Questions Archive(Tag:orphanage)
Why do Shias curse the Sahabah and khalifahs?
18985 2008/05/11 TraditionalOne of the accusations that Shias have always faced from those who oppose them is that they have a hidden enmity towards the Prophet’s companions ( Sahaba ) . However, this accusation is false because
Asalaams… My family as a whole have a question: my sister some 7 years ago married a Christian…
6303 2008/05/05 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the name of GodAlaikassalamIt is not necessary for you to inform her.If she knows about the issue in future then herchildren are legal and she should leave her husbandthey do not need any divorce b
can you please tell me about the life of (Imam) Bukhari?
12087 2008/02/13 تاريخ بزرگانAbu Abdullah, Muhammad Ibn Ismael Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mughaireh, Ibn Bardzih, Jafi Al-Bukhari is one of the most celebrated Sunni Narrators [ of Hadiths ] .He was born in 194 Hijri ( Lunar Calendar ) in o
How old are the angels? Do the high angles die? How?
11662 2007/11/12 TraditionalAccording to narrations, the angels were created after the creation of prophet Mohammad’s ( s ) and the imam s divine spirit. All of them, even Gabriel, Israfil, and other high angels, will die before
Are there any women who reached the rank of ijtihad in religious seminaries?
9342 2007/11/04 تاريخ بزرگانA worthy interaction of Islam with science, and requiring that from every Muslim man and woman, has resulted in women always studying the sciences in Islamic communities and finally some of them reach
Do all the clerics say that smoking is forbidden?
10754 2007/10/17 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question does not have a Brief Answer. Click continue to view Detailed Answer.
What are the problems with the Maliki and Hanafi sects?
11490 2007/10/07 TraditionalIt must be made clear if your love for Shiaism is only love or is it backed up with strong reasoning? In the case that your love is based on proofs and reasoning the weakness and insufficiency of othe
What is the rule of using mouth-washers which usually contain some alcohol?
6944 2007/10/07 Laws and JurisprudenceThe alcohol which is not determined whether or not it is originally an intoxicant [ 1 ] or not, is spiritually clean and selling, buying and using the liquids that are mixed with them dose not have pr
Why is it permitted for a married man to have a temporary wife, without his wife's approval?
10485 2007/09/26 ModernSexual inclinations are one of the strongest human instincts which, like other natural human instincts, must be satisfied in the appropriate way. Human instincts can not be extinguished and even if we
What does Ahl al-Bayt mean?
11673 2007/06/21 ModernAhl al-Bayt is a Quranic, Hadith, and theological term meaning the family of the Noble Prophet of Islam ( s ) . This term, with this meaning has been used in the Quran in the verse of purity ( 33:33 )
Which type of love, out of the many, is correct according to Islam?
10015 2007/06/11 TheoreticalPhilosophers and Gnostics have divided love into various categories; however as a general division they have divided love into two types:1. True love which is the love for Allah, His attributes, and H
Who are the Ahlul-Bayt?
31996 2007/05/24 TraditionalThe Prophet of Islam’s ( s ) Ahlul-Bayt are the same as the people of the cloak: Prophet Muhammad ( s ) , ‘Alī, Fātimah, Hassan, and Hussayn ( a ) . The proof for this is numerous traditions narrate
What is the mission of the Ahlul-Bait?
8780 2007/05/23 TraditionalThe greatness of the Prophet’s ( s ) Ahlul-Bait, the five people of the cloak – namely Prophet Muhammad ( s ) , Hazrat ‘Alī, Fātimah, Hassan, and Hussayn ( a ) , have been mentioned in m
In heaven if men can be with houris...then will they have to marry them first or not? Will women have only one husband? Or are there men-like houris for women??? Please explain!
13191 2007/05/23 TraditionalOne of the divine blessings, that are rewards for righteous deeds and belief in Allah, is Heaven and the bounties therein. There is no difference between men and women in regards to entering Heaven an
How can someone guide one who has left religion?
6544 2007/05/23 PracticalThis question does not have a Brief Answer. Click continue to view Detailed Answer.
How is it possible to see the messenger of Allah (s) in one’s dreams?
9071 2007/05/01 PracticalSupplications and actions have been mentioned in Mifātīh al-Jinān for seeing divine people in one’s dreams, but it must be noted that these actions are not sufficient in and of themselves for seeing
Does Heaven and Hell presently exist or not?
14380 2007/04/26 TraditionalIn accordance with Quranic verses and traditions, the promised Heaven and Hell are presently in existence and will be completely shown in the hereafter where man will be given his everlasting abode in
Please mention a verse of the Quran or a tradition that proves ijtihād?
