Questions Archive(Thematic Category:حج)
What is the philosophy of Hajj?
2883 2021/03/30 بیشتر بدانیم
Is scratching or bruising the skin invalidates the Umrah? If so, does not Kaffara become obligatory?
14040 2014/09/18 احرامOne of the prohibitions of Ihram is for a pilgrim in a state of ihram, is to remove blood from his body, in any way, or to pluck hair from his body. Hence, if scratching or bruising the skin causes bl
What is the Islamic law about using fragrant ointments and medicines during Ihram?
8505 2014/06/23 احرامApplying medical ointments or creams to the body for treatment and medication is allowed and there would be no problem in it. [ 1 ] However, if it is fragrant and it is applied when one is in the stat
Can I perform two Umrah pilgrimages in one month?
7244 2013/12/25 گوناگونUmrah is an act of worship which is performed usually either as Mufradah or Umrah of Tamattu . These are names of two different pilgrimages performed on different occasions. It has been said by religi
A Sunni brother has performed Hajj and then converted to Shia. Considering that he has not done Tawaf al-Nisa, what is his duty? Is his child illegitimate by birth?
9012 2013/12/19 طواف نساء1. Some jurisprudents have not mentioned any special obligation or duty for the pilgrim who has performed hajj but some jurisprudents are of the view that the farewell circumambulation ( tawaf al-weda
Is it forbidden to use insect repellants with fragrance whilst in the state of Ihram?
6475 2013/12/03 احرام1. Basically killing insects is not allowed while a person is in the state of Ihram except for when it is insidious and dangerous. 2. It is not permissible to use deodorants or fragrance nor is it pe
Is bringing souvenirs or gifts on returning from a pilgrimage journey considered to be part of religious recommendations?
7736 2013/10/20 گوناگونAmong the good practices recommended and emphasized upon in Islam is to give gifts to others. It is to be noted that the concept of gift has a much broader meanings in Islam as it includes both the ma