Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فقه)
Please explain the principles of Sheikh Toosi's political thought.
8517 2010/12/21 Laws and JurisprudenceWith the emergence of every era new needs and questions are generated which cause scientists and scholars to think and contemplate and strive to find appropriate answers to, and Sheikh Toosi is one t
What is the Islamic law about following a Sunni prayer leader?
7868 2010/12/08 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Was the Holy Prophet’s marriage with Safiyah in accordance with Islamic laws?
8272 2010/12/07 FiqhIt is permissible for Muslims to marry non-Muslim women who are taken captives without their husbands or whose husbands have been killed, albeit after purification of their womb from their previous hu
If a person can conduct a research into some practical religious issues, can he act upon his own method in religious laws?
8136 2010/12/02 Laws and JurisprudenceHere are two points that need to be taken into consideration as a brief answer to your question:1 ) The science of jurisprudence ( ilm al-fiqh ) , like all other vast sciences, has a number of aff
Is it permissible to sell impure things like pork to non-Muslims?
7494 2010/11/27 Laws and JurisprudenceOffice of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi ( may Allah grant him long life ) : If you are certain that they contain pork ingredients, buying and selling of them are a matter of objection. Office of Gra
How can I repent from an illegitimate sexual relationship I had with one whom I planned to marry?
8455 2010/11/22 Laws and JurisprudenceZina or fornication ( in Islamic terms, which is the subject of certain Islamic laws ) means for a man’s penis to enter the vagina or anus of a woman until the glans is completely enveloped without th
Considering the necessity of having a job, please explain what is to be done if one can't find a job in the case of observing hijab?
6724 2010/11/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThese are the answers we received from the offices of the grand maraje’ regarding your question:The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani:One cannot violate a definite ruling of Islam on which a conse
Does the “reception of Muharram” hold any meaning in the Shia school of thought?
6401 2010/11/22 Laws and JurisprudenceHolding commemorations and mourning ceremonies for Imam Husein ( as ) is a tradition established and encouraged by the imams ( as ) . [ 1 ] There is no problem in carrying out these ceremonies in any
What is the ruling on having a relationship with a married woman over the phone and chatting with her?
16067 2010/11/22 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to holy Islamic law, any form of interaction between a non-mahram man and woman, whether it is direct or indirect, is impermissible if it accompanied with lust, or there is fear of sin takin
What are the borders of the Islamic Government from the political view of Islam?
7836 2010/11/22 SystemIn Islam the concept of “country” has been replaced with the concept of “land” and instead of “government”, the “ummah”. The land of Islam is one and contractual, conventional borders and linings have
In regards to the words of Imam Ali (a) as recorded in the Nahjul Balagha, which considers women as being deficient in terms of faith and intellect, can prayer and fasting alone be considered the criterion for measuring a person’s faith?
7475 2010/11/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIn regards to the words of Imam Ali ( a ) as recorded in the Nahjul Balagha, which considers women as being deficient in terms of faith and intellect, can prayer and fasting alone, be considered the c
Can you please explain the criteria for distinguishing between haram and halal music?
10061 2010/11/21 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is Islam’s ruling on listening to music?
14207 2010/11/21 Laws and JurisprudenceMusic is essentially sound, and watching it ( without listening ) has no ruling; the only ruling there is, has to do with producing and the sale of instruments, teaching and learning, playing, and lis
Does showering after wudu, invalidate the wudu?
20332 2010/11/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is okay to take a shower after wudu, and it doesn’t invalidate it.The only thing to remember is, when performing wudu, the head and feet that are wiped must be dry prior to wiping, and if they are
What is the Islamic law concerning family marriage?
8146 2010/11/16 Laws and JurisprudenceThere is a proverb in Persian which says, “A girl’s marriage with her cousin is made in heaven”. Is it really as such? The answer is that: Who knows about the heaven? Obviously no one knows about it
What is the ruling about reciting the zikr (recital), which has been narrated by Abu Basir, in Tashahhud of prayers?
9657 2010/11/14 Laws and JurisprudenceIt has been mentioned in fiqh ( jurisprudential ) books that the following zikr is recommended to recite in Tashahhud: « بسم الله و بالله و الحمد لله و خیر الاسما لله اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا ش
Please list the reasons behind the impermissibility of music.
9992 2010/11/14 Laws and JurisprudenceMusic and ghina differ from each other in fiqhi ( jurisprudential ) terms. Ghina refers to the singing voice which comes from the larynx and is turned up and down in the throat [ like the chirping of
What is the ruling regarding joyful and rousing music mixed with a song by a female singer?
