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What kind of a book is "Mikyalul Makarim"?
What is your opinion about the book Mikyalul Makarim fi fawaed al-dua Lil-Qaem (as)? Is it a good book and should we refer to it?
Concise answer
The book "Mikyalul Makarim fi Fawaed al-Dua Lil-Qaem" as the title of the book reads, has been authored regarding Mahdi, the Imam of Time (atf). This is one of the books written in Arabic in the fourth hegira century.[1] The book Mikyalul Makarim consists of eight parts each dealing with a particular subject.[2]
First part: The Necessity of Knowing the Imam of Time (atf) according to Rational and Textual Evidence
Second part: Proving the Divine Authority (atf) through Verses and Narrations;
Third part: The Rights and Attention of the Imam (atf) to His Followers
Fourth part: Explaining the Ranks and Traits of the Imam (atf) with Reference to Verses and Narrations.
Fifth part: The Effects of Dua for the Divine Authority (atf)
Sixth part: Fifty Special Times and Eight Special Places for Dua for His Reappearance
Seventh part: How to Pray for Quick Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (atf)
Eighth part: The Duty and Obligations of Servants especially Shiites and Muslims towards Imam Mahdi (atf).
Getting to Know the Author of Mikyalul Makarim
The author of "Mikyalul Makarim" is Sayyid Mirza Muhammad Taqi Isfahani, son of Abdur Razaq better known as Faqih Ahmadabadi. He was a great, learned and pious scholar and orator. Late Aqa Buzurg Tehrani says: "He narrated to me that he was born on the night of Friday (the night preceding Friday), the fifth of Jamadi al-Awwal 1301. He studied with his father, Allamah Mirza Badi', Muhammad Kashani, Abdul Karim Jazi and Sayyid Abul Qasim Dehkurdi. He received permission of narrating tradions from Jazi and Dehkurdi. He died on the night preceding the twenty fifth of the Holy month of Ramadhan 1324. He was buried beside his father's grave in Isfahan's Takht Fulad cemetery. He was a great scholar who was fulfilling his religious duty by giving sermons, writing books and dealing with other matters.[3] His mother was the daughter of Mirza Hussein Naib al-Sadr and his maternal uncle was Sayyid Muhammad Sadiq Sadr.[4]
Some of the works authored by him are: 1. Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim in Arabic; 2. Abwab al-Jannah fi Adaab al-Jama'at; 3. Wazifat al-Anam fi Zaman Ghaibat al-Imam in Farsi; 4. Noor al-Absar fi Fadhilat al-Intizar (Farsi); 5. Kanzul Ghanaim fi Fazl al-Dua lil-Qaem.[5]
Although one cannot normally speak about any books in a general way considering it as authentic or reliable or unreliable, nor can he confirm or reject it, in view of the contents of the books and the things mentioned in it and the fact that the points raised therein are based on Quranic verses and prophetic traditions from reliable books, it can be said in a general way that this book is a suitable source of information on Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance.
First part: The Necessity of Knowing the Imam of Time (atf) according to Rational and Textual Evidence
Second part: Proving the Divine Authority (atf) through Verses and Narrations;
Third part: The Rights and Attention of the Imam (atf) to His Followers
Fourth part: Explaining the Ranks and Traits of the Imam (atf) with Reference to Verses and Narrations.
Fifth part: The Effects of Dua for the Divine Authority (atf)
Sixth part: Fifty Special Times and Eight Special Places for Dua for His Reappearance
Seventh part: How to Pray for Quick Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (atf)
Eighth part: The Duty and Obligations of Servants especially Shiites and Muslims towards Imam Mahdi (atf).
Getting to Know the Author of Mikyalul Makarim
The author of "Mikyalul Makarim" is Sayyid Mirza Muhammad Taqi Isfahani, son of Abdur Razaq better known as Faqih Ahmadabadi. He was a great, learned and pious scholar and orator. Late Aqa Buzurg Tehrani says: "He narrated to me that he was born on the night of Friday (the night preceding Friday), the fifth of Jamadi al-Awwal 1301. He studied with his father, Allamah Mirza Badi', Muhammad Kashani, Abdul Karim Jazi and Sayyid Abul Qasim Dehkurdi. He received permission of narrating tradions from Jazi and Dehkurdi. He died on the night preceding the twenty fifth of the Holy month of Ramadhan 1324. He was buried beside his father's grave in Isfahan's Takht Fulad cemetery. He was a great scholar who was fulfilling his religious duty by giving sermons, writing books and dealing with other matters.[3] His mother was the daughter of Mirza Hussein Naib al-Sadr and his maternal uncle was Sayyid Muhammad Sadiq Sadr.[4]
Some of the works authored by him are: 1. Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim in Arabic; 2. Abwab al-Jannah fi Adaab al-Jama'at; 3. Wazifat al-Anam fi Zaman Ghaibat al-Imam in Farsi; 4. Noor al-Absar fi Fadhilat al-Intizar (Farsi); 5. Kanzul Ghanaim fi Fazl al-Dua lil-Qaem.[5]
Although one cannot normally speak about any books in a general way considering it as authentic or reliable or unreliable, nor can he confirm or reject it, in view of the contents of the books and the things mentioned in it and the fact that the points raised therein are based on Quranic verses and prophetic traditions from reliable books, it can be said in a general way that this book is a suitable source of information on Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance.
[1] This book has been translated into Farsi by Sayyid Mhadi Haeri Qazvini.
[2] Musavi Isfahani, Muhammad Taqi, Mikyalul Makarim, researched by Haeri Qazvini, Mahdi, p. 31, Holy Jamkaran Mosque, Qom, 1387 (2008).
[3] Aqa Buzurg Tehrani, Muhammad Mohsen, Tabaqat A'lam al-Shi'ah Nuqaba al-Bashar fi al-Qarn al-Rabi' Ashar, researched by Tabatabai, Abdul Aziz, Tabatabai, Behbahani, Muhammad, vol.1, p. 258, Dar al-Murtadha, Mashad.
[4] Isfahani, Muhammad Taqi, Mikyalul Makarim, researched by Ashur, Sayyid Ali, vol.1, p. 5, A'lami Publications Institute, Beirut, first edition, 1421 A.H.
[5] Mikyalul Makarim, researched by Ashur, Sayyid Ali, vol.1, p. 7.
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