Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فقه)
What is the meaning of ‘moon in the Scorpio’?
38534 2012/03/07 Laws and JurisprudenceIt has been narrated from Imam Sadiq ( a.s. ) that he said: Whoever embarks on a journey or marries when the moon is in the Scorpio ( qamar dar aqrab ) , he will not see any good. The subject of mo
In which cases will the contact between a husband wife break wudu?
18845 2012/03/04 Laws and JurisprudenceSeven things invalidate wudu: 1. Passing of urine 2. Excretion of stool 3. Passing wind from the rear 4. A sleep, deep enough to restrict sight and hearing. However, if the eyes do not see any
Can a woman who hasn’t received her Nafaqah consider herself as divorced? If so, when does her waiting period of iddah commence?
9709 2012/03/03 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islam, divorce can only be carried out by the husband [ 1 ] , therefore, the wife cannot divorce herself and not paying the Nafaqah doesn t give her the permission to be able to do so. Su
What is the criterion of disobedience to parents?
9676 2012/03/03 Laws and JurisprudenceDisownment by parents means to do an act that would make them angry, cause them distress and injure their feelings. Certainly, hurting one of them also results in the disownment of the child by his pa
What are the different kinds of murder? Please, explain in detail.
19042 2012/02/22 Laws and JurisprudenceMurder can be studied and classified into different categories from different perspectives which we shall mention as under:1. Justified and unjustified murder;2. Time of murder;3. Murder through imple
Is lobster, clam, oyster and octopus halal?
110428 2012/02/18 Laws and JurisprudenceEating lobster, clam, oyster and octopus is haram. According to religious resources regarding halal and haram meat, there are general rulings and numerous standards; for instance, a set of rulings has
Why is a disbeliever ritually impure? Is it not insulting to a disbeliever to consider him impure?
15813 2012/02/18 Laws and JurisprudenceThe literal meaning of kufr is to conceal or to hide . It also means disobedience or thanklessness . Shia’s grand jurisprudents have said that one who denies the oneness of God or associates anyone wi
I own some jewelry, does khums and zakat apply to it?
15392 2012/02/18 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question has different assumable cases:1- If gold or silver meet the criterion of being made into coins, and are in currency for transactions, are in one’s possession, and reach the taxable limit
What is the ruling on transacting and interacting with the Baha’is?
6461 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceThe office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei ( may Allah prolong his life ) :A1 ) All followers of the misguided and deviated Baha’i faith are najis and all transacting and interaction with them must be
Is property that becomes liable for Zakāt also liable for Khums? Which things must one pay Zakāt on? What is the difference between Zakāt and Khums?
6935 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceFor those things upon which Zakāt is obligatory, after having paid Zakāt on them, if the [ Khums ] year passes and they exceed his expenses for the year, its [ Khums ] must be paid. [ 1 ] Zakāt applie
Is it haram for young girls and women to wear perfume?
15823 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceWearing perfume or cologne isn t haram for any group or gender in Islam. What Islam prohibits is to wear attractive perfume in the presence of non-mahrams in a way that will lead to haram and corrupti
What creatures are haram?
19409 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceIn general, haram meat creatures are divided into several categories:1. All sea creatures which do not have scales.2. Among land creatures, dogs, pigs, predatory creatures which have sharp teeth and c
Is it problematic for a menstruating woman’s husband to satisfy her without any penetration of his organ?
13914 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceOne of the things which is haram for the menstruating woman, is vaginal intercourse. This is haram both for the man and woman [ 1 ] , even if only the glans enters and there is no seminal discharge. A
What is the ruling on sleeping with one of his two wives in the presence of the other?What is the ruling on sleeping with one of his two wives in the presence of the other?
14975 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceThis issue needs to be observed both from a moral and legal perspective:From a moral point of view, Islam gives great significance to modesty and chastity, especially in family and conjugal life, henc
Why do Shīʿas say ‘Alḥamdulillāh rabbi al-ʿālamīn' after sūrah ‘al-Hamd’.
8951 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceThere are some apparent differences which exist, and have existed between Shīʿas and Sunnis; for instance, the folding of arms during prayer as practiced by the Sunnis, or the method in which ‘wuḍhu’
Where has the concept of Wilayat al-Faqih been mentioned in the Quran?
10152 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceIn regards to the proof of the concept of Wilayat al-Faqih, some have referred to a number of the verses of the Quran; through the general collection of these verses, they have shown a reference to th
What is the management aspect of Wilayat al-Faqih from a jurisprudential perspective?
8977 2012/02/15 SystemThe jurisprudent, through means of the proofs of Wilayat al-Faqih, takes on the position of the ruler of an Islamic government and a representative of the Infallible Imam ( ‘a ) . From this perspectiv
If keeping the beard harms the conjugal relationship of a husband and wife, given such circumstances, what will be the ruling on keeping the beard?
