Saturday, 22 February 2025
Questions Archive(Thematic Category:روابط مرد و زن و خانواده)
How can women in a family do jihad?
Does Islam forbid us from getting married to people of black skin?!
Contextual study
According to Islam, what is the ruling on a divorce celebration?
Is having great affection for your spouse and being very kind to them considered as the right and a laudable act?
برخی احکام
Does looking after the rights of parents have priority over the rights of children, or vice versa?
احکام فرزندان
Is it recorded in history that Prophet Abraham (AS) and his wife Sara were brother and sister to each other?
Contextual study
It has not stated in the main authentic Shia sources that Abraham AS and Sara were brother and sister to each other. Indeed it has been reported in some Sunni sources and then in some Shia books that
What is the Islamic law on breastfeeding in the state of janabat (ritual impurity) and sexual intercourse in the presence of a breastfeeding child?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Ritual purity ( wduhu and ghusl ) are very effective on the child s upbringing and education and it is better or the mother not to breastfeed her child whilst she is in the state of ritual impurity (
What is the Islamic law about looking at pictures of a Muslim and non-Muslim woman without modest dress?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The rules applicable to seeing or looking at a non-mahram woman are not applicable to looking at a non-Mahram woman s picture or watching such women s video unless the later is broadcast live. Therefo
My mother is an educated woman who is providing her children with their needs. My father is not providing us with anything for the past 15 years yet he is telling me not to go to work without his permission. Is it right according Islamic law?
فعالیت های اجتماعی زنان
It is obligatory on a child to consider two things in respect of his parents: First, he should be kind towards them by paying for their needs and necessities to the extent of their status. This shoul
If father relegates the custody of children to the mother in a court, is it necessary for a virgin to obtain her father\'s permission?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : As a measure of obligatory precaution, father s permission is necessary in a marriage with a virgin girl. Without his permission
Please let me how to get rid of masturbation?
Sin is like a foul-smelling swamp full of sewage; the more one sinks into it, the less he senses its smell, because he actually loses his sense of smell and can t tell that he is drowning anymore. At
How divorce is granted?
1. Divorce is a one-sided contract ( which is one of the unilateral obligations iqa at ) and it is carried out by the husband unilaterally even though the woman may not consent to it. Therefore, a man
Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?
There would be no problem for a man to get married to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with if she had no husband or got divorced but passed her Iddah ( waiting period ) completely on th
I have recently converted to Shiism and I would like to know whether my prayers and marriage which have been conducted in accordance with the rules of Sunni school of jurisprudence are valid or not.
نماز قضا و استیجاری
If you performed them correctly then according to your own religion, your previous deeds are in order and it is not necessary to repeat them and your marriage is also in order. For further informatio
Does playing video games that have blasphemy and magic render a person non-Muslim?
برخی احکام
Watching such films or TV series does not make a person disbeliever but it is not permissible to watch movies which entail evil or when it is feared that one may be led astray. Index: We have forwar
Is it permissible for a woman to speak to strangers or to let her voice be heard by them? What if this act is neither Islamic, nor within a work framework?
فعالیت های اجتماعی زنان
Speaking excessively and unnecessarily is not good and advisable. All should observe limits in speaking. When it comes to women speaking with strangers, it is also better for them to avoid speaking un
Is a woman who becomes a man\'s second wife sinful?
چند همسری
1. As you know remarriage is an issue legislated and recognized as permissible by Islamic Shari ah. There is no doubt about it as the Quran states: فانکحوا ما طاب لکم من النسا مثنى و ثلاث و رباع فان
What is the Islamic law, if a woman and her husband doubt whether or not the woman’s menstrual blood has stopped flowing and they have sexual intercourse?
Laws and Jurisprudence
If one doubts about whether a woman has started seeing menstrual blood or not, she is treated as not being in her menses. However, if it is after menstrual period ( assuming that her period lasts for
Is it permissible for a woman and her husband to stipulate in the marriage contract that the man should seek his wife’s permission when he wants to leave their house? Is such a condition put in the marriage contract binding?
