please help me know what things are ritually impure and how are they are made pure?
16475 2015/06/09 Laws and JurisprudenceThe scrupulous feelings [ 1 ] are the Shaitan s plot which you should not pay heed to. In order for you to get rid of the diseases which is called obsessive compulsive disorder OCD and similar conditi
What is the Islamic point of view about exaggeration and overstatement?
8394 2013/12/05 دروغLying is considered to be one of the greater sins as it is among the indecent acts. [ 1 ] In the sayings of the Ahlul-Bayt ( AS ) , lying has been termed as the key to sins and evils. [ 2 ] Neverthele
How can girls wear bright (gaudy) dresses on the one hand and go out in public without displaying their beauty on the other?
8461 2012/08/11 ModernAccording to the Quran, man is a creature that has a divine fitra [ God-gifted nature ] on the one hand and a material nature on the other. Not differentiating between them will cause a person to be d
Is it a sin to curse someone in one’s mind?
27063 2012/08/06 TheoreticalSins are sometimes committed outwardly and other times they may have and inner and intellectual aspects. When a person tells a lie or backbites someone or commits such prohibitions, he is said to have
What is the proper method of making one’s actions match his knowledge?
7614 2012/06/21 PracticalAccording to fundamental Islamic teachings, knowledge is only beneficial when followed by good deeds and actions. However, we see that some scholars come short in regard to acting upon their knowledge