Questions Archive(Thematic Category:انواع نجاسات)
What is the Islamic law about the Christians, Jews and non-Muslims? Are they ritually pure or impure?
7506 2014/08/04 Laws and JurisprudenceAlmost all Shiite faqihs agree on the nijasah of the kuffar ( non-believers ) , but the impurity of Ahlul Kitab ( People of the Book ) is an issue of dispute amongst them. You are, however, advised to
Has the Quran stated anything concerning impurity of dogs? If it has, why is it then permissible to eat what has been hunted by a retriever (hunting dog)?
12978 2013/03/16 سگIslamic laws are not derived exclusively from the Holy Quran. In fact, the traditions ( ahadith ) of the Prophet of Islam ( pbuh ) , the sayings of infallible Imams ( a.s. ) and their lifestyles ( see
Are leather products imported from non-Islamic countries treated as ritually impure?
9046 2013/01/20 Laws and JurisprudenceAn answer given to the above question by some grand religious authorities ( maraje ) is as follows: [ 1 ] Leather products are considered pure [ and salat in them is permissible ] , if one entertain
Is it haram to consume industrial alcohol? What is ruling on taking narcotics?
8047 2012/04/17 Laws and JurisprudenceThe responses of the grand maraji to your question are as follows: The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani ( may Allah prolong his life ) : 1. Alcohol is intoxicating and its consumption impermi