Questions Archive
Thursday, 13 February 2025
Questions Archive(Tag:Ahl:e Sunnah)
If every wish is supposed to be granted through dua, then what is our own role in our lives?
The religion of Islam is a religion that combines between the exterior and the interior, the material and spiritual aspects. God is the creator of the wind and cloud, and rainfall depends on the rules
What is the opinion of Imam Khomeini on the issue of nationalism?
By researching reliable sources such as the ‘Sahifeye Noor’ and ‘Sahifeye Imam’, which contain the entirety of the Imam’s words, sermons, and letters, we find that such a statement cannot be found; th
Could you provide me with the complete sermon of the Holy Prophet (s) at Ghadir Khum?
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Some of the incidents pertaining to the event of Karbala do not seem to be rational? How can they be justified?
تاريخ بزرگان
The story of Karbala and martyrdom of Imam Hussein ( a.s ) and his companions is one of the very well-known and indisputable facts of a history that has been narrated and passed on to us chest by ches
I have been having telephone communication with a boy. Our relationship has not been intimate. What is the Islamic Law about boy-girl relationships?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Boy-girl relationship is a very sensitive issue that needs to be addressed carefully and that all Shari ah rules and standards should be taken into account when dealing with it, otherwise it will resu
Is there any objection to a person doing exercise with music? Are athletic actions with music considered to be dancing?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Dancing and music are two separate topics each having its specific rules. That is to say, if a person dances with music, he commits two ḥarām actions. Most grand jurists forbid music which is frivolo
I would like to know the life and personality of Owais Al-Qarni. Is it true that he broke his teeth after he heard that the Prophet had broken one tooth?
تاريخ بزرگان
Owais al-Qarni whose epithet was “Abu Umar” was a Muslim mystic, martyr and philosopher of Yemen. He converted to Islam during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet ( s ) , but never met him personally. He
What is the significance of words in divine revelation?
Everything has four modes of existence: verbal existence, written existence, mental existence and external existence. Revelation also has these four modes of existence: For example, when we speak of t
I have deposited some money in my bank account. According to its rules and on monthly basis, the bank automatically transfers a certain rate of interest to my account. Is it considered to be usury?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The opinion of most of the grand religious authorities is as under: If the bank acts as an agent ( through a legal contract ) on behalf of the client and it is carrying out its contracts in accordance
If soft music is played in a wedding, what is the Islamic law on a woman dancing in front of other women?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : If a woman s dancing for women is considered to be lahw ( frivolity ) such as when a female gathering changes into a dancing part
Is it permissible for a woman to dance in a wedding?
Laws and Jurisprudence
There is no doubt that it is forbidden for a woman to dance for men. [ 1 ] As for a woman s dancing for women in parties or weddings which are not likely to be frequented by men, the opinions of the g
Is it permissible to dance for fitness?
Laws and Jurisprudence
We forwarded your question to the offices of the grand jurists and the answers which we have received are as under: Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : If dancing entails sexu
Is there any hadith on prohibition of dancing? If there is any, please mention it.
Laws and Jurisprudence
Before answering the question, we wish to draw your attention to a necessary introduction. You should note that the existence of a tradition in a hadith book does not necessarily mean that we can use
What is the ruling on having a relation with a non-mahram girl before marriage?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Any form of relationship before marriage, let it be speaking intimately, touching and caressing etc. is haram. If one speaks with a girl with the intention of seeking pleasure or if he fears that he m
What is the ruling on having a relation with a non-mahram girl?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Any form of relationship before marriage, let it be speaking intimately, touching and caressing etc. is haram. If one speaks with a girl with the intention of seeking pleasure or if he fears that he m
Can a bank calculate the mark-up interest along with equated monthly installments as a new amount and then conclude a new refinancing contract to obtain interest and penalize the borrower if they make late payments on loans?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The answers received from the offices of the grand jurists are as under: Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani ( may Allah grant him long life ) : Any kind of interest levied on loan is considered to be u
Is it permissible to build a mosque in a graveyard?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) If the said graveyard is not a part of an endowed piece of land or a private property and it is not either a public place which is
What is your opinion about the numerical miracle of the Qur'an?
Quranic Studies
The Quran features many miraculous aspects that are not restricted to eloquence and expressiveness. In fact, one of the miracles which have been claimed for the Quran is numerical miracle which needs
What is the Islamic law about the interest taken by a bank from a client who receives mortgage loan?
