Questions Archive(Thematic Category:حقوق و احکام)
Do my feet become najis when I walk on wet pavement that a dog has walked on?
10051 2008/07/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIf rainwater or any other water gathers in a ditch and is less than kur ( there is a difference of opinion on what amount is exactly kur, and there are different ways of measuring it, according to Ima
Why do the Shia consider temporary marriage (sighah/mut’ah) permissible?
20629 2008/07/02 Laws and JurisprudenceFirst of all, we must say that this issue is a fiqhi one, calling for fiqh experts to analyze it in the right place. Here we will mention some points regarding the issue and leave the rest to the deta
Is it necessary to wear the ring on the right hand?
18587 2008/05/25 Laws and JurisprudenceOne of the Prophet ( p.b.u.h. ) and imams’ traditions, is to wear a ring. The material, appearance and design of the ring have all been pointed to in our hadiths. It has also been advised to wear the
What is the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s fatwa on looking at non-mahrams?
7877 2008/05/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThe Supreme Leader’s fatwa on looking at non-mahrams is the same as the late Imam Khomeini’s. Imam Khomeini says: “It is haram for men to look at the body of non-mahram women, regardless of whether it
Can I offer prayers during my period when the signs of haydh aren’t seen?
17348 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudencePaying attention to the upcoming points might help you reach the answer you are looking for:The six types of women in haydh:Mubtadi’ah: A woman who sees blood for the first time in her life. [ 1 ] Muz
Why is it necessary to follow a marja’?
11431 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqlid means for someone who doesn’t have the required expertise in a field that calls for expertise, to go to an expert in that field for help. The most important reason behind the need for taqlid in
What is Islam’s viewpoint on cloning?
10102 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudenceCloning and especially the cloning of humans is a new subject that has come up in our era and as a result, its ruling hasn’t been mentioned in the Quran and Islamic tradition, yet Shia scholars and ju
Asalaams… My family as a whole have a question: my sister some 7 years ago married a Christian…
6435 2008/05/05 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the name of GodAlaikassalamIt is not necessary for you to inform her.If she knows about the issue in future then herchildren are legal and she should leave her husbandthey do not need any divorce b
Do all the clerics say that smoking is forbidden?
11018 2007/10/17 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question does not have a Brief Answer. Click continue to view Detailed Answer.
What is the rule of using mouth-washers which usually contain some alcohol?
7039 2007/10/07 Laws and JurisprudenceThe alcohol which is not determined whether or not it is originally an intoxicant [ 1 ] or not, is spiritually clean and selling, buying and using the liquids that are mixed with them dose not have pr
How can someone guide one who has left religion?
6642 2007/05/23 PracticalThis question does not have a Brief Answer. Click continue to view Detailed Answer.
Please mention a verse of the Quran or a tradition that proves ijtihād?
7151 2007/04/18 Laws and JurisprudenceIjtihād as a jurisprudential term means a scholastic effort in order to derive a religious ruling from the sources ( Quran, traditions, and intellect ) – this has been emphasized and advised in the Qu
In Islam, will the sins of a killer or rapist who becomes a Muslim be forgiven?
20642 2007/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceIn Islam, there are rules regarding a disbeliever who chooses Islam as his religion. An example of this is that if one shirks the rights of Allah, not performing obligatory actions or performing forbi
Who was the first Mujtahid and who was he following before attaining the degree of Ijtihad?
14050 2007/04/08 Laws and JurisprudenceIjtihad is an important and old issue in Islam. In the Shia perspective, ijtihad has been popular from the age of the infallibles up until today amongst their companions. Many good changes and improve
Is it haram to eat crab meat?
20716 2007/02/26 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the interpretations of the criterion for the lawfulness of [ eating ] seafood, legal scholars have said; that which can be derived from hadiths is that the meat of sea creatures should not be eaten
Could you please provide me with a hadith or Quranic verse regarding the praise of a Mujtahid who is not Masoom?
7956 2007/02/14 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the Holy Quran it says: Yet it is not for the faithful to go forth en masse. But why should not there go forth a group from each of their sections to become learned in religion and to warn their pe
Taking into consideration the uniformity of the resources used by Mujtahids, why is there sometimes discrepancy in their opinions?
8016 2007/02/14 ModernHaving an identical opinion and fatwa amongst Mujtahids is dependent upon several things: Usage of identical Ijtihad resourcesUniformity in prerequisite resources which Ijtihad is contingent uponUnifo
What causes jello to become haram or halal?
19692 2007/02/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThere exists different types of jello; some are deemed halal, others haram. The criterion which classifies jello as being either halal or haram to consume, is that of its initial ingredients. Assuming
What is the ruling on forming lines in congregational, when a third person joins in?
