Questions Archive(Thematic Category:اخلاق نظری)
What is the difference between Satan and the carnal soul?
13253 2013/11/11 TheoreticalMan s real identity which is called soul has numerous aspects and layers. Quran mentions its three states ( carnal, self-reproaching and peaceful ) . The carnal soul is formed when animalistic desire
Is it a sin to curse someone in one’s mind?
27063 2012/08/06 TheoreticalSins are sometimes committed outwardly and other times they may have and inner and intellectual aspects. When a person tells a lie or backbites someone or commits such prohibitions, he is said to have
If a non-Muslim gives us salaams saying “Assalaamu Alaykum”, how should we respond?
8947 2012/04/17 TheoreticalOne of the issues that has been emphasized in our religious teachings is greeting other believers with salams. There are exceptions to this teaching though, greeting non-Muslims being one of them. In
How can I counter spells?
9606 2012/02/15 TheoreticalEven though spells aren’t superstitious and may have substantial effects, not every person has the power to cast spells. Moreover, most individuals who claim to have the knowledge of casting spells ar
What does Islam recommend for a man to be cleaned and well-dressed?
10468 2012/02/14 TheoreticalObserving cleanliness is necessary everywhere and for all men and women. One should always keep his body and clothes clean and tidy. He should wash his hands and face every morning brush his teeth an
Can you introduce some books on daily mustahabb and makruh acts?
7356 2012/01/17 TheoreticalWe pray for your tawfiq, the books listed below are ones that contain mustahabb daily acts:1- Miftāḥ al-Falāḥ, by Sheikh Baha’i.2- Falāḥ al-Sā’il, by Seyed b. Tawus.3- al-Murāqabāt, by Mirza Jawad Agh
Are the punishments for some sins harsher and greater by many folds than the punishments for some other sins?
7008 2012/01/04 TheoreticalIt is inferred from the Holy Qur an and traditions of the Ahlul-Bayt ( a.s. ) that there are different degrees of torments in hell, proportioned to the different degrees of sins on earth. The Quran co
What is the best way for the couple's understanding of each other?
7101 2011/12/17 TheoreticalThe biggest capital in a couple s life is honesty and truthfulness, and, perhaps, the worst and the biggest cause of dispute and difference between husband and wife is dishonesty and lack of trust. It
What are the names of Shia's most important Hadith collections (sources)?
12289 2011/12/03 Contextual studyThe Shia school is very rich in terms of reliable hadith collections thanks to the ahadith of the Holy Prophet ( s ) and his pure progeny. The infallible Imams, peace be upon them, are the closest peo
If every wish is supposed to be granted through dua, then what is our own role in our lives?
8332 2011/10/23 TheoreticalThe religion of Islam is a religion that combines between the exterior and the interior, the material and spiritual aspects. God is the creator of the wind and cloud, and rainfall depends on the rules
What is E'tikaf?
8030 2011/07/07 TheoreticalLiterally, E tikaf ( cleave to a mosque ) means to stay or remain at a place or to cleave to smething. E tikaf in Islamic law is a pious practice consisting of a period of retreat at a sacred place fo
What is the reason behind respecting the Seyeds? Is there a difference between the Seyeds and other people in their status in this world and the hereafter?
8134 2011/06/14 TheoreticalThe word “Seyyed” means “sir”, “honorable” and “chief” and when used by Shias and in Farsi it refers to those who descend from the prophet through Lady Fatimah. However, individuals that descend from
Why is there corruption in Islamic Governments?
7615 2011/05/22 TheoreticalThe reason for corruption in Islamic Governments is summarized in one sentence by the Quran: The lack of faith in God and condemnation of taaghut ( whatever is not in accord with the divine ) . On the
If I have a sexual relationship with someone else, what is its ruling?
6641 2010/09/09 TheoreticalSalam AleikumYou need to pay attention to the following points:a ) If one wife fulfills your sexual needs, it is better to remain faithful to that one person, as you put it. However, in the case of ne
Why do women oppose temporary marriage, and can a woman ask for divorce upon learning of her husband’s temporary marriage?
8319 2010/09/09 TheoreticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Does committing some sins like suicide automatically entail entering Hell?
7339 2010/09/04 TheoreticalSome sins, due to their quality, leave no opportunity to repent and will lead their committers to the irreversible path of Hell, the same way falling from heights without employing a parachute or land
In Islam can we confess our sins to another person?
33134 2010/08/14 TheoreticalIn the religion of Islam nobody has the permission to disclose their sins ( small or big ) and unveil their secrets to anybody. The reason why is, to begin with, man’s honor and respect is so valued a
I would like to know what you think about the answer I received regarding a question on the blessings of the first ten days of Dhilhijjah that I asked another center for Islamic inquiries.
6685 2010/04/20 TheoreticalThere is no doubt that the first ten days of Dhilhijjah are very blessed days. There are many hadiths in Shia sources on the blessings these days have, here is one example: “علی بن موسى بن طاوس فی کتا
Will there be a new creation after the end of this world?
14100 2010/02/09 TraditionalSince Allah ( swt ) is the All-Emanating and All-Graceful, and His grace is never-ending, grace calls for Him to continuously create, and He creates everything that deserves to be created. His grace m
Can you introduce some books on marriage in Islam?
7229 2010/01/21 TheoreticalDear sister, there are many books on this subject but unfortunately, only a few have been translated to English. There is one book that we recommend that has been translated as well with the title of
What is the way to become free from fornication and how is one supposed to repent from it?
8366 2009/10/22 TheoreticalThe best way to be freed of sin is to get rid of ignorance and unawareness. If we continuously remember the greatness and magnanimousness of Allah ( swt ) and the never-ending blessings He has bestowe
What is the starting point for purifying the soul?
10156 2009/09/23 TheoreticalPurification means to clean your soul of impurity. The Quran has mentioned purifying the soul in various verses but one should know that the basis and starting point of purification varies from person
What do you suggest for mut’ah to be practiced more in society?
10599 2009/09/23 TheoreticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Who are the Ahlul-Bayt?
32135 2007/05/24 TraditionalThe Prophet of Islam’s ( s ) Ahlul-Bayt are the same as the people of the cloak: Prophet Muhammad ( s ) , ‘Alī, Fātimah, Hassan, and Hussayn ( a ) . The proof for this is numerous traditions narrate
Please provide me with a dua that will help me to find a pious and suitable wife.
18252 2007/04/10 TheoreticalAllah has established methods for everything; if one wants to get a positive result he must act in accordance to the method. The way to find a suitable spouse is through precise research and knowing t
Does the recitation of some Duas, like Dua Ahd, have an effect if recited more or less than the specific period mentioned?
9762 2007/02/27 TheoreticalEvery good deed is made up has two aspects: The deed itself, and the right intention. That is, a deed is accepted by the Almighty when the action is a good one, as well as the intention for it, which