Questions Archive
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
What is the Islamic law about having brotherly relationship with a non-Mahram without the intention of seeking sexual pleasure simply to know each other for marriage?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) :If it is without seeking pleasure and the two sides do not engage in emotional talks and it does not entail any evil either, there
: What are the best ways to quit masturbation? And may I know its punishments in the hereafter?
Laws and Jurisprudence
This question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What are the conditions of Mut'ah (fixed –time marriage)?
Laws and Jurisprudence
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What are the circumstances under which it is necessary to acquire the permission of a virgin girl's guardian?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Most of the current grand religious authorities ( maraje ) are of the view that the permission of a virgin girl s father or paternal grandfather is necessary. However, if a girl is not virgin or his f
Does fixed-time marriage have special conditions and is it permissible for specific people?
Laws and Jurisprudence
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Can a traveler stand in the first row and offer his prayers behind the prayer leader? Is it necessary for a traveler to pray in the last rows to maintain connection in prayer?
Laws and Jurisprudence
It is Makrooh for a traveler to follow a person who is not a traveler. And it is Makrooh for a person who is not a traveler to follow a traveler in the prayers. Of course, here abominable is meant for
What is the Islamic law concerning friendship between the opposite genders? Kindly explain the rules regarding various types of friendship between two individuals from the opposite genders.
Laws and Jurisprudence
The answer given by His Eminence, Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani ( may Allah grant him long life ) is as follows: 1. Any kind of relations between the opposite genders that entail evil and sins such a
If a person cheats in the examinations and wastes someone's right, because he would not be accepted and someone else would take his place, how is going to compensate for that and seek his forgiveness?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The following replies have been received from the offices of the grand jurists:Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) :Cheating is haram and repentance ( tawbah ) would be sufficie
What is the Islamic law about cheating in exams given that the opposite side is consenting?
Laws and Jurisprudence
This question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Why did God order the construction of the Ka'bah?
Philosophy of Religion and Law
Based on Quranic verses, traditions and historical documents, Ka bah and Mecca are symbols of divine blessings, human guidance and a place of congregation for servitude to God who bestowed profuse ble
What is E'tikaf?
Literally, E tikaf ( cleave to a mosque ) means to stay or remain at a place or to cleave to smething. E tikaf in Islamic law is a pious practice consisting of a period of retreat at a sacred place fo
What is the Islamic law about smoking cigarette or hookah?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani s opinion regarding the foregoing question is as under: Smoking tobacco ( cigarettes and hookah ) is absolutely haram because it is injurious to health. It should be not
In a letter to Mu‘awiyah, Imam Ali (AS) speaks of the rule of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman as being pleased by God. Is not this in contradiction with the Shiite perspective?
تاريخ بزرگان
In debating, sometimes one side makes an argument against the other side based on the premises that the other side accepts. The purpose of such argument is to show that the other side is wrong even ba
What is meant when it is said that Awliya’ullah have the knowledge of the past, present and the future?
The knowledge we possess is accumulated from many different ways. One of these ways is one’s connection with Unseen which is also done in many forms and can differ depending on the individual’s emotio
Why aren’t the Imams’ names clearly mentioned in the Quran?
We must pay attention that even though the Imams’ names are not mentioned in the Quran, but they have been clearly mentioned in the words of the Prophet, especially Imam Ali. The most prominent exampl
Is it forbidden to use vanilla extract?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) :If the alcohol is not intoxicating and it is not in a liquid form either, it is halal.Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (
Is it true that if there is a picture on the wall of a building, the angels do not enter that place?
Laws and Jurisprudence
There are traditions in our hadith books according to which angels do not enter houses where portraits of animate beings are kept. [ 1 ] It is necessary to mention a few points in regards to such trad
What is the reason behind respecting the Seyeds? Is there a difference between the Seyeds and other people in their status in this world and the hereafter?
The word “Seyyed” means “sir”, “honorable” and “chief” and when used by Shias and in Farsi it refers to those who descend from the prophet through Lady Fatimah. However, individuals that descend from
Please explain the limits of a relationship between two men.
Brief Answer: Friendship and brotherhood is of great significance in Islam and this is why there are many conditions mentioned in regard to a good friendship that should be paid attention to such as b
Is it not malevolent to pray that someone be deprived of God's mercy? Why do we curse someone who is dead?
