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Last Updated: 2011/01/22
Summary of question
What is Islam's ruling on owning a pet wolf?
I am obsessed with wolves. Not much more obsessed than Islam, but I still love wolves. What is Islam's ruling on owning a pet wolf?
Concise answer

Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life):

There is no problem in it by itself.

Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani (may Allah grant him long life):

There is no problem in it.

Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (may Allah grant him long life):

There is no objection in keeping animals but it is befitting for faithful individuals to have a (rational) purpose behind keeping them.

Office of Grand Ayatollah Saafi Gulpaigani (may Allah grant him long life):

There is no objection in keeping it but the rules concerning purity and offering prayers should be observed. Hence, if wolf hair is with a person, the prayers which he offers would be void. Its excretion and urine are Najis (ritually impure).

Answer of Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani (may Allah grant him long life):

1. There is no problem in it.

2. The excretion of this animal is Najis.

3. Any parts of this animal's body including its fur or wool on a person's body or clothe, will affect his prayers.

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