Questions Archive(Tag:wild)
What are the fundamentals and principles of Islam?
8871 2012/04/24 TraditionalLiterally Islam means submission and the religion of Islam is called Islam because it seeks man s submission to the will of God, the Lord of the worlds. Thus, Islam requires man to surrender himself t
Is the chain of narrators of hadith Kisa authentic and how important is this hadith? Please explain the events that are mentioned in this hadith and the events that were followed by the revelation of the verse of Tat’hir.
22645 2012/04/21 Contextual studyDespite the fact that there is some dispute in regard to the details of the events mentioned in hadith Kisa and the verse of Tat hir and a slight difference in the wording of the ahadith, but both Shi
Why do we ascribe evil to God accidentally?
7671 2012/04/21 Islamic PhilosophyWhat is considered as evil does not exist in the realm of abstract beings; this discussion has to do only with the material world. Good and evil have been defined in this manner: Good is that which on
Philosophers say that evil cannot come from God, while verse 8 of surah Shams proves the exact opposite; is this paradox resolvable?
7986 2012/04/21 Islamic PhilosophyThe only thing verse 8 of surah Shams mentions is that God s do s and don ts have been transmitted to the people and they, using their minds and conscience they have been endowed with by Allah, can ea
What is the tale of the Gharānīq
10089 2012/04/21 ExegesisThe tradition of the Gharānīq is a fabrication created by the enemies of Islam in order to weaken the position of the Quran and the Prophet ( s ) . Towards these ends, the following story has been cre
What does Islam say about sound relationships between boys and girls?
15325 2012/04/21 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islam, the male and female complement each other and God, the All-Kind, has created them fore each other. One of the needs they have, are sexual ones. Fulfilling these needs must be withi
From the Islamic and Shi’a point of view, where exactly does man have free will in?
7761 2012/04/21 TraditionalIslamic texts ( the ahadith and the Quran ) clearly stipulate that man has free will. This does not mean that man has complete freedom and no other power or factor limits his will. Man has control o
How can supernatural acts be explained and proven?
11784 2012/04/21 Quranic StudiesMiracles in Islamic theological terms are acts that surpass normal limits that challenge others to do the same and are in accordance with the claims of the person performing them. What is meant by sur
How was the Holy Quran compiled?
16998 2012/04/21 Quranic StudiesAccording to the history of the compilation of the Quran, the Prophet ( s ) himself chose the verses where to be placed. It was not the companions who arranged the verses or the number of the chapters
Can a woman have an extended relationship with others over the internet without her husband’s permission?
7309 2012/04/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThe following is the response of the maraji to your question: 1. Khamenei: If it doesn t entail using his wealth/belongings [ without his consent ] , there is no need for permission, but please do r
Who is responsible for the sustenance of a one’s jobless son?
6234 2012/04/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThe following is the response of the maraji to this question: [ 1 ] If one s child is poor and currently cannot earn his sustenance through a means befitting his status and state, his father is res
Is it true that Shia scholars say that the prophet wanted to consummate his marriage with Aisha when she was six years old?
8254 2012/04/19 تاريخ کلامWe couldn t find anything that supports this idea in our sources; as a matter of fact, our hadiths tell us that intercourse with a girl before she becomes baligh is forbidden. [ 1 ] Also, our sources
What is Nafaqah?
13340 2012/04/19 Laws and JurisprudenceNafaqah is a jurisprudential term used for women, kin ( relatives ) and property. It is predominantly used for women/wives and denotes the financial support that is obligatory upon men ( when certain
How can the contradiction between Islam and Christianity about God having a son be resolved?
8770 2012/04/19 TraditionalBased on what has been stated in surah Tawhid, the Muslims believe God to neither have begat a son, nor been begotten himself. All monotheistic religions also hold this same belief, with Christianity
What are the ruling and conditions for marrying a non-Muslim woman?
11161 2012/04/19 Laws and JurisprudenceNon-Muslims are of two types: 1. People of the Book 2. Not People of the Book. According to the view of all Shia jurists, a Muslim man cannot get married ( neither temporarily nor permanently ) to a n
What are the means for strengthening Shiite beliefs?
7180 2012/04/19 TraditionalIn order for us to strengthen Shiite beliefs, it is necessary that we substantiate these beliefs scientifically separating them from superstitions and illusions. We must also provide appropriate answe
Why has Fatimah Ma’sumah been given the titile ‘Ma’sumah’; is she an infallible?
7445 2012/04/18 TraditionalThe name of Lady Ma sumah, is Fatimah. In historical books and hadith sources, her eminence is referred to as Fatimah bint Musa ibn Ja far. She wasn t technically an infallible, the way the prophets a
According to the Holy Quran, what are the ways through which mankind is put to test?
10056 2012/04/18 ExegesisGod says in the Holy Quran that Allah created death and life, that He may try which of you is best in deed. The concept of divine test is very different from the tests carried out by human beings in r
If a non-Muslim gives us salaams saying “Assalaamu Alaykum”, how should we respond?
