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Last Updated: 2010/12/21
Summary of question
What are the plans and goals of Shaytan?
What are the plans and goals of Shaytan?
Concise answer

1- To misguide man

2- To invite the people to superstitious and innovative acts

3- To cause them to bring about change in Allah’s creation

These are some of Shaytan’s plans and goals that have been mentioned in the Quran.

Detailed Answer

In verses 118-120 of surah Nisa’, the Quran points to the plans of Shaytan. When Allah (swt) drove Shaytan away from His grace, he swore to put several plans into action:

1- To misguide man (those who accept his guardianship) by making him busy with far and hard to reach wishes.

2- To invite them to superstitious and innovative acts

3- To cause them to bring about change in Allah’s creation through deceptive acts, and by replacing the godly nature embedded in them with bad and ugly qualities.

In these verses, Allah (swt) warns that following such a being (Shaytan) will certainly entail great loss. “…و من یتخذ الشیطان ولیاً من دون الله فقد خسر خسراناً مبیناً”.[1] (…Whoever takes Satan as a guardian instead of Allah has certainly incurred a manifest loss). Also, do know that Shaytan’s vows are nothing more than lies, the pleasurable things he offers are only like that on the outside, while in reality and on the inside, they are nothing but misery and decline.[2]

For further information in this regard, refer to:

1- The reason for creating Shaytan, Question 233 (website: 1752).

2- Shaytan and Death, Question 398 (website: 849).

3- The cry and wail of Shaytan, Question 762 (website: 805).

[1] The Holy Quran, Surah Nisa:119.

[2] Bahrampour, AbolFazl, Nasime Hayat, pp. 187-188.

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