Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلیات و اصطلاحات)
What is the principle of no domination over Muslims?
5216 2017/01/24 General TermsThe concept of the principle of no domination over Muslims [ nafy sabil ] is that God the Glorified has legislated such rule in the Islamic Shari ah that prevents non-Muslims from getting hegemony and
What are the sources for derivation and issuance of legal verdicts?
5500 2017/01/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawIjtihad literally means to endeavor strive put oneself out work hard. In Islamic legal terminology it is defined as the total expenditure of effort by a mujtahid in order to infer with a high degree o
What is the criterion for an action to be recommended and desirable?
6618 2015/05/03 Laws and JurisprudenceEvery action that a person performs has a specific ruling in Islam. The various actions that we perform and which are related to our duty to Allah are divided into five categories: Wajib Haram Mustaha
What are the different types of kafir?
13976 2015/01/05 General TermsGenerally speaking, kafir can be divided into kafir from jurisprudential viewpoint and kafir from theological viewpoint, each having different types. Kafir from a jurisprudential perspective includes
When and why were the terms Ayatollah and Hujjat ul-islam began to be used to refer to our scholars? I would like to explore about their origin, meaning and distinctions.
14228 2014/09/18 General TermsConsidering that the word Ayat literally means sign or symbol [ 1 ] , the expression Ayatollah can be used to refer to any signs of God. That is to say, God s every single creature is in fact a sign o
Is it a duty of a Mujtahid to identify the subject of a rule or should the follower himself make efforts to distinguish it?
5689 2014/09/18 General TermsGenerally speaking, it is the responsibility of the duty-bound ( mukallaf ) to identify the subject matter. However, it should be noted that identification of certain subjects involves inference and d
What are the legal bases of various categories of rulings such as actual, outer, mawlawi, advisory, defining and declaratory law?
6966 2014/02/27 General TermsBased on the way one looks at the rulings and laws, it is possible to divide the rules in a number of ways some of which, albeit, can be merged into one another. In this study, we have tried, as far a
Why is there not one source of emulation and one Resalah (Manual of Islamic Laws) keeping in view the fact that Islam is not but one faith?
7860 2012/12/01 ModernAccording to Islam, Ijtihad [ i ] is a necessity and the only way through which Islam, the real religion, can survive over the history and ages. Shiite jurisprudents and religious authorities differ o
What do the terms “Hukm” and “Fatwa” signify? What is the difference between the two?
10251 2011/08/10 FiqhA fatwa is a universally applicable religious law concerning a particular issue that is derived from the four sources of Islamic law ( the Qur`an, the sunnah, ijma’ ( consensus ) , and ‘aql ( the inte