Questions Archive(Thematic Category:عرفان نظری)
What is meant by line, dot etc. in mysticism (irfan) and what does the narration “I am the dot under the “ba” signify”?
5877 2017/01/21 TheoreticalIn mysticism numbers letters shapes etc. are language codes signifying certain occult realities of the world. The dot signifies the real unity of God whose image is placed in man s heart mind and it i
Why do jurisprudents and theologians oppose the notion of wahdat al-wujud?
14366 2012/12/23 Theoretical1. The notion of wahdat al-wujud [ Unity of Being ] is a monistic understanding of tawheed, the doctrine of oneness of God. It is considered one of the most fundamental concepts in mysticism and in my
What does annihilation mean? Please explain the concept and station of annihilation.
9936 2012/11/01 TheoreticalAnnihilation is defined as total destruction or complete obliteration of an object. It is the opposite of permanence, subsistence and continuance. To explain further, God is from the category of perma
Why do some people oppose mysticism and the mystics making reference to ahadith (traditions)?
8198 2012/07/14 TheoreticalIrfan ( mysticism/ Gnosticism ) has been defined as a special method to reach the realities of existence and to connect man to truth, which is done through vision and intuition. Such an understanding
How many spheres are there in the entire universe and what is the difference between a sphere and a sky?
13767 2012/06/17 TheoreticalAccording to an ancient opinion, sphere refers to the ethereal bodies which are made up of nine levels or layers seven of which are named as kawakib sab a ( the seven planets ) . The eighth sphere is
What is the meaning of abjad letters, especially in relation to Imam Ali?
33584 2012/05/21 TheoreticalThe abjad letters are the alphabet ( الف ب ت... ) , which have been systemized based on a specific order, meaning: abjad, hūz, ḥatī, kalamn, sa afṣ, qarasht, thakhdh, ḍaẓgh. A number has been assigned
When we say Almighty Allah, does it account for all attributes or only for the power and might of Allah?
7746 2012/05/21 TraditionalAt the level of His essence, when we say He is the Almighty, it accounts for all of His attributes. That is, there is no difference which attribute we use to refer to His essence. On the other hand ou
Is Lordship confined to God Almighty?
9003 2012/05/21 Theoreticalربوبیت ( Lordship ) is derived from the word رب ( lord ) and is used in the Arabic language for the words owner, possessor and trainer. Given the fact that God is the owner of all existence, the manag
Can knowledge, power and other qualities God has endowed the prophet and his progeny with limitless in every respect?
6441 2012/04/17 TraditionalIf what is meant by infiniteness is that it is not limited by any boundaries, even the boundary of createdness or being created and reliance and need , then it must be said that nothing other than All
What is the meaning of the tradition attributed to Abu Basīr which mentions seeing God before the Day of Judgment?
7903 2012/04/14 TheoreticalThere is no way to see God for He is all encompassing and cannot be encompassed. Nonetheless, in a manifestational sense, He can be seen in every single being, as the Quran has mentioned the following
Is it possible for one to possess self-awareness in their dreams? How is it that the visions of some dreams present themselves in reality?
9642 2011/06/12 TheoreticalSleep is a state in which a person gradually disconnects from the material world around them, leaving their inner senses in a heightened state of awareness. During sleep, one’s self disassociates from
What does Fana mean in Irfan (Mysticism)?
9858 2011/04/20 TheoreticalFana’ is an Arabic word and literally means non existence and being annihilated. In the words of the Urafa’, it means for a servant to utterly abide in Allah in a way that the humanistic aspect of the
Who is Abdul Qadir Gilani?
10735 2011/03/14 TheoreticalAbdul Qadir Gilani known as Ghaus-e-Azam was a sixth century mystic and a narrator who was born in the north of Iran and died in Baghdad. He was the figurehead of the Qadiri Sufi order. Historically,
Why does a person let someone-other than Allah- occupy his heart by marriage, while it is only Allah who is worthy of being loved?
8050 2010/09/05 TheoreticalIn man s course towards Allah, not only isn t marriage considered an obstacle, but in fact can be a means of help too, meaning that marriage is not in contradiction with the love of Allah. Marriage do
Are there any examples of Irfan in the Nahjul Balagha?
9231 2010/08/17 TheoreticalAccording to the Imams ( a ) , Irfan is not divided into practical and theoretical. In the language that they used and in their life history, they did not consider practical Irfan any different from t
What is the meaning behind the concept of Wilayah Takwini and what is its connection with the Infallible Imams (a)?
19563 2010/08/14 TheoreticalWilayah in lexicon means the coming of something right after another without any space existing in between them. This calls for the closeness and nearness of these two to each other. Wilayah has been
Please explain about the Mysticism of Imam Ali and the Household of the prophet. What does the Nahjul-Balaghah consist of regarding Mysticism and how much have the Imam's sayings had influence on Mystics throughout time?
13790 2010/07/21 TheoreticalThe Mysticism or irfan that Imam Ali and the Household of the prophet present does not contradict Islam or the Quran, it is rather the true essence of Islam and the core of Islamic law. From this view
What is teyyul-ard?
7018 2010/07/20 TheoreticalThere are different views on the true essence of teyyul-ard. One would be the theory of “اعدام و ایجاد” or “Existentiation and Elimination” of the renowned mystic, Ibn Arabi. According to this theory,
Please list some of the current arefs.
7335 2010/05/20 TheoreticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Please explain the meanings of the names and attributes of Allah (swt).
7535 2009/11/25 TheoreticalThe Holy Quran says: “The most beautiful names belong to Allah: So call on Him by them” [ 1 ] There are many names for Allah ( swt ) and most of them are mentioned in the dua of Jawshan Kabir. Each of
What is the Mi'raj? Have other prophets other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ever had such an experience?
11653 2009/09/23 TraditionalIn Arabic, mi’raj means anything that helps one ascend and go up. In hadith and tafsir terms though, this term refers to the materialistic journey of the prophet ( pbuh ) from Mecca to Jerusalem, and
Which type of love, out of the many, is correct according to Islam?
10134 2007/06/11 TheoreticalPhilosophers and Gnostics have divided love into various categories; however as a general division they have divided love into two types:1. True love which is the love for Allah, His attributes, and H