8172 2010/11/10 Laws and JurisprudenceIf foreign music is of ghina and haram type, it is not permissible to listen to it. Haram music is the music which is commensurate with the gatherings of entertainment and moral depravity. According t
What is the ruling regarding eating harām (forbidden) food?
22229 2010/11/10 Laws and JurisprudenceOne who realizes after eating food that he has eaten a harām meal, in case there was no likelihood of the food being harām and there were signs indicating that it was halal, for example, he had receiv
Why is music haram while man’s nature is inclined towards it? Please list the reasons behind the permissibility or impermissibility of music.
13977 2010/11/09 Laws and Jurisprudence1. Most jurists have given fatwa on the impermissibility of lahvi ( vain and licentious ) music and they have not considered all kinds of music to be forbidden. Therefore, one cannot say that all type
What is the Islamic law concerning eating food with Hindus and eating foodstuffs like crab, different kinds of fish, Indian snack etc.?
21892 2010/11/09 PracticalAs per the fatwa of all grand jurists, all non-believers including Hindus are ritually impure. Supreme Leader, grand Ayatollah Khamenei and a few other prominent jurists are of the view that non-Musli
Why does the Quran say that you can beat your wives?
8404 2010/11/09 Laws and JurisprudencePerhaps one may think about the third tactic or remedy at the first glance ( after admonition and banishing wives to bed apart ) that Islam wants men to be free to exercise power and force on women in
Are a woman and her husband in Ihram strangers to each other while performing hajj?
8673 2010/10/17 Laws and JurisprudenceA man and his wife are strangers to each other during hajj while they are in Ihram. Sexual union is forbidden for them and they cannot derive sexual pleasures from each other. To further explain this,
If we wash our clothes by the hose that is installed at the top of a semi-automatic washing machine, will the clothes become pak?
7175 2010/09/23 Laws and JurisprudenceIf you aren t sure whether najis drops have splashed onto the clothes, then those clothes will still be pak; just because there is a possibility that najis drops have reached the clothes doesn’t make
Can we read big surahs off of our computer monitor when praying?
7125 2010/09/23 Laws and JurisprudenceIf you cannot pray standing, and your duty is to pray sitting on a chair, then it is okay to pray on your computer desk, granted that you observe the rest of the conditions. In any case, it is permiss
Is the consent of the first wife a condition of validity in re-marriage? Is the marriage contract valid if there is no attraction?
12089 2010/09/22 Laws and JurisprudenceIslam recognises the permissibility of a man having four permanent and concurrent wives. The second marriage is not conditional upon consent of the first wife, except in the case of marriage with the
Why is wearing bright and sharp colored clothing in society a problematic issue for women in Iran?
13819 2010/09/22 Laws and JurisprudenceEssentially, clothing is for one’s covering and dignity which is a trait confined to human beings among all creatures in the world. It is the human being that wears clothing to protect himself from th
If a woman plans on getting married with a man after finishing the time of mut’ah with another man, is the temporary marriage that she is presently in valid?
7827 2010/09/22 Laws and JurisprudenceFrom Islam’s perspective temporary and permanent marriage have specific conditions, one of them is that when a woman wants to get married to someone she can’t be married to another person and that she
Can one work for an employer whom he knows doesn’t carry out his religious duties?
6768 2010/09/20 Laws and JurisprudenceSince you were after the fiqhi ruling on the issue you asked about, we saw it necessary to enquire Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani; this is his answer:1- If what is being done in the job is halal and t
Is it problematic to work in a place where alcoholic beverages are sold?
8221 2010/09/09 Laws and JurisprudenceSince you were looking for the fiqhi ruling on this issue, we saw it necessary to ask your question from the offices of the grand maraje’; this is what we received in response from them:The Office of
Knowing that people are not infallible how can we be sure they won't make a mistake choosing the (Waly Faqih) Supreme Leader?
8035 2010/09/09 SystemAll growth and development that takes place in a society is dependant on a capable leader and obeying his commands. From the Shia point of view during the occultation of Imam Mahdi in which no one can
What is the ruling on working in places that sell haram goods like liquor?
9030 2010/09/09 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the ruling on working in places in which the income there is mostly haram?
7428 2010/09/09 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is working in places where pork or liquor are served or institutes which aid Israel haram?
9629 2010/09/09 Laws and JurisprudenceIn response to the question about whether working in factories that manufacture canned pork and in nightclubs or other centers of corruption is permissible or not, Ayatullah Khamenei says: Making a
Before the Islamic Revolution who was the Wali Faqih?
8442 2010/09/06 Laws and JurisprudenceThe concept of Welayat al Faqih ( Authority and Governance of the Jurist ) is a long known, well-established and original one in Shiite ideology. With the start of the major occultation in the year 32