7059 2007/04/18 Laws and JurisprudenceIjtihād as a jurisprudential term means a scholastic effort in order to derive a religious ruling from the sources ( Quran, traditions, and intellect ) – this has been emphasized and advised in the Qu
In Islam, will the sins of a killer or rapist who becomes a Muslim be forgiven?
20402 2007/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceIn Islam, there are rules regarding a disbeliever who chooses Islam as his religion. An example of this is that if one shirks the rights of Allah, not performing obligatory actions or performing forbi
I have researched that before the creation of Hazrat Adam there were jins on earth...
21568 2007/04/11 TraditionalThe existence of jins is established in the Quran and there characteristics are also displayed. Even though our knowledge about jins is limited and minute, there are many proofs that one can use provi
Are there laws in heaven? If so, what kind?
13259 2007/04/10 TraditionalThis question does not have a Brief Answer. Click continue to view Detailed Answer.
Please provide me with a dua that will help me to find a pious and suitable wife.
18116 2007/04/10 TheoreticalAllah has established methods for everything; if one wants to get a positive result he must act in accordance to the method. The way to find a suitable spouse is through precise research and knowing t
Who was the first Mujtahid and who was he following before attaining the degree of Ijtihad?
13687 2007/04/08 Laws and JurisprudenceIjtihad is an important and old issue in Islam. In the Shia perspective, ijtihad has been popular from the age of the infallibles up until today amongst their companions. Many good changes and improve
Why does the verdict of a marja become invalid after his death?
7762 2007/04/08 Philosophy of Religion and LawIt must be known that ijtihad has different elements: some are firm ( ex. Quran, prophetic traditions, intellect… ) and others are changeable ( ex. Subjects and their conditions, knowledge and the und
Is it not possible for someone who is a good person and not Muslim (a Christian) to enter into paradise? Why?
8017 2007/04/07 ModernThe basis of entering heaven is measured by two values; good deeds and faith. Muslims and Shias will enter into heaven so long as they have acted upon the principles which being Muslim or Shia necessi
Why was Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) allowed to have more than four wives?
18109 2007/04/05 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe topic of the prophet of Islam’s ( P.B.U.H. ) marriages and number of spouses is a subject which has been questioned very much. In reference to this issue, we should mention first of all that befor
How can one cleanse himself from sin?
13354 2007/03/15 PracticalThere are many ways to receive forgiveness and pardon. We will mention a few of them here:Repentance and rededicating oneself to the path of God ( contingent upon its conditions ) .Doing o
What steps should I take in order receive arbitration for my unpaid salary from the institute which I used to work at?
7647 2007/03/13 PracticalDear User, Assalamu Alaikum,“The reciprocal rights of an employee and an employer” is one of the most important subjects of the Shia Fiqh, which is discussed in the books of rent and contracts somehow
Are there any duas or Quranic verses which help one to be successful in learning and studying?
12098 2007/03/05 PracticalStudying means: to look at something with precision and meticulousness in order to understand or to gain information about it. Therefore any reading that does not have these specifications
Does the recitation of some Duas, like Dua Ahd, have an effect if recited more or less than the specific period mentioned?
9519 2007/02/27 TheoreticalEvery good deed is made up has two aspects: The deed itself, and the right intention. That is, a deed is accepted by the Almighty when the action is a good one, as well as the intention for it, which
What is Islam’s view on dinosaurs?
27900 2007/02/26 ExegesisThe Quran is a book of guidance and everything which supports this goal [ of guidance ] has been mentioned in this Holy Book. The method used in expressing matters is: focusing on the gene
Is it haram to eat crab meat?
20525 2007/02/26 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the interpretations of the criterion for the lawfulness of [ eating ] seafood, legal scholars have said; that which can be derived from hadiths is that the meat of sea creatures should not be eaten
What does Islam say about life on other planets?
22602 2007/02/22 ExegesisMan has always pondered the thought of whether or not there are other living organisms or intelligent life forms in other galaxies or on other planets; however a definite answer has yet to
Could you please provide me with a hadith or Quranic verse regarding the praise of a Mujtahid who is not Masoom?
7860 2007/02/14 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the Holy Quran it says: Yet it is not for the faithful to go forth en masse. But why should not there go forth a group from each of their sections to become learned in religion and to warn their pe
Taking into consideration the uniformity of the resources used by Mujtahids, why is there sometimes discrepancy in their opinions?
7863 2007/02/14 ModernHaving an identical opinion and fatwa amongst Mujtahids is dependent upon several things: Usage of identical Ijtihad resourcesUniformity in prerequisite resources which Ijtihad is contingent uponUnifo