8708 2012/04/17 TheoreticalOne of the issues that has been emphasized in our religious teachings is greeting other believers with salams. There are exceptions to this teaching though, greeting non-Muslims being one of them. In
What is meant by the prostration of the herb and tree in the verse: “و النجم و الشجر یسجدان”?
14856 2012/04/17 ExegesisNajm ( النجم ) means star or a plant that doesn t have a stem. In the verse, considering that shajar or tree has been mentioned before najm, it can be concluded that what is meant by najm is herb and
Where will the evil Shias be punished; in this world, the Barzakh or the Hereafter?
11253 2012/04/17 TraditionalAccording to the Quran, all people will be punished or rewarded based on their actions and this is something clear; some in this world, some in the Barzakh and some in the Hereafter. As to the traditi
Can knowledge, power and other qualities God has endowed the prophet and his progeny with limitless in every respect?
6365 2012/04/17 TraditionalIf what is meant by infiniteness is that it is not limited by any boundaries, even the boundary of createdness or being created and reliance and need , then it must be said that nothing other than All
If a non-Muslim woman, who is married to a non-Muslim man, converts to Islam, would she have to divorce her husband?
7227 2012/04/17 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the case asked about, if her husband doesn t embrace Islam, she separates from him and there is no need for the divorce contract to be carried out. Of course, she needs to observe the iddah ( waiti
Is ‘Apprehension’ a quality that can be attributed to God?
6603 2012/04/17 TraditionalTaking into consideration the verse لا تدرکه الابصار و هو یدرک الابصار و هو اللطیف الخبیر [ 1 ] , Mudrik ( being apprehensive ) is one of God s names. [ 2 ] In the Quran and traditions, this attribute
Is it haram to consume industrial alcohol? What is ruling on taking narcotics?
7993 2012/04/17 Laws and JurisprudenceThe responses of the grand maraji to your question are as follows: The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani ( may Allah prolong his life ) : 1. Alcohol is intoxicating and its consumption impermi
Can one take narcotics during the holy month of Ramadan to be able to wake at dawn?
7485 2012/04/17 Laws and Jurisprudence1. Generally speaking, anything that has a considerable harm for the body is haram to consume. [ 1 ] Considering the substantial individual and societal harms of drugs, they are haram. [ 2 ] The
What are the arguments to prove that the wilayah (guardianship) of the Infallibles, peace be upon them?
8397 2012/04/16 TraditionalThe wilayah of the infallibles, peace be upon them, can be proved through the four authoritative and valid sources such as the Quran, Sunnah, reason and consensus. Shia scholars have a consensus abo
Were Imām Sajjād and Imām Bāqir present in Karbalā?
8898 2012/04/16 تاريخ بزرگانIn the event of Āshūrā which took place during the month of Muḥarram in 61 AH, three noble Imāms were present. Imām Ḥusayn ( as ) who headed this revolution and was martyred in Karbalā. Imām Sajjād (
What is the meaning of Dābat al-Ardh in Surah Naml?
13830 2012/04/16 ExegesisThe word Dābat pertains to a moving animal and it can be applied to both human beings, as well as other creatures. Now, the question remains as to what kind of animal has been mentioned in the Quranic
What is the meaning of the tradition attributed to Abu Basīr which mentions seeing God before the Day of Judgment?
7755 2012/04/14 TheoreticalThere is no way to see God for He is all encompassing and cannot be encompassed. Nonetheless, in a manifestational sense, He can be seen in every single being, as the Quran has mentioned the following
I live outside of Iran, my elderly mother resides in Iran and is facing problems related to old age that have made her restless and agitated. Is it a sin to leave my spouse to go and be with my elderly mother so that I can arrange for her comfort during her old age? However, I fear that as a result of my absence, my spouse may fall into sin, what is my duty?
6992 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThe office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei: The cases differ. The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani: The rights of a wife, such as: the right for intercourse or the right to sharing a bed [
What is zina muhsanah?
7677 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceZina denotes copulation with other than one s legal spouse ( permanent or temporary ) , which the Quran labels as a grave sin, about which Allah has said: Do not approach fornication. It is indeed obs
What conditions make it obligatory for one to financially support one’s wife?
7582 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceFinancially supporting the wife becomes obligatory upon the husband when all the following conditions are met: The marriage contract is a permanent one The female meets the requirements for e
What is the ruling on Stellate Sturgeon?
11217 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThose who are followers of Imam Khumayni ( rah ) , can consume those fish they aren t sure have scales or not. As to those who follow scholars who believe it to be haram, they can still buy and sell t
In light of the various (and sometimes contradictory) meanings which have been listed for the term Wilāyat (guardianship), please detail the actual meaning behind the word.
8870 2012/04/14 TraditionalThe word Wilāyat comes from the word Walī; various meanings have been listed for this word. The lexical meaning of this word is complete guardianship or ownership over a matter or object. Its more gen