Questions Archive(Thematic Category:قرض،وام و ربا)
What is the concept of riba (interest) in Islam?
5144 2018/11/12 قرض الحسنه و رباWhat is the concept of riba interest in Islam? What is the difference between usury and sale which makes the first unlawful and the other lawful and permissible? Answer: The term riba is used in tw
A Pakistani government organization offers interest to their employee in exchange for some money the employee should invest, but with a term in which the probability of returning back their investments is small. Is it permissible to take such interest?
5554 2016/07/19 قرض،وام و رباAccording to some scholars there would be no problem to take such interest if it is given under a valid legal contracts like Mud rabah A contract entered into by two persons on the condition that the