Questions Archive(Thematic Category:اخلاق عملی)
Is it possible to get distance education and learning in the Islamic seminaries?
6088 2011/01/16 PracticalDear brother in Islam, Salamun alaikum, You can attend level one classes of the Islamic seminary freely and without enrollment. Then you should prepare yourself for the admission tests which are held
Can a major sin be forgiven?
12811 2010/12/21 PracticalA major sin is one that being punished in hell is promised to its committer in the Quran or ahadith. ( There are also other criteria for a sin being a major one ) . Also minor sins turn into major sin
How can a person be forgiven for his sins?
10097 2010/12/21 PracticalThere are many ways mentioned below that one can be forgiven and purified from his sins and misdeeds:1- Repenting according to its conditions and returning to Allah. 2- Doing extraordinary good deeds
Does an individual, who has committed many sins against God and his fellow man, have a door open towards repentance?
10258 2010/11/22 PracticalSins cause the destruction of human beings, while repentance and making a decision for returning towards God is deliverance and salvation. When a person in private, feels ashamed of his sins in front
Can one turn back from repentance?
6509 2010/11/21 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is your opinion about meditation of the Yoga-Zen variety?
11850 2010/11/21 PracticalSupporters of this method say that the exercise of meditation takes one to a phenomenal place of ideas and thoughts, which have many various purposes and benefits. These benefits include a more wholes
Why is the resident Aalim of a mosque not returning your salaam?
6444 2010/10/13 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the husband's duty when there is a disagreement between his mother and wife?
10406 2010/09/05 PracticalEven though parents have a great status in Islam, but every member of the family, whether it is the mother, father or wife, has his/her own rights which should all be respected.If there is a contentio
Does committing some sins like suicide automatically entail entering Hell?
7347 2010/09/04 TheoreticalSome sins, due to their quality, leave no opportunity to repent and will lead their committers to the irreversible path of Hell, the same way falling from heights without employing a parachute or land
What are the different types of pleasure? How can we reach the higher and greater pleasure?
19761 2010/08/22 PracticalMan has always lived with both pleasure and pain; he has invariably rejoiced one thing while suffering from another. Still ethics play a great role in moderating these feelings. It is within an ethica
What should one do if his father's orders contradicts his mother's orders?
10911 2010/08/21 PracticalOne of the most important wajib acts that has been mentioned in the Quran after believing in one god and rejecting paganism is honoring, respecting and obeying parents. In respect to the cases that th
How can one prevent and free oneself from loving other than Allah (swt) excessively?
8183 2010/08/17 PracticalThe human being is a social creature and in need of connecting with others in order to survive. Nevertheless, he should secure his prosperity and salvation in this world and the next by selecting a wo
When we do dua, is it true that we should not look up but into our hands?
14035 2010/08/01 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What are the right ways of fulfilling lust in Islam and according to Imam Khomeini?
27981 2010/07/20 PracticalAs one who is in pursuit of the truth regarding Islam’s laws and the viewpoints of the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, it is of dire importance that you rely only on authentic so
Is it the responsibility of a Muslim to inform the parents of a child who is engaged in an illegitimate relationship?
6866 2010/05/26 PracticalThe case you have presented in your inquiry needs to be looked at from an “enjoining good and forbidding evil” perspective.Although enjoining good and forbidding evil ( amr bil ma’ruf wa nahy anil mun
Is it the case that for sleeping or resting we must face the Qiblah? What should be done about burying a dead individual?
10831 2010/05/20 PracticalOur ahadith have divided sleeping into four types in which the best of all of them for the believer is to sleep on his right and towards the Qibla.Imam Ali ( a ) is narrated to have said: “Sleeping ha
I lack spiritual presence in my prayers, what should I do to change this?
8300 2010/04/20 PracticalPrayer consists of physical and spiritual aspects. Like the physical aspect, the spiritual aspect is also characterized by a series of conditions and disciplines.Therefore, in the same way certain con
Are there any verses of the Quran or any supplications, which if read, would increase one’s ability to learn and succeed in their studies?
