Questions Archive(Thematic Category:نماز)
Why doesn’t a person who has just converted to Islam need to make up his/her prayers and fasts performed before accepting Islam, but those who were Muslims from the beginning must make up their missed prayers and fasts?
2920 2021/03/30 نماز قضا و استیجاری
Did the past religions like Christianity and Judaism have prayers like Muslims?
4919 2019/10/06 کلیات
I doubt whether my prayer is valid. Please tell me how to perform my prayers correctly
8654 2019/06/12 Laws and JurisprudenceBefore answering your question it seems necessary to note that asking questions about things you don t know is not embarrassing. A lack of knowledge and asking questions are not deficiencies that one
What are the necessary limits - quantitatively and qualitatively - for women\'s covering while performing prayers?
5531 2019/06/09 Laws and JurisprudenceThe obligatory limits of covering for women while performing prayers is that the entire body even the hair should be covered except for the face as much as it is washed in wudu and both hands and legs
Are we allowed to offer Tarawih prayer under Taqiyya?
6437 2017/01/25 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to the Holy Quran ahadith and Shia and Sunni Taqiyyah is rational and one of the ways by which we can keep our religion safe. The Holy Quran has approved Ammar Yaser taqiyya that he used it
Why do we send out greetings to the Prophet of Islam and his Household in prayers? Was the Prophet’s tradition the same?
5238 2017/01/24 تشهد و سلام1. As pointed out in the question there are numerous traditions from the Holy Prophet S and his pure Household in the interpretation of the following verse which says: ان الله و ملائکته یصلون على
If prayer is the pillar of faith, why is it considered to be part of the branches of religion?
4611 2017/01/21 کلیاتThe fundaments of faith or principles of religion are the religious tenets which man believes in with his own insight and understanding without relying on others. It is only after believing in those f
Considering that the Prophet of Islam (S) performed his prayers ordinarily in five separate times, why do Shiites perform the obligatory daily prayers in three times? Why do they base their arguments on only a few instances of the Prophet\'s conducts?
7033 2015/08/04 وضو، اذان و نمازIn regards to this question two points have to be investigated separately: 1. Permissibility of establishing prayers in three times 2. Significance of combing or not combining prayers Sunnis are of
Did the Holy Prophet (S) and the Infallible Imams (AS) combine the Noon and Afternoon prayers?
11363 2015/08/04 PracticalAs evidenced by many traditions and reports in both Shiite and Sunni sources the Holy Prophet of Islam S offered Zuhr and Asr prayers; Maghrib and Isha prayers separately. It is also reported that the
Salamun alaikum, we see that in some mosques, there is a niche which is dug deeper the mosque to such extent that the prayer leader walks a few steps down to get into it. What is the reason?
6136 2015/06/09 گوناگونOne of the conditions of congregational prayer is that the place where a prayer leader stands should not be higher than the place of the follower unless the height is negligible. [ 1 ] That is why in
Is it permissible to follow a Sunni prayer leader in a congregational prayer?
6368 2015/04/14 گوناگونThere is no problem in attending Sunni congregational prayers; it is permissible and there are some reports according to which one who stands in the first row of their congregational prayers is like o
What is the meaning of "Shaf'a Prayer" and what is its relationship with intercession?
9315 2014/09/09 ExegesisThe word shaf literally means adding something to something else. It also means even as opposed to odd. The Quranic verse says wash-shaf a wal-watr in which shaf means even while watr means one . [ 1
What kind of prayer is the night vigil prayer?
8605 2014/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceThe night prayer is one of the acts of worship and prayers with a lot of merits and significance. It is offered after midnight with the intention of seeking proximity and closeness to Allah. The night
How is the night vigil prayer important? What are its impacts? What is the ruling if it is missed? And how it should be compensated, if left out?
11407 2014/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceAmong the most emphasized and recommended prayers in holy Quran and traditions are the nawafil of day and night especially the ones offered at night. About the impacts of night vigil prayers, Imam Sad
Is doing some Wajib or Mustahab acts be considered as a substitute for the prayer?
6916 2014/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIt should be noted before answering the above-mentioned question that however, all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and keeping them away from harms. This means that
Is the narration concerning the manners of standing, ruku and sujud during prayers authentic?
8042 2014/01/20 Contextual studyConsidering that the narrators who have transmitted are trustworthy and reliable, the hadith can be regarded as authentic and valid. To read a short account on the narrators of this hadith, you should
I have recently converted to Shiism and I would like to know whether my prayers and marriage which have been conducted in accordance with the rules of Sunni school of jurisprudence are valid or not.
6699 2013/12/25 نماز قضا و استیجاریIf you performed them correctly then according to your own religion, your previous deeds are in order and it is not necessary to repeat them and your marriage is also in order. For further informatio
What is the Islamic law regarding cleaning Turbah of Imam Hussein (a.s.) when it turns dark?
11485 2013/05/15 دو سجدهBased on the sayings of Ahlul-Bayt ( a.s. ) , the soil of Karbala and the Turbah which is associated with the Chief of Martyrs, Imam Hussein ( a.s. ) enjoys a special significance. Sajda on this soil
What is the ruling on not knowing how many days one has to make up for his fasts?
8163 2012/10/20 Laws and Jurisprudence1- If one is not sure whether or not he has missed prayers, he does not have to make up for any. [ 1 ] However, if he is sure that he has missed prayers, but he is not sure how many he has ( and canno
Can a person who has committed a great (major) sin become a prayer leader after repentance?
7631 2012/09/25 Laws and JurisprudenceAs for a major sin for which the perpetrator is punished e.g. adultery, the execution of punishment itself is a requirement in the sense that if the penalty has been exercised and carried out on such
When Maghrib and Isha prayer become Qaza?
49546 2007/01/10 FiqhThe answer given to the question by the office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei is as follow: The last time for performing Maghrib and Isha prayer is at canonical midnight. ( i.e: 11 hours after, the cano