Questions Archive(Thematic Category:امام صادق ع)
Please provide us with a short biography of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as).
4156 2021/03/30 امام صادق ع
What was Imam Sadiq (AS)'s argument about God's existence in his debate with Abu Shaker Daysani?
14243 2014/12/10 Contextual studyDuring the lifetime of Imam Ja far Sadiq ( AS ) , theological debates and discussions invovling the Imam himself were carried out quite often. One of the most serious topics around which discussions a
I want to know the philosophy behind the Kunday niaz (offering) which is given all over my country in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban.
39655 2012/09/24 Contextual study1. Nazr ( vow ) means making it obligatory upon oneself to do some good act, or to refrain from doing an act which is better not to do, for the sake of, or for the pleasure of Allah. [ 1 ] Thus, it ca