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Last Updated: 2010/10/08
Summary of question
A Christian woman converted to Islam so as to be able to marry me. I believe she converted to Islam apparently and only to marry me. Can I get a divorce from her?
A Christian woman converted to Islam so as to be able to marry me. I believe she converted to Islam apparently and only to marry me. In fact, she did not follow Islam. It should be noted that at present this woman has become a barrier to my religious and spiritual mood. That is, whenever I am alone, I am full of spirituality and whenever she is with me I begin to lose my spirituality.
What I wish to know is whether or not she is a barrier to my efforts to get proximity to God. Can I get a divorce from her? (That is because ever since she has been making a mockery of Islam, I feel like I have reached a point where I am committing a sin living with her.) Please reply to my question as soon as possible. Thanks
Concise answer

The answer given by His Eminence, Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani is as under:

1. You are free to get a divorce from her.

2. Try to guide her and if she is guided, it would be very much better than to take action for divorce. But if she is going to lead you astray, it is obligatory to get a divorce.

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