Questions Archive(Thematic Category:بیشتر بدانیم)
What are the sources for derivation and issuance of legal verdicts?
5526 2017/01/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawIjtihad literally means to endeavor strive put oneself out work hard. In Islamic legal terminology it is defined as the total expenditure of effort by a mujtahid in order to infer with a high degree o
What do the terms “Hukm” and “Fatwa” signify? What is the difference between the two?
10289 2011/08/10 FiqhA fatwa is a universally applicable religious law concerning a particular issue that is derived from the four sources of Islamic law ( the Qur`an, the sunnah, ijma’ ( consensus ) , and ‘aql ( the inte
Why is it necessary to follow a marja’?
11408 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqlid means for someone who doesn’t have the required expertise in a field that calls for expertise, to go to an expert in that field for help. The most important reason behind the need for taqlid in
Who was the first Mujtahid and who was he following before attaining the degree of Ijtihad?
13974 2007/04/08 Laws and JurisprudenceIjtihad is an important and old issue in Islam. In the Shia perspective, ijtihad has been popular from the age of the infallibles up until today amongst their companions. Many good changes and improve