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Last Updated: 2012/01/03
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What is the Islamic law about smiling at a non-mahram while to talking to her?
What is the Islamic law about smiling at a non-mahram while talking to her?
Concise answer

If one smiles at a non-mahram or jokes with her with the intention of deriving sexual pleasure or if it entails evil or it is feared that he might fall into a sin, it is not permissible and it is a matter of objection.

Grand religious authorities have said in reply to the above question: "If it is with the intention of seeking (sexual) pleasure and it is feared that he might fall into a sin, it is not permissible.[1], [2]


[1] - Al-Urwatul Wuthqa, vol.2, Kitab al-Nikah, issue 31 and 39; Fazel Lankarani, Jami' al-Masail, vol.1, question 1720 and Khamenei, Istifta, question 782.

[2] - For further information, refer to index: 1044 (site: 1110) (Islam and Healthy Boy-Girl Relationship).

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