احکام و شرایط ازدواج
Putting such a condition in the marriage contract would be permissible and there would not be problem in the condition insofar as it is not irrational. If such a condition is placed in the marriage co
What is the concrete jurisprudential argument on shaving beard?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Great jurisprudents studying many different proofs and arguments on this subject have forbidden shaving beard. Of course, some other scholars have criticized the said arguments saying that relying on
If a man and a woman have illicit sexual relationship and after sometimes they marry each other and have a child after legal marriage contract, is the child legitimate or illegitimate by birth?
Laws and Jurisprudence
1. Assuming that their sexual relationship had been illegal according to Shari ah law and that the woman had conceived before legal marriage, the child is illegitimate by birth. However, the child is
Are there any rules, guidelines, and restrictions when it comes to adopting children?
Laws and Jurisprudence
There is no objection in providing care and protection to a child who is without protection or whose guardians are unable to protect it and who surrender their child with full consent to another perso
What is the limit which a suitor should take into account in regards to looking at a woman’s body without any covering?
Laws and Jurisprudence
It is permissible for a man to look at a woman whom he intends to marry provided that: 1- it is not with the intention of pleasure, 2 it is to find out about her beauty or her defects, 3 there should
What is the Islamic law about a woman giving her picture to a man outside her family?
Laws and Jurisprudence
We have received the following answers from the offices of some of the prominent religious authorities and we want you to go through them: Office of grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him lo
How can girls wear bright (gaudy) dresses on the one hand and go out in public without displaying their beauty on the other?
According to the Quran, man is a creature that has a divine fitra [ God-gifted nature ] on the one hand and a material nature on the other. Not differentiating between them will cause a person to be d
Is it permissible for a man to drink his wife’s milk?
Laws and Jurisprudence
We have sent this question to the offices of the following grand jurists and the answers which they have sent us are the following: Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life
What is the Islamic law about a woman swallowing her husband’s semen? What if she did not know the rule about swallowing semen?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Man s semen and the semen of every animal that has gushing blood is najis ( ritually impure ) . [ 1 ] It is haram to eat or drinking a najis thing. [ 2 ] Therefore, semen like any other najis thing
What is the Islamic law regarding anal intercourse? Is there any objection in it?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Since different jurists have different verdicts in this regard, you should act according to the fatwa ( verdict ) of the Mujtahid ( jurist ) whom you follow. For your information, we will now mention
Are there any guidelines in the Islamic sources about fashion and clothing?
Although Islam lays great emphasis on spiritual modesty of human beings ( clothing of piety ) , the outward clothing is also a bounty which God, the Exalted, has bestowed exclusively upon human beings
How can a person, who comes to know later in his life that he had been an orphanage child, know that he is legitimate by birth? What is the Islamic law about his inheritance, parental relationship and mahramiyah?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The only answer we have received for your message, which we had forwarded to the offices of the grand religious authorities, is the following: Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant hi
What is the limit of sexual pleasures in temporary marriage?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The relation between man and woman becomes lawful by contracting marriage. There are two kinds of marriages: Permanent marriage and temporary marriage In a permanent marriage, the period of matrimony
Is it permissible to enter into a sisterhood/brotherhood contract with a male cousin and shake hands and speak with him?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to Islamic Shari ah, it is not permissible for a girl and a boy to have any kind of relationship with each other before marriage regardless of whether the relationship is direct or indirect
Considering the fact that there are different degrees of mentally challenged people, and most of them have no inclination towards the opposite gender, does one need to wear hijab in front of them?
Laws and Jurisprudence
As has been mentioned in the question, since most of these individuals are not discerning between good and bad, they have the same ruling as insane people and there is no need to wear hijab in front o
What does Islam say about sound relationships between boys and girls?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to Islam, the male and female complement each other and God, the All-Kind, has created them fore each other. One of the needs they have, are sexual ones. Fulfilling these needs must be withi
What is Nafaqah?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Nafaqah is a jurisprudential term used for women, kin ( relatives ) and property. It is predominantly used for women/wives and denotes the financial support that is obligatory upon men ( when certain