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Last Updated: 2012/02/15
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How can I counter spells?
Please inform me about evil spells. I feel as if, despite hard work and great effort, my affairs aren’t taking place as well as they should and the successful points of my life aren’t being recognized. In 2005 I went to a professional person who writes supplications and duas (to neutralize spells), and he said that I have been put under a spell by a tall woman for a 9 year period, three of which have passed. I believed his words to be true and therefore became depressed. Please help and save me from this spiritual depression.
Concise answer

Even though spells aren’t superstitious and may have substantial effects, not every person has the power to cast spells. Moreover, most individuals who claim to have the knowledge of casting spells are bogus; they look at this skill as a tool to trick people and make money.

The best way to neutralize a spell is to seek refuge in Allah, rely on Him and recite certain surahs of the Quran, such as surahs Falaq and Nas.

Detailed Answer

The human being is a complex and complicated creature; he can do astonishing and unusual things. These actions originate from his material and spiritual dimension. One can perform a certain (material) action very quickly by practicing and constantly repeating it and getting used to it which can sometimes be unusual and surprising. Spiritually speaking, one can implement mental and spiritual forces to perform something extraordinary; spells being a good example of such.

Under the root TLSM, Majma’ Al-Bahrain writes: “There are three different points of view regarding the word telesm (spell): 1. It is a combination of the word tall, meaning effect, and the word ism (name). 2. A Greek word that means a knot that cannot be opened. 3. An anagram of the word musallat (dominant).”[1]

The author of “Kashaf Istilahat Al-Ulum wa Al-Funun” writes: “In the commentary of Tadhkirah, Abdul Ali Birjandi says: “Telesm is an extraordinary action which originates from a metaphysical active force that is combined with impressionable material grounds to make an amazing and strange event come about; for in order for an event to spring the causal (metaphysical) aspect has special circumstances that are complemented by (material) capacity to accept such an effect. Therefore, whoever knows the circumstances of the cause and effect and can conjoint these two facets will be capable of performing strange and astonishing things.”[2]

Therefore, first of all; metaphysical forces are used through material tools and methods to perform certain actions.

Second of all; casting spells isn’t simple and cannot be done by any individual. So it is important not to listen to everyone who claims they know it, because most of these people are opportunists simply looking to get money and trick people.

Third of all; casting spells is a reality and not superstitious. Ibn Sina believes that the cause of witchcraft and spells are strong spirits who cast them without using material tools, but in reality spells happen as a result of a somewhat connection between the spiritual and material dimensions of this world. He adds: “Extraordinary phenomenon take place in this world through these three sources:

A. Heiyat nafsani (one’s spiritual structure and dimension), B. The attributes of element objects; such as the attraction of iron by a magnet, C. Heavenly forces which create strange and outstanding effects when combined with material forces. Witchcraft is from the second category but the spell is from the first.”[3]

After bringing a similar definition to what Birjandi has, Shahid al-Awwal (The First Martyr) mentions: “Spells are haram and making a living by this method is also haram.”[4]

Despite the substantial effect spells may have and the reality that it exists, it can also be broken. There are different ways in breaking spells.

Given the fact that God Almighty is the sole effective force in this world it is best to seek refuge in His mercy instead of trying to find our ways in spells, witchcraft and the like; “و من یتوکل علی الله فهو حسبه[5], “و کفی بالله وکیلا”.[6]

The true cause is Allah and surely the only cause. Even if spells and witchcraft have a real effect it is because God has made them a cause.

Therefore, the best way to neutralize a spell is to rely on the Great and Almighty God and seek refuge in His endless mercy. The Holy Quran says: “And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers”.[7] In order to stop the effects of spells and witchcraft reciting surahs Kafiroon, Ikhlas, Falaq and Nas is extremely helpful. Certain supplications have also been listed in dua books such as Mafatih Al-Jinan.

Related Question: Question 2022 (site:2068) Index: The ruling of witchcraft and how to break it.

[1] Tarihi, Fakhruddin, Majma’ al-Bahrain, researched by Seyed Ahmad Hoseini, vol. 5, pg. 107, al-Maktabah al-Murtadawiyyah.

[2] Tahanawi, Kashaf Istilahat al-Ulum wa al-Funun, vol. 2, pg. 1138, Maktabah al-Lubnan, 1996.

[3] Sadr Hajj Seyed Jawadi et al., Da’iratul Ma’arefe Tashayyo’, vol. 9, pg. 117, Shahid Sa’id Muhibbi Press, Tehran, 2002.

[4] Qummi, Sheikh Abbas, Safinah al-Bihar, vol. 4, pg. 91, second edition, Daar al-Uswah, 1416 AH, quoted by al-Durus of Shahid I (The First Martyr).

[5] Talaq:3.

[6] Nisa’:81.

[7] Isra’:82.

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