Questions Archive
There is a company which makes money off of selling its products. Each customer needs to sell this product to three other people and this process goes on. Is such an income allowed in Islam?
6969 2012/03/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThe response of the grand maraji to your inquiry is as follows: [ 1 ] It is permissible for the person directly involved in selling the goods through real transactions to get his share for intermediat
Can a non-baligh person lead the prayer?
7642 2012/03/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThe following are the responses of the grand maraji : [ 1 ] His eminence, Ayatullah Khamene i ( may Allah prolong his life ) : In the case of the question, it is not permissible. His eminence, Ayatull
The philosophy as to why saying Āmīn in prayer is impermissible.
12225 2012/03/14 Laws and JurisprudenceIn accordance to traditions narrated by the Ahlulbayt ( as ) , saying Āmīn in prayer is not permissible; furthermore reciting it [ intentionally ] invalidates the prayer. In addition, there is no ne
When does the history of the holy shrine of Lady Ma’sumah start from?
12937 2012/03/14 history of placesLady Ma sumah is the noble daughter of the seventh imam of the Shi ah, Imam Musa Kaadhim ( AS ) . Her respectful mother is Najmeh Khaatun ( AS ) . She was born on first day of the month of Zee al-Qa a
What kind of wilayah (authority) did the Holy Prophet (s) mean in Ghadir Khum?
8626 2012/03/14 TraditionalConsidering that the Prophet ( s ) appointed the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ( a.s ) in an absolute and general way, the Holy Prophet s authority in its entirety, irrespective of whether it is myst
Who is God and how is it possible to prove His existence?
10553 2012/03/14 TraditionalGod, the Exalted, is the absolute being and perfection. There is no deficiency or imperfection in Him. He is unique and has the power to do everything. He has knowledge of everything at all times and
Do reasons exist for jurisprudential rulings?
6641 2012/03/11 Philosophy of Religion and LawWe will answer your question through the following points: 1- We must keep in mind that all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and in keeping them away from harm. Th
What is the Islamic law about overpowering jinn, spirits and devils?
12661 2012/03/11 Laws and JurisprudenceGetting help from the spirits, jinns and devils and scientific and practical communication with them are said to be magic in the etymological and jurisprudential technical terms. [ i ] According to Qu
When Allah gives His creation certain qualities, does that mean that they have become partners with Him in that given quality?
6163 2012/03/10 TraditionalWhen a creation is in lack of a certain quality such as power, and is then given it by God, even at the time when it seemingly bears that quality, it has no independence whatsoever. It isn t the case
Is God subjugated to natural laws?
6374 2012/03/10 TraditionalAllah is the one who has set all natural laws, and the only thing He is under the influence of, is His own will. The one thing to keep in mind is that His will is that things take place through their
What foods did the prophet like?
13693 2012/03/10 تاريخ بزرگانThe prophet would usually eat from anything that was halal, without restricting himself. Meat was his favorite food. Out of the different cuts of meat, he liked the foreshank the most. Out of condimen
Is it bad to be alone in a room with a non mahram girl?
9509 2012/03/10 PracticalIn religious teachings, one of the things man has been advised against in order to protect him from sin, is to be alone with a non-mahram. In his advice to Prophet Musa ( AS ) , Satan says: O Musa,
If there are levels for heaven, are there levels for hell?
9120 2012/03/10 TraditionalWhat is understood from Quranic verses and the ahadith is that, similar to heaven, [ 1 ] hell has different levels, and sinners will be put into these levels depending on the number and type of their
What should I do so that I do not sin when I am with my friends? And I don’t become mad and lose my temper while with them?
7342 2012/03/08 PracticalIn order to remain calm when among your friends, family and relatives, you should keep count of your acts on a daily basis, try to have a good temper, stay away from bad friends, take your social posi
The Quran has only prohibited eating the meat of animals that names other than God’s were mentioned on while being slaughtered. So, why is it haram to consume the meat of those on which neither the name of God nor others’ names were mentioned?
23344 2012/03/08 Laws and JurisprudenceOne of the clearest verses in this regard is verse 173 of surah Baqarah. This verse can be understood in two ways, meaning that it can, according to one interpretation, cover the meat you asked about.
What color should one wear? What is the ruling on wearing black?
35328 2012/03/08 Laws and JurisprudenceWearing different colors is a personal matter, as Islam has allowed Muslims to choose for themselves what colors they wear. However, some guidelines have been mentioned by the Prophet and the Imams in
Why do Muslims slaughter sheep and other animals in their religious gatherings?
17626 2012/03/08 Philosophy of Religion and LawMan is the loftiest of creatures and God has created everything else in the world, including animals, for him so that he can benefit from them ( use their meat, a means of transportation, etc. ) . Sla
Why are Iranian ceremonies for holidays and for mourning different from Muslim and Shi’a ones?
8316 2012/03/08 TraditionalEven though ceremonies that are held for religious occasions must be in accordance with the general guidelines of Islam, but in regard to the details about which Islam has not mentioned guidelines, th
Late Ayatollah Bahjat has been quoted as having said: "The aged ones of this era will witness the moment of the reappearance of the Imam of Time (atf)." What is your opinion concerning this saying of the late Ayatollah?
