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If your question is about the ruling on marketing this drink as a result of it being halal or haram itself, this is the answer the maraje’ have given to your inquiry:
The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei:
It is permissible per se.
The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani:
As long as the drink doesn’t contain harm components, it is permissible.
The office of the Grand Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi:
If it is juice and doesn’t cause drunkenness, it is okay.
But if your question has to do with the network marketing that takes place in pyramidal companies such as GoldQuest and GoldMine, in which members are enrolled in a binary manner by buying a certain product [which in this case would be Tahitian juice], and new members have to find others who are willing to enroll in order to be paid a commission, resulting in the loss of those at the bottom of the pyramid, it has its own ruling which is that it is haram to take part in.
For further information, see:
Working for companies like GoldQuest, Question 3295 (website: ).