Questions Archive(Thematic Category:عرفان عملی)
Why do some Shiite mystics and scholars renounce the world and divinely gifted halāl pleasures and bounties?
7148 2012/06/28 PracticalThe divine bounties and pleasures are not restricted to worldly and material things; rather they also include spiritualities which for many people entail greater pleasures. The mystics and pious ones
Is seeing God with the heart what is meant by seeing God with discerning insight?
8370 2012/05/21 PracticalSeeing God with our discerning insight, which has been mentioned in Imam Ali s ( A.S. ) words falls under the theological discussion of seeing God. According to the sound assessment regarding this top
What is Chelleh Neshini (worshipping for a forty day period)? What is the viewpoint of the Shia on this practice?
8569 2011/09/22 PracticalThe meaning behind Chelleh Neshini ( worshipping for a forty day period ) in the field of spiritual wayfaring is for one to be cautious in regards to one’s self for a period of forty days. Through t
How can perfection be attained?
7050 2011/08/15 PracticalThis topic needs to be discussed in three parts.1. Definition of Kamal ( Perfection ) and How It Differs from Tamam ( Completion ) and ProgressCompletion applies when speaking about the parts of a thi
The Qur`an mentions the fact that there is no fear or sadness for the friends of Allah (Surat Yunus (10), Verse 62). If this is the case, then why do we read the following prayer in the Du’a of Friday (addressing Imam al-Zaman (ع)): “Peace be upon you O Pure one who is afraid!”
9845 2011/08/15 PracticalFear is of two types: praiseworthy and blameworthy. Blameworthy fear, like fearing for ones’ life or fearing people and creatures is meaningless for the friends of Allah ( awj ) . This is why Imam Ja
What is nearness to Allah (awj)? How many different kinds of nearness are there? How can we gain nearness to Allah (awj)?
9132 2011/08/15 PracticalIn lexicographical terms, “qurb” means the nearness of one thing to another. This can be in space or time. Of course in commonplace usage, “qurb” also applies to being the centre of attention and to
What is the purpose of dreaming? Why has Allah granted us dreams?
12023 2011/05/18 PracticalDreaming is one of the signs of Allah and a window to the unseen, a characteristic and natural trait that Allah has imparted to our bodies and souls.
What does Fana mean in Irfan (Mysticism)?
9816 2011/04/20 TheoreticalFana’ is an Arabic word and literally means non existence and being annihilated. In the words of the Urafa’, it means for a servant to utterly abide in Allah in a way that the humanistic aspect of the
What is Sufism? Was Imam Khomeini (r.a) a Sufi?
14857 2011/01/27 PracticalThe lexical root of tasawwuf is variously traced to sūf wool , referring to the simple wool-made cloaks the early Muslim ascetics wore and who claimed to purify their inner self from filth and stay aw
What is the Islamic law concerning eating food with Hindus and eating foodstuffs like crab, different kinds of fish, Indian snack etc.?
21814 2010/11/09 PracticalAs per the fatwa of all grand jurists, all non-believers including Hindus are ritually impure. Supreme Leader, grand Ayatollah Khamenei and a few other prominent jurists are of the view that non-Musli
Does man have the capacity to love Allah?
7765 2010/09/05 PracticalThe logic behind experiencing ‘metaphoric’ love is to reach true love and if it is accompanied with chastity, after causing fundamental changes and developments it will bring man very close to Godly l
What is meant by “the presence of the heart in prayer (hudhur al-qalb)”? Is thinking about worldly matters that associate with things pertaining to the hereafter in contradiction of the heart being present in prayer?
8432 2010/08/21 PracticalHudhur al-qalb in prayer means to liberate the heart from everyone except the person you are speaking to, that is in the case of prayer to pay complete attention to it and the words that are being sai
Are there any examples of Irfan in the Nahjul Balagha?
9195 2010/08/17 TheoreticalAccording to the Imams ( a ) , Irfan is not divided into practical and theoretical. In the language that they used and in their life history, they did not consider practical Irfan any different from t
What does the phrase "المجاز قنطرة الحقیقة" refer to? Please explain Islam’s standpoint on “metaphoric love”.
9890 2010/08/17 Practical1. Islamic scholars believe that there is no more than one true love in this world and that being the love for God, the other types of love are considered to be metaphoric, unreal and illusory love. M
When put in the grave what can we do to better our surroundings?
7817 2010/08/14 TraditionalThe feelings a person might experience when lying in his grave is completely contingent upon the environment he has arranged and prepared with his deeds and acts in this world, thus this feeling may d
What are the right ways of fulfilling lust in Islam and according to Imam Khomeini?
27819 2010/07/20 PracticalAs one who is in pursuit of the truth regarding Islam’s laws and the viewpoints of the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, it is of dire importance that you rely only on authentic so
By whom and how can teyyul-ard be achieved?
7104 2010/07/20 PracticalTeyyul-ard denotes the quick transportation from one point to another in an instant. Teyyul-ard is something extraordinary and above normal human power, and is only possible for those who have total c
What does it mean to choose one’s death from the perspective of the Holy Quran and traditions?
13452 2010/05/27 PracticalIt is possible to say that the original source of the term ‘death by choice’ or ‘voluntary death’, which is used in Islamic Irfan ( gnosis ) , first came up in this tradition from the Holy Prophet ( s
How can one cleanse himself from sin?
13539 2007/03/15 PracticalThere are many ways to receive forgiveness and pardon. We will mention a few of them here:Repentance and rededicating oneself to the path of God ( contingent upon its conditions ) .Doing o
Is it true that some Muslim Gnostics can fly or levitate?
12159 2007/02/08 PracticalThat which you have mentioned is an effect and result of Man’s spiritual strength, sometimes this may come about by acting in accordance with religious laws and legitimate ascetic discipline. This mea