Yazid and his likes were cursed by God, the Exalted, the Prophet ( pbuh ) and his noble successors ( a.s. ) who are the embodiments of divine mercy towards the rest of God s creatures. Some pe
Is there a difference between an Islamic government and the Islamic Republic that Imam Khomeini established?
There is no considerable difference between an Islamic government and the Islamic Republic in essence, the only thing is that the term ‘Islamic government’ is descriptive of a form of government whose
Did Imam Al-Hussein have a daughter named “Ruqayyah” or “Sukainah” who passed away in Damascus while she was around 3-4 years old?
تاريخ بزرگان
Even though many historians have not made mention of a small girl of Imam Hussein with the name of Ruqayyahh, Fatimah Sughraa or any other name in their books, but some books do cite the story of thi
Is it possible for one to possess self-awareness in their dreams? How is it that the visions of some dreams present themselves in reality?
Sleep is a state in which a person gradually disconnects from the material world around them, leaving their inner senses in a heightened state of awareness. During sleep, one’s self disassociates from
Why has God not protected Masjidul Haram and Ka'bah against floods and other disasters?
Ka bah and Masjidul Haram ( Grand Mosque ) are the most sacred, most revered and most valuable places on earth. The building of Ka bah is made of earthly materials. All the laws governing the material
Can a person borrow money to go to hajj?
Laws and Jurisprudence
This question can be answered in two parts:A ) Hajj is one of the greatest worships that one can borrow money for, and there are hadiths by the infallibles regarding the permissibility of borrowing fo
It has been twenty years that we are offering Friday prayers. Some say that since the distance between our Friday prayer and another that has been going on for 30 years is less than required. Please note that there are two routes to our Friday prayer; one is conventionally used and the other is five kilometers but no one uses it. Considering this, what is our duty?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei:The required distance between two Friday prayers is one legal farsakh and the criterion isn t a straight line between the two points, rather, it is the conv
Is it permissible to talk ill of a person who has done bad to others and destroyed their lives?
1. As for the definition of backbiting, we advise you to read Question 714 ( site: 756 ) to know the conditions of backbiting and their exceptions.2. If the person in question is really hurting others
Is there any religious evidence to prove that burning the seeds of Esfand is useful for warding off the evil eye?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Science and man s intellect are unable to perceive and understand some fact. The evil eye is a phenomenon which the human intellect and science have not been able to prove nor have they been able to f
What are the ways through which one can prevent the influence of the evil eye?
The Quran has accepted a fact called the evil eye and it has pointed out instances of its influence. Quranic historical reports from the predecessors also confirm it as a reality. The evil eye
What legal reference do we have for Eid Nowruz?
Contextual study
This eid is an ancient Persian holiday that was marked and celebrated before the emergence of Islam.There is a hadith from Imam Sadeq ( as ) in hadith sources regarding Nowruz which the popular vote h
If kurr water is poured on a najis hand, and some of this water splashes off, what is the ruling of such splashed water?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to the view of all the maraje’, in the case of kurr water coming in contact with a najis substance, or something that has become najis because of coming in contact with a najis substance, it
What reason do Shia scholars have that proves the story of “Abdullah bin Saba’” by ‘Seyf bin Umar’ to be forged and false?
تاريخ بزرگان
The true Islam is that which the Shia follow, the teachings of which Imam Ali ( as ) has received from the prophet and transmitted to his followers. The attribution of Shia beliefs to a Jew by the nam
Why is there corruption in Islamic Governments?
The reason for corruption in Islamic Governments is summarized in one sentence by the Quran: The lack of faith in God and condemnation of taaghut ( whatever is not in accord with the divine ) . On the
How can the incoherence between verses 21 of chapter 57 and 133 of chapter 3 be resolved in regards to heaven?
Presumably, the point which caused you to imagine that these two verses are incoherent and contradictory with each other was the translation of the word of “al-Samā” into “one heaven” whereas the real
What are the ways through which one can protect himself against the evil eye?
It begins when the person likes something, then his evil soul dwells on the matter, and by continually looking at the person who has the thing of which he feels jealous, he directs his spell towards h