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  • When one hears the prophet’s (pbuh) name or hears the ‘verse of salawat’, is it wajib to recite a salawat or mustahabb?
    6380 Laws and Jurisprudence 2009/12/16
    It is the verdict of all marja’s and mujtahids that it is mustahabb to recite salawat when hearing the blessed name of the prophet (pbuh), and this verdict also covers when one is in prayer as well.Imam Khomeini says: “Whenever one hears/says one of the names of the prophet ...
  • Has Islam reffered to any special form of government?
    7436 Fiqh 2006/08/21
    It should be said that Islam hasn,t reffered to any special form of government has expressed certain rules and regulation in this connection, form which the method of Islamic government can be inferred. Who infers these rules? The abovementioned rules are: finality of the fatva (verdict) of the specialist in ...
  • Is it haram for young girls and women to wear perfume?
    15134 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/02/15
    Wearing perfume or cologne isn't haram for any group or gender in Islam. What Islam prohibits is to wear attractive perfume in the presence of non-mahrams in a way that will lead to haram and corruption. According to all of the maraji’, wearing such perfume in public places ...
  • Is Satan eternal and immortal like God since God gave respite to Satan until Day of Judgment?
    7095 Exegesis 2019/06/12
    Eternity means a state of immortal existence in future. Since Satan is God's creature and each creature is under the control of its creator, therefore Satan cannot make himself involved in God's affairs volitionally, rather like other creatures whatever he has belongs to God. The respite God ...
  • What is the meaning of the government of Islamic Republic?
    6399 Philosophy 2006/07/15
    The word "government" means order and command.In the present terminology, it consists of the aggregate of the organized members and the ruling group that control the affairs of society.It consists of three powers, viz, legislative, executive and judiciary.As regard the word "jomhoori" (republic), it was first adopted ...
  • Why do we have to wear Iḥrām during Hajj?
    6829 Philosophy of Religion and Law 2012/02/14
    Hajj is [a pilgrimage] filled with mysteries and signs that provoke man into deep thought and guide him [back] towards his fitrah (his inner essence and nature). Therefore it is appropriate that at every step, one pays attention to both the apparent ...
  • Were miracles performed by prophets in order to demonstrate the truth of their claims to prophethood or were they to meet the demands of stubborn people? What is meant by “We made from water every living thing”?
    7240 Exegesis 2013/05/19
    1. It is necessary to note that bringing a miracle is a decisive and clear proof of the authenticity of a prophet’s claim to prophethood. It is not, therefore, just to convince people.[1] 2. The verses mentioned in your message speak of stubborn people ...
  • What educational system is followed in Iranian Howzah schools?
    7576 History of Fiqh 2011/11/21
    Today education in Iranian Howzah schools starts when students attend these schools after finishing middle school or high school (and achieving a diploma). During their educational career they pass the different levels of studies including mughaddamati (Introductory studies) which consists of Arabic syntax and grammar, ma’ani, bayan, logic, ...
  • What is the origin and growth of Shi‛ism?
    6811 Modern 2006/08/21
    Shi‛ism began with a reference made for the first time to the partisans of Ali (shi‛ah-i‛Ali), the first leader of the Household of the Prophet, during the lifetime of the Prophet himself. The course of the first manifestation and the later growth of Islam during the twenty-three years of prophecy ...
  • Do Christians acknowledge Prophet Khidhr?
    6731 تاريخ بزرگان 2009/11/25
    There is no mention of Khidhr in the Bible, and it is unlikely to find mention of his name or anything related to him in any other books of Christianity. Of course, you should also know that in the holy Quran the specific name of “Khidhr” is not ...
