Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فعالیت های اجتماعی زنان)
My mother is an educated woman who is providing her children with their needs. My father is not providing us with anything for the past 15 years yet he is telling me not to go to work without his permission. Is it right according Islamic law?
6013 2015/01/05 فعالیت های اجتماعی زنانIt is obligatory on a child to consider two things in respect of his parents: First, he should be kind towards them by paying for their needs and necessities to the extent of their status. This shoul
Is it permissible for a woman to speak to strangers or to let her voice be heard by them? What if this act is neither Islamic, nor within a work framework?
10625 2013/11/11 فعالیت های اجتماعی زنانSpeaking excessively and unnecessarily is not good and advisable. All should observe limits in speaking. When it comes to women speaking with strangers, it is also better for them to avoid speaking un