9236 2007/02/10 Laws and JurisprudenceIn reference to the incident which you experienced, we must first look at the principals of forming lines in congregational prayer from a fiqhi point of view:The person following in prayer should not
I would like to know who was the first scholar who presented the concept of Wilayat Al- Faqih?
9209 2007/01/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThe concept of “Wilayate Faqih” means the government of an Islamic society which is headed by someone who has reached the level of Ijtihad ( Ability to answer contemporary questions based on Islamic c
Is it haram to look at or research magic?
27442 2007/01/23 Laws and JurisprudenceIn Islam, learning, teaching, and or getting paid to do magic is unlawful and haram. However if learning magic or witchcraft is for the purpose of nullifying it then it is not haram. Therefore watchin
Who is the present most knowledgeable Marja? Who is the next most knowledgeable Marja after him? Who can distinguish who is most knowledgeable?
14644 2007/01/23 Laws and JurisprudenceDoing taqlid to the grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenehie has priority. One of the conditions for taqlid from a mujtahid is that he be most knowledgeable. But it must be taken into consideration that
What is the ruling on child custody in the absence of the father?
7015 2007/01/17 Laws and JurisprudenceGrand Ayatollah Khamenei’s responseAccording to Islamic principles, assuming a child’s father passes away, the right to having custody of the child is, also, awarded to the mother up until the child a
What is the ruling on bank interest in non-Muslim countries?
16803 2007/01/17 Laws and JurisprudenceConcerning bank transactions in non-Islamic countries, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s verdict reads as follows:“Paying interest ( usury [ riba ] ) is haram ( forbidden ) i.e. borrowing money from a bank o
What should a single person, who marriage is difficult for, and has committed masturbation do?
9158 2007/01/14 Laws and JurisprudenceMasturbation is haram ( forbidden ) ; this prohibition extends to all people and no-one is allowed to offer any type of excuse for committing such a sin. Those who experience difficulty in executing a
What is the Islamic point of view on cosmetic surgery, such as laser eye surgery, breast implants, liposuction etc., considering that some people recognize them as things which increase the quality of one's life and or self-esteem, while others say that we should not change that which Allah has given to us?
14860 2007/01/14 FiqhCosmetic surgery is not problematic as long as it doesn’t cause harm to the body. Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s Response Cosmetic surgery, per se, is permissible as long as it doesn’t require a non-mahra
What is the duty of those following the prayer, when the Imam makes a mistake?
9233 2007/01/10 FiqhAssuming the Imam of a congregational salat either doubts the number of units ( rak’ahs ) recited or recites the salat in error, the ma’mumin ( those following the Imam in salat ) may inform the Imam
When Maghrib and Isha prayer become Qaza?
49548 2007/01/10 FiqhThe answer given to the question by the office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei is as follow: The last time for performing Maghrib and Isha prayer is at canonical midnight. ( i.e: 11 hours after, the cano
What is the ruling on wearing makeup in public?
10402 2007/01/10 Fiqh1 2 : It is not permissible and there is no difference between the various means employed for beauty or make-up purposes.3 : Assuming laity ( urf ) deems it as ‘beauty’ ( zeenat ) , it is not permissi
What does Islam say about Human being living on other planets?
11111 2007/01/09 Laws and JurisprudenceTwo aspects come to mind when we think about life on other planets:Are there any signs of life, existence or living beings on other planets? Is it possible for human beings to live on othe
Is it lawful to get a marital judgment from a non-Muslim government?
6884 2007/01/07 FiqhReferring to judicial arbitrators in non-Muslim and oppressive governments, and requesting their help is not permissible, save in cases where attaining one s right is dependent upon it, and there is n
Are the prayers of someone who would masturbate without making a Janabat Ghusl correct if they were not aware of the ruling?
10879 2007/01/07 Laws and JurisprudenceNo, his previous salats will be deemed void and he ought to compensate for those salats which were executed whilst in a stae of janabah. Being purified from states of hadath ( state of impurity which
If someone becomes Junub while asleep, what kind of Ghusl should they make?
10795 2007/01/07 FiqhIn both instances, one is required to execute the janabah ghusl. Note that such a ghusl is obligatory whenever semen is ejaculated ( as well as in other situations ) – be it during sleep or whilst awa
Is a divorce done by SMS permissible?
9571 2007/01/06 Laws and JurisprudenceThe divorce process, in Islam, beholds a number of prerequisites.Conditions attributed to the man ( who executes the divorce ) include:1. sanity ( ought not be insane ) 2. pubescent ( can’
If a woman has not received alimony for 5 months, is she considered divorced?
8448 2007/01/06 Laws and JurisprudenceExecuting a divorce, in Islam, is a choice which pertains to the husband; hence, women cannot divorce themselves from their spouses. The husband’s not paying his wife’s canonically-required expenses (