Questions Archive(Thematic Category:حقوق و احکام)
Is forbidding what is wrong obligatory before backbiting or committing any other sin?
5814 2021/03/31 Laws and Jurisprudence
I doubt whether my prayer is valid. Please tell me how to perform my prayers correctly
8643 2019/06/12 Laws and JurisprudenceBefore answering your question it seems necessary to note that asking questions about things you don t know is not embarrassing. A lack of knowledge and asking questions are not deficiencies that one
What does the word "ila" "up to" in the Quranic verse on wudu (paying attention to the Sunni method of making wudu) mean? Can you please tell us of the Holy Prophet\'s demeanor regarding this subject?
8208 2019/06/11 Way of life ofIt should be said about the word ila in the Quranic verse on wudu that it is only for explaining the limit of washing and its amount not the way and method of washing; meaning in the verse the limit a
Can the slaughtered meat of the Non-Muslims be used (lawfully)?
6188 2019/06/11 Laws and JurisprudenceThe opinion of the Shia jurists and the School of Thought of the Ahl al-Bayt the family of the Noble Prophet of Islam s is that meat that has not been slaughtered according to Islamic laws the ruling
What are the necessary limits - quantitatively and qualitatively - for women\'s covering while performing prayers?
5524 2019/06/09 Laws and JurisprudenceThe obligatory limits of covering for women while performing prayers is that the entire body even the hair should be covered except for the face as much as it is washed in wudu and both hands and legs
Is it necessary for a woman to remove her pubic hair after she ceases to discharge menstrual blood?
20700 2018/11/12 Laws and JurisprudenceRemoving the unncessary armpit and pubic hair is a matter of hygiene. According to Islam it is recommended mustahab to remove the hair once in a while. [ 1 ] However it is not obligatory to remove it
Are we allowed to offer Tarawih prayer under Taqiyya?
6429 2017/01/25 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to the Holy Quran ahadith and Shia and Sunni Taqiyyah is rational and one of the ways by which we can keep our religion safe. The Holy Quran has approved Ammar Yaser taqiyya that he used it
Did Mukhtar keep any love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart? Why didn’t he defend Imam Hussein in Karbala?
13791 2017/01/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThe traditions about Mukhtar in our sources are divided into two categories; some of them praise and others simply reproach him. The scholars who specialize in hadith and biographical accounts general
What are the rules of reaching the age of menopause for a woman 49 years of age?
13981 2017/01/21 Laws and JurisprudenceAll jurisprudence agrees that the blood which a woman sees after the age of 60 years is not classified as Hayd though it might bear the signs of menstrual blood. As for the blood which women see after
Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen?
4696 2017/01/21 ExegesisIf it is proved that in common view reciting from the hard copy of the Quran is regarded as different from reciting it on a digital screen reciting a hard copy earns more reward but it does not seem t
Why do Shiites wipe their feet rather than washing them which is an obligatory act in wudhu?
7394 2017/01/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is quite natural and clear that every sect and denomination considers itself to be on the right side or to be the right sect. Contrary to what you think we believe we are performing what is mandato
How is it possible to get rid of obsession with cleanness and uncleanness?
13559 2015/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is necessary to make a few preliminary points to answer the foregoing question: 1. God the Exalted says that He has not laid upon you any hardship in religion. The Holy Prophet S has said in a wel
Did the Holy Prophet (S) and the Infallible Imams (AS) combine the Noon and Afternoon prayers?
11355 2015/08/04 PracticalAs evidenced by many traditions and reports in both Shiite and Sunni sources the Holy Prophet of Islam S offered Zuhr and Asr prayers; Maghrib and Isha prayers separately. It is also reported that the
I have been thinking for sometimes now that everything around is impure. Please help me know what things are ritually impure and how are they are made pure?
16475 2015/06/09 Laws and JurisprudenceThe scrupulous feelings [ 1 ] are the Shaitan s plot which you should not pay heed to. In order for you to get rid of the diseases which is called obsessive compulsive disorder OCD and similar conditi
When is it permissible to follow an equally qualified mujtahid?
6574 2015/06/08 Laws and JurisprudenceAn answer to the foregoing questions by Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani may Allah grant him long life is as follows: 1. It is permissible to refer to another equally qualified mujtahid for taqlid and
What is the criterion for an action to be recommended and desirable?
6688 2015/05/03 Laws and JurisprudenceEvery action that a person performs has a specific ruling in Islam. The various actions that we perform and which are related to our duty to Allah are divided into five categories: Wajib Haram Mustaha
What is the Islamic law on Forex trading?
18982 2015/05/03 Laws and JurisprudenceThe foreign exchange market forex or currency market is a global decentralized market for the trading of currencies such as rial dollar euro pound yen dinar etc. . If one who intends to trade currency
Is it permissible to change a lavatory into a mosque?