12612 2012/03/08 The infalliblesWe have enquired the office of late Ayatollah Bahjat about whether or not the Ayatollah had said those words and they denied that he had said them. Instead, His Eminence had said that whenever difficu
Is playing the violin, lute, and other kinds of musical instruments considered haraam? If so, is the lute, along with all other stringed instruments, considered an exception to this rule?
25379 2012/03/07 Laws and JurisprudenceIn any given scenario, the obligation of a jurist lies not in dictating the ruling pertaining to a particular scenario, but rather providing a general ruling. After which, the general public is left w
What is the difference between the word Allah, which is used in Islam, and God, which is used in Christianity?
7415 2012/03/07 Miscellaneous questionsAlthough all religions in essence call upon the same Lord, one should closely consider which of these faiths have accurately described Him. Islam and Christianity hold differences of opinion in Ilm
One of the ‘negative attributes’ (al-sifaat al-salbiyyah) of a monotheistic God is the ability to see Him using sensory perception. In a verse of the Holy Qur’aan, however, this very act has been alluded to when Prophet Moses (a) hears the word of God.
7656 2012/03/07 Philosophy of GnosisThis question can be answered from various perspectives. Some of these views imply that this act may have been a product of God: creating a voice, seeing one of God s luminous creations, and Him manif
Verse 55 of Aal-i Imraan states that the followers of Prophet Jesus (a) are superior amongst all the disbelievers. If this is the case, then why should we not follow his religion so that on the Day of Resurrection, we may be considered superior amongst all the disbelievers?
11274 2012/03/07 ExegesisVarious responses and views have been presented regarding this particular verse. We will use this as an opportunity to discuss several of them. 1 What is meant by the followers of Prophet Jesus ( a
How is the existence of good and bad compatible with monotheism?
7260 2012/03/07 Traditional1 – This world has been created in a manner where no being is independent from the other. If we observe the world around us carefully, we would discover the beings within it connected, much like the i
What is the meaning of ‘moon in the Scorpio’?
38198 2012/03/07 Laws and JurisprudenceIt has been narrated from Imam Sadiq ( a.s. ) that he said: Whoever embarks on a journey or marries when the moon is in the Scorpio ( qamar dar aqrab ) , he will not see any good. The subject of mo
In which cases will the contact between a husband wife break wudu?
18678 2012/03/04 Laws and JurisprudenceSeven things invalidate wudu: 1. Passing of urine 2. Excretion of stool 3. Passing wind from the rear 4. A sleep, deep enough to restrict sight and hearing. However, if the eyes do not see any
Can a woman who hasn’t received her Nafaqah consider herself as divorced? If so, when does her waiting period of iddah commence?
9565 2012/03/03 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islam, divorce can only be carried out by the husband [ 1 ] , therefore, the wife cannot divorce herself and not paying the Nafaqah doesn t give her the permission to be able to do so. Su
How is it possible to prove the existence of the Imam of Age (atf) and his reappearance through the Quran?
7768 2012/03/03 TraditionalFirst of all, it is necessary to know that the Quran speaks in a general way. All the general statements of the Quran are explained in detail in the traditions of the Holy Prophet ( s ) and his househ
If the existing Christianity has been altered and God calls them as infidels, why does He heal their sick ones and gives attention to them?
6226 2012/03/03 TraditionalThe fact that God, the Glorified, heals the sickness of Christians and gives attention to them is because of His common and encompassing grace and compassion which includes all humans. He heals their
What is the criterion of disobedience to parents?
9487 2012/03/03 Laws and JurisprudenceDisownment by parents means to do an act that would make them angry, cause them distress and injure their feelings. Certainly, hurting one of them also results in the disownment of the child by his pa
What are the different kinds of murder? Please, explain in detail.
18914 2012/02/22 Laws and JurisprudenceMurder can be studied and classified into different categories from different perspectives which we shall mention as under:1. Justified and unjustified murder;2. Time of murder;3. Murder through imple
Is lobster, clam, oyster and octopus halal?
110026 2012/02/18 Laws and JurisprudenceEating lobster, clam, oyster and octopus is haram. According to religious resources regarding halal and haram meat, there are general rulings and numerous standards; for instance, a set of rulings has
Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?
8209 2012/02/18 TraditionalThe fact that God has created man in the best of forms and has fulfilled all of his needs both in this world and the next, and as a matter of fact, has created everything for him and put it at his dis
Why do the religious obligations such as prayer, fasting, hajj etc. not have visible effects?
7772 2012/02/18 PracticalAll acts of worship including prayer, fasting and hajj have a lot of individual and social benefits and effects. One of the blessed effects of prayer is proximity to God and keeping us away from evil
Why is a disbeliever ritually impure? Is it not insulting to a disbeliever to consider him impure?
15489 2012/02/18 Laws and JurisprudenceThe literal meaning of kufr is to conceal or to hide . It also means disobedience or thanklessness . Shia’s grand jurisprudents have said that one who denies the oneness of God or associates anyone wi