Laws and Jurisprudence
We forwarded your question to the office of grand Ayatollah Bahjat ( may his soul rest in peace ) and the answer which came to us is as under: If the mortgage facility is received in the form of a sal
Is it permissible to receive interest from Iranian banks?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The nature of the deposits made by the clients in the banks of the Islamic Republic of Iran is such that the clients deposit their money with the bank on short or long term basis. The bank acts as an
Was the present Quran compiled by the Holy Prophet (s)?
Quranic Studies
This question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the Islamic law about giving walima (banquet) in general and marriage banquet in particular?
One of the recommended Islamic traditions is feeding one s brethren in faith. Imam Sadiq ( a ) says: ان الله تبارک و تعالى یحب اهراق الدما و اطعام الطعام [ 1 ] God, the Glorified and Exalted, loves sh
When was the present Quran, which we possess today, collected?
Quranic Studies
There are three different categories of reports about the compilation of the Quran: A ) The Quran that we have possession of today with all its structure and compilation, the numbering of its verses,
Why did it take God to create the world in six days instead of in a few moments? Why did God not create the world instantaneously?
God s power is infinite. Whatever He desires to do, He does it, and whatever He does not desire to do, He does not do it. Nothing falls out of the premises of God s power and command. Without doubt, G
What is Chelleh Neshini (worshipping for a forty day period)? What is the viewpoint of the Shia on this practice?
The meaning behind Chelleh Neshini ( worshipping for a forty day period ) in the field of spiritual wayfaring is for one to be cautious in regards to one’s self for a period of forty days. Through t
What difference does Wilayah and the system of Wilayah have with a monarchial system?
Laws and Jurisprudence
There exist fundamental differences between a Wilayi system of government and a monarchial system of government. These differences can be broken down into the following summary points:A- In terms of t
What is servitude? And who is a servant? And how can one move in the way of servitude (to God)?
The meaning of worship ( Ibadat ) in Arabic lexicon means the utmost limits of humility and modesty, and it is because of this that it is only one who is at the highest level of existence, perfection,
Does the Quran intend to identify God as the sensible light when it says that God is the light of the heavens and the earth?
1. Certainly, the by referring to Allah as light, the Qur an does not intend to identify Him as a physical and sensory light because the sensible light is a part of the accident characteristic of matt
Where and when did Maryam and Asiya die and where is their burial location?
تاريخ کلام
When Pharaoh learned that Asiyah, his wife, had embraced Moses religion, he told her persistently to give up his religion and abandon his God but she never surrendered herself to Pharaoh s demand. Fin
What does it mean to say that God's will attaches to punishing human beings or having mercy on them?
There are some verses in the Quran according to which God s will has been introduced as the cause of dignity, misery, sustenance, forgiveness, punishment and reward of the servants. According to some
What is the purpose of taht al-hanak ? The Prophet (s) would unroll a round of his turban and pass it under his chin during salaat? What is the correct way to wear it? Why do some ulama wear it and others do not?
Laws and Jurisprudence
There is no tradition about the desirability of wearing taht al-hanak ( fold of turban passed under the chin ) during prayers. Shaykh Saduq is the only scholar who in his man la-yahzuruhu al-faqih h
Why don't Shiite scholars and intellectuals embark on reciprocating Wahabi assaults on Shia and why do they abstain from explaining the principles of their religion?
No Muslim intellectual entertains any doubt about the importance of unity in Islamic society because discord and disunity lead to disintegration of the very basis of the religion of Islam. Unity means
What are the Wahabi beliefs and their criticisms against Shia?
Wahabis are the followers of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab who was the follower of the school of Ibn Taymiyah. His student, Ibn Qayyim, established and introduced new beliefs in the Arabian Peninsula. Wah
I am in Saudi Arabia. Here at time of Salah, I feel afraid of offering my prayers in Shia way. Can I fold my hands during prayers?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani ( may Allah grant him long life ) :If Taqiyah ( dissimulation ) requires you to fold your hands, you can fold them during prayers.Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Sh
Will God abandon me or love me less if I am bad?
Although Shaitan is man s sworn enemy and it is making its utmost efforts to lead man towards sins and evil actions and to create a gap between him and God, God loves His servants even the sinners and