6995 2015/05/03 Laws and JurisprudenceIf the land of a lavatory has not been endowed to be used as toilet it is permissible to annex it to the mosque to be used by people who come to offer their prayers in the mosque. However if it is use
Is it permissible to use a minor\'s property without his consent?
6313 2015/05/03 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is appropriate to explain a few technical terms before dealing with the question: 1. Great scholars have defined the term saghir minor as such: Saghir minor refers to a child who has not attained
How is it possible to tell the difference between taqiyah on the one hand and telling the truth, hypocrisy and enjoining good and forbidding evil on the other?
7833 2015/04/18 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqiyah ( dissimulation or quietism ) is a strategy for emergency situations and it is meant to protect human forces and not to endanger momeneen [ believers ] in petty and trivial matters. The princi
What is reconciliatory Taqiyah and where is it practiced?
5858 2015/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceReconciliation is the act of making friendly relations; it is the action of making one view or belief compatible with another in order to appease someone and make him surrender to something. This is w
What is the Islamic law on breastfeeding in the state of janabat (ritual impurity) and sexual intercourse in the presence of a breastfeeding child?
38066 2015/01/05 Laws and JurisprudenceRitual purity ( wduhu and ghusl ) are very effective on the child s upbringing and education and it is better or the mother not to breastfeed her child whilst she is in the state of ritual impurity (
What is the Islamic law about looking at pictures of a Muslim and non-Muslim woman without modest dress?
17947 2015/01/05 Laws and JurisprudenceThe rules applicable to seeing or looking at a non-mahram woman are not applicable to looking at a non-Mahram woman s picture or watching such women s video unless the later is broadcast live. Therefo
What is the way of preventing Ehtelam (having wet dream) during sleep?
67691 2015/01/05 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islamic teachings and experience of others, for decreasing concupiscence and preventing Jinabat, please refer to the following recommendations: 1. Avoid dreaming and try to make yourself
If father relegates the custody of children to the mother in a court, is it necessary for a virgin to obtain her father\'s permission?
5441 2015/01/05 Laws and JurisprudenceOffice of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : As a measure of obligatory precaution, father s permission is necessary in a marriage with a virgin girl. Without his permission
What is the Islamic ruling about stealing from a protected building?
6733 2014/10/27 Laws and JurisprudenceAmong the conditions for cutting off the hand of a robber are the following: 1. Puberty, 2. Sanity 3. Freedom or free will 4. Not being compelled, 5. The thief should break into a protected area
Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?
7394 2014/09/18 TraditionalThere would be no problem for a man to get married to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with if she had no husband or got divorced but passed her Iddah ( waiting period ) completely on th
Where does the domino effect of mutanajjis items stop?
11179 2014/09/18 Laws and JurisprudenceGrand Aytollah Khamenei s view about a mutanajjis ( an item which has come into contact with an essential impurity ) as to how many intermediaries are required in the number of transmission of impurit
Is there any tradition (hadith) regarding octopus?
8538 2014/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceWe haven t found any tradition in which using octopus as food be considered impermissible. However, we can infer this forbidden from other traditions ( ahadith ) in which the main rules have been stat
What kind of prayer is the night vigil prayer?
8594 2014/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceThe night prayer is one of the acts of worship and prayers with a lot of merits and significance. It is offered after midnight with the intention of seeking proximity and closeness to Allah. The night
How is the night vigil prayer important? What are its impacts? What is the ruling if it is missed? And how it should be compensated, if left out?
11399 2014/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceAmong the most emphasized and recommended prayers in holy Quran and traditions are the nawafil of day and night especially the ones offered at night. About the impacts of night vigil prayers, Imam Sad
What is the Islamic law about the Christians, Jews and non-Muslims? Are they ritually pure or impure?
7602 2014/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceAlmost all Shiite faqihs agree on the nijasah of the kuffar ( non-believers ) , but the impurity of Ahlul Kitab ( People of the Book ) is an issue of dispute amongst them. You are, however, advised to
If a man has transferred the possession of 50 percent of his property during his lifetime to his wife and at the time of death, he has a mother, wife and four daughters, how is the inheritance distributed among his heirs?
6334 2014/06/28 Laws and Jurisprudence1. Generally speaking, anything gifted and transferred to the possession of another person by the deceased during his lifetime becomes a part of his property. It is no longer considered to be a proper
What is the reason behind the impurity of semen and urine?
14988 2014/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceWe must keep in mind that all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and keeping them away from harms. This means that nothing is lawful and unlawful without reason and it
Is doing some Wajib or Mustahab acts be considered as a substitute for the prayer?
6910 2014/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIt should be noted before answering the above-mentioned question that however, all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and keeping them away from harms. This means that