8403 2012/02/15 Laws and Jurisprudence1- As you know, in Islam, the family and family related matters, especially conjugal life, bear special importance, and one can confidently claim that such importance hasn’t been given by other religi
What is the ruling in regards to buying products that help support the interests of the Zionist regime?
6131 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceImam Khomeini ( ra ) and other grand maraji’ have stated:It is obligatory upon each and every Muslim to refrain from buying or using products, that the production and purchasing of bring profit for th
I have a friend who while on duty made an accident with a motorcyclist resulting in the death of the latter. Apart from legal procedures that will take placed, is my friend under any other obligation according to Islam?
6318 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceThere are different types of murder: Attempted murder and unintentional murder ( manslaughter ) . The latter is normally divided into two categories e.g. purely unintentional murder or criminally negl
Is it permissible to steal from internet websites?
6435 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceSince you want the Islamic law about the question in your email, we deemed it necessary to forward the same question to the offices of some of the living prominent jurists. The answers which we have r
Can a woman recite Quran in front of non-mahrams?
12284 2012/02/15 Laws and JurisprudenceThe Grand Ayatullah Khameneni ( may Allah prolong his life ) :If it gets their attention and arouses them or causes any other corruption then it will be impermissible, or else, it is permissible.The G
I am from the Philippines. I don’t have access to a mujtahid to pay my khums to him and I am not sure whether there are deserving Sayyids where I live. To whom am I supposed to pay my khums?
6335 2012/02/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThese are the responses we received from the offices of the grand maraji’:The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani ( may Allah prolong his life ) : You are allowed to keep your khums with you until y
If the horn of a sacrificial animal is broken, can we sacrifice it on Eid al-Adha?
6665 2012/02/14 Laws and JurisprudenceIf what you mean by sacrifice, is the sacrifice performed as one of the rituals of Hajj where animals are sacrificed in the land of Mina, then according to the fatwa of the majority of jurists, if the
How long is a mother allowed to breastfeed her baby?
8270 2012/02/12 Laws and JurisprudenceIn regards to the above question, we will make mention of the verdicts of some of the jurisprudents as under:According to a well-known view, the jurists say that the duration of breastfeeding is twent
Why is it not permissible for girls to shape their eyebrows?
6708 2012/02/08 Laws and JurisprudenceThe ruling of the grand jurists about girls removing or shaping their eyebrows is as follows:All grand jurists: There is no problem in it per se ( although it is not befitting of girls to do so ) , an
There is a relatively famous tradition from the Holy Prophet (s) who allowed lying under a few circumstances. Please, elaborate on the validity and purport of the said tradition.
7191 2012/01/30 Laws and JurisprudenceAlthough lying is considered to be one of the big sins, it has been allowed under specific circumstances for the purpose of serving a greater and more important interest as determined in the religion
Is it permissible to slaughter an animal via machine?
6601 2012/01/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThis is the response of Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani ( may Allah prolong his life ) :All three methods, given that all other conditions ( such as the animal facing the Qiblah ) are met, will result
I would like some explanation on puberty and its rulings. Please answer my question below.
16827 2012/01/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThe response of Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani to all of the questions is as follows:1- If a person was unaware of his bulugh ( religious puberty ) or the obligation of fasting at that time, or though
If a person sings among some people dancing, will this singing be an instance of ghina?
5813 2012/01/19 Laws and JurisprudenceGhina denotes a kind of singing accompanied by vocal undulation and tarab ( rapture ) so that it is suitable for gatherings of lahw and sin – it is haram and both singing and listening to it is haram.
Does mixing genders in universities have any logic behind it?
7168 2012/01/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThorough analysis of these complications or the benefits of mixed gender universities calls for vast sociological research and statistical surveys, etc., which is beyond the scope of this article, thu
Why is the dog a najis animal in Islam?
27404 2012/01/19 Philosophy of Religion and LawOne of the fundamental teachings of Islam is that all legal rulings are based on the real benefits and harms behind them. If there were no benefits or harms, there would be no commands nor prohibition
Is it permissible to eat chips containing porcine enzymes?
7618 2012/01/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThe grand maraji’ responded to this inquiry like this:The office of the grand Ayatullah Khamenei:In the case of the question it isn t permissible.The office of the grand Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi:It i
What is Islam’s view on shaking hands with a non-mahram man or woman?
12096 2012/01/19 Laws and JurisprudenceWhat is clear and for sure is that one’s encounter with a non-mahram must be in a way that there is no sin or fear of sin involved. [ 1 ] As far as physical contact between a non-mahram man and woman
I found some property, and left my number there and also wrote to the address that was with the property but got no response. Can I use this property for myself?
6565 2012/01/19 Laws and JurisprudenceThe Office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei ( may Allah prolong his life ) :In the case inquired, if you have no hope in finding the owner, and the value of the property is more than 12.6 chickpeas of