9404 2010/02/20 PracticalThe word ‘study’ is defined as: contemplating a subject in detail in order to discover its essential meaning or attributes. Therefore, any form of contemplation or study which lacks the mentioned qual
Do listening to and reciting duas share the same thawab?
26658 2010/02/09 Science of narratorsAllah ( swt ) is aware of the inside of His servants, but at the same time, He has said that He likes it when they actually verbalize their needs and supplications and that such entails great rewards.
Can you introduce some books on marriage in Islam?
7234 2010/01/21 TheoreticalDear sister, there are many books on this subject but unfortunately, only a few have been translated to English. There is one book that we recommend that has been translated as well with the title of
Which supplications are ones that are quickly answered and give one what he/she is asking for without much delay?
18958 2009/12/16 PracticalMany supplications or duas have been narrated by the infallible imams ( as ) that have been answered and are considered of those that are quickly answered; here we will only list them without mentioni
Is it right to limit women?
7188 2009/10/22 PracticalThe spiritual and moral health of a society depends on that of its individuals; men and women, and the spiritual health of individuals is only reachable through training and raising them correctly. I
Can one do Istikharah for marriage?
7891 2009/10/22 PracticalMarriage has been one of the most important issues and foundations of human societiy since the beginning of human life on earth. Obviously such a critical issue should be dealt with wisely and with kn
What is the starting point for purifying the soul?
10172 2009/09/23 TheoreticalPurification means to clean your soul of impurity. The Quran has mentioned purifying the soul in various verses but one should know that the basis and starting point of purification varies from person
How can I repent from watching pornographic movies?
23999 2009/09/23 PracticalSin is like a foul-smelling swamp full of sewage; the more one sinks into it, the less he senses its smell, because he actually loses his sense of smell and can t tell that he is drowning anymore.At t
What do you suggest for mut’ah to be practiced more in society?
10613 2009/09/23 TheoreticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Why aren't we allowed to commit suicide?
10005 2009/09/23 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Isn’t it self-pride for scholars to introduce themselves as ayatullahs or hujjatul-Islams?
6661 2009/08/29 PracticalHumility is a very praiseworthy virtue that helps a person develop spiritually. On the other hand, arrogance and self-pride are exactly the opposite. Self-pride means for one to show him/herself to ot
What are Nafilah prayers and how are they to be performed?
30249 2009/08/29 PracticalThe term Nafilah or Nawafil refers to all mustahabb prayers; in other words, mustahabb prayers, which are all prayers other than the obligatory daily prayers ( seventeen rak’ahs ) , are all nafilahs.
How can one repent from drinking alcohol?
13182 2009/08/16 PracticalContinue...
What are the ways for drawing Allah’s (swt) affection and love?
11010 2009/07/23 PracticalAllah s ( swt ) affection for people doesn’t mean what is normally understood from this concept; because it entails deficiencies that Allah ( swt ) is pure of and theology has proven false. What Allah
What is the best mustahabb act a Muslim can do?
7333 2009/07/19 PracticalContinue...
How can one answer the following argument: Man’s greatest enemy is alcohol; man must love his enemies; therefore, man must love alcohol.
7414 2009/04/20 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is the Ziyarah of Nahiyah Muqaddasah valid according to the Shia and what are the reasons for its authenticity?
11649 2009/03/12 PracticalThe ziyarah of Nahiyah Muqaddasah is an absolute or unconditional ziyarah, meaning that it can be recited any time; on Ashura or any other day.This ziyarah begins with greeting the prophet of Islam (
Why do Muslims shake hands?
11560 2009/03/02 PracticalGreeting others by saying “salam” and shaking hands are all signs of sociability and good manners and conduct. The prophet of Islam ( pbuh ) and the imams are at the pinnacle of sociability and good b