IslamQuest was first introduced in “The Year of the Great Prophet”, on the day of Mab’ath, in three languages – Farsi, Arabic and English.
The objective was for the website to be a reference for Islamic questions on the internet.
The first version of the website was designed by talented and religiously devoted Iranian youth.
Today, catering fourteen languages and archiving over twenty-five thousand answers, and through the efforts of tens of researchers and translators, this website is host to thousands of users daily, benefitting and acting as a reference for answering questions on Islam and Islamic teachings. The new version of the website, loaded with many new features for both users and those researchers responding to submitted questions, has been designed through the efforts of some of the best religiously devout individuals and put at the disposal of those interested.
The Porch of Wisdom Institute announces its willingness to provide any other institute dedicated to answering Islamic inquiries online with this very expensive website design and software at no cost and free of charge.
We pray to be a worthy representative for introducing the radiant school of the Ahlul-Bayt online, and to be able to answer the many questions that come our way both precisely, and swiftly.
Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani