Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فقه)
Has divorce ever taken place in the life of the prophet and imams?
8904 2010/09/06 Laws and JurisprudenceThis issue can be looked at and analyzed from different perspectives, but in short, what can be said about it is as following:Firstly: Although marriage has been encouraged in Islamic sources, and div
What are the conditions for selecting Ayatullah Khamenei as the current Wali Faqih and how are his actions monitored?
6596 2010/09/05 Laws and JurisprudenceThe answers to the first and second part of your question can be found in the following links: Question 920 ( website: 2975 ) ( The Wali Faqih and Infallibility ) and Question 786 ( website: 845 ) (
Why is a child that has been born from a temporary marriage given to the father?
15273 2010/09/05 Laws and JurisprudenceTemporary marriage is an easy and simple marriage for people that can’t practice permanent marriage, legitimized by God for a number of reasons, one of which is to prevent fornication and sexual corru
Considering the difference of opinion the ulema have on the issue of Wilayat Faqih, can one deny the whole concept?
7001 2010/09/05 SystemThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Does the verse "فما استمتعتم به منهّن فاتوهن اجورهنّ فریضة" imply temporary marriage?
12101 2010/09/05 Laws and JurisprudenceWhat is meant by istimta in the verse فما استمتعتم به منهن فاتوهن اجورهن فریضه ; ( For the enjoyment you have had from them thereby, give them their dowries, by way of settlement ) , is intimacy and t
Did the Prophet and the Imams (PBUT) combine the Dhuhr and Asr prayers?
8807 2010/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceTaking note of the Shia and Sunni traditions that have been passed down to us, the Prophet ( PBUH ) would both combine the Dhuhr and Asr, and the Maghrib and Isha prayers, as well as pray them separat
Is it okay to smoke while fasting?
10818 2010/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the ruling on shaving the legs for men?
9689 2010/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceExcept for the beard, which is haram to shave ( obligatory precaution ) , [ 1 ] not only is it permissible to remove the hairs of the body such as the armpits, but it is mustahabb [ 2 ] in Islam, and
A person has touched some of his things while being junub from a haram act, does he have to wash his hands if he touches those things with a wet hand after he has performed ghusl if he ever wants to pray?
9893 2010/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThese are the answers we received from the offices of the maraje’ regarding your inquiry:The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khameneni:The sweat of a person who has become junub from a haram act isn t n
Doesn’t the fact that mut’ah couples don’t inherit from each other prove that they aren't actually lawful couples?
6739 2010/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThe criterion for marriage in Islam isn t entitlement to heritage. According to Islam, marriage is of two types: permanent and temporary ( mut’ah ) . The formulas for each have their similarities and
I would like to know the viewpoint of the maraje’ on organ donation.
10326 2010/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThese are the responses we received from the offices of the maraje’:The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei:If the organs of the donors are used for the cure of other patients, but quicken their de
I would like to know if we can use nicotine patches for smoking cessation during the month of Ramadan.
7036 2010/08/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThese are the responses we acquired from the offices of the maraje’:The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei:It isn t problematic.The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani:It isn t problematic.The o
Are those who perform suicide operations considered shahid in the eyes of the Shia, and generally, can they still be performed today (does the concept even apply today)?
7063 2010/08/21 Laws and JurisprudenceSuch operations that are referred to as ‘suicide operations’ or intihari operations have no place in the Shia culture and aren t permissible per se. Nevertheless, if the precious religion of Islam is
Has it been mentioned in the Quran how many rak’ats each prayer has?
11425 2010/08/15 Laws and JurisprudenceDue to its unique structure the Quran has briefly mentioned the outline of Islamic teachings ( like Ahkam, Aghaed, History, etc. ) and has assigned the prophet of Islam to explain it in detail and int
Why do we the Shia pray at three times while the Quran tells us to pray at five times?
81092 2010/08/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThe reason the Shia perform their prayers in three times is the Quranic verses and traditions on the matter. Although the Quran has mentioned that prayer is wajib several times and hasn’t gone into th
How long has the belief in Wilayatul Faqih existed?
6995 2010/08/01 Laws and JurisprudenceThe concept of Wilayatul Faqih, taken to mean the leadership of a society under an individual who has reached the rank of ‘Ijtihad’ ( Jurisprudence ) in Fiqh, is according to some, a new concept in te
Is it proper for a lady to lip sync while reciting a sura during salat or to recite it in her mind?
8572 2010/08/01 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Can females also begin prayers from behind the Imam then fill up to the right then to the left?
6468 2010/08/01 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is okay for women to form a line behind the imam when those following him are only women, but if only one woman is praying behind him, it is mustahabb for her to stand to his right side such that w
Do we have to recite surah Fatihah in prayer?
6211 2010/08/01 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the first and second rak’ahs of the daily prayers, one must recite surah Fatihah and another entire surah after it; there is no difference between men and women in this ruling. [ 1 ] ( Of course, t
Does belching out what one has eaten invalidate the fast?
6732 2010/08/01 Laws and JurisprudenceIf one who is fasting belches out something and it comes into the mouth, if he swallows it again, it will invalidate his fast no matter how little it is and he has to make up for it and also make kaff
When a female is in her period is it proper for her to say Lahila illallah?
7933 2010/08/01 Laws and JurisprudenceSaying La Ilaha Illallah during a woman’s period is okay. Interestingly, it is mustahabb for a women on their period to clean themselves of blood and change their cloth or cotton and make wudu and if
Is ethanol, which is a type of alcohol, pak and halal to consume?
40521 2010/08/01 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Can a man take pleasure in different parts of the woman’s body if he likes, even by force?
13930 2010/07/22 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What are the opinions of the Maraj'e in regard to using Qama in the past and in present time?
11497 2010/07/21 Laws and JurisprudenceMourning for Imam Hossein has always been emphasized on by the Imams and Muslim scholars, and throughout history, there have always been gatherings in which people would mourn for the Imam.One of the
We found the dead body of a lady in the desert, how can we find out if she was Muslim or not?
9336 2010/07/20 Laws and JurisprudenceBurying the body of a Muslim is upon all Muslims, but if some do it, the rest will be exempt. [ 1 ] If a body has signs of being Muslim, it should be buried as a Muslim, but if there are no signs of i
What is the ruling on using henna in the state of jinabat and heyd? Does nail polish cause any problem for wudu?
10571 2010/07/20 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the duty of one who can't control their urine during prayer?
8957 2010/07/20 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is it permissible to eat food cooked by the Aghakhanis (an Isma’ili denomination)?
8859 2010/07/20 Laws and JurisprudenceThose who aren t of the Twelver Shia sect, whether they are of the Shia sect, such Zaydis and Ismailis, or of the Sunni sect, are all considered Muslims and pak, making the food they cook and the meat
What is the ruling for kissing and mouthing each other’s genitals (husband and wife) in permanent and temporary marriage?
11757 2010/07/20 Laws and JurisprudenceThese are the responses we received from the offices of the maraje’:The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei:It is permissible per se, but one should abstain from swallowing filth and/or semen.The o
Is conditional divorce effective?
6844 2010/06/21 Laws and JurisprudenceOne of the conditions of the validity and effectiveness of the divorce formula is for it not to be made contingent upon any condition. Consequently, if the husband says “If Zayd comes you are divorced
If a person is deaf, through which of the two ways of text messaging or video conference can he divorce his wife?
6877 2010/06/21 Laws and JurisprudenceThe response of Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani is as follows:The only way for a deaf person to divorce his wife is through writing and of course, he must have two witnesses when he does so.If he is un
Does Islam recommend a certain age for becoming pregnant?
8001 2010/06/21 Laws and JurisprudencePregnancy is a natural event that girls can experience after puberty when they find the ability to become so, and its end ( menopause ) is also a natural one, meaning that at a certain age women natur
I am married to a person of the People of the Book, do I have to have her permission for temporary marriage?
7508 2010/06/21 Laws and JurisprudenceThis is the view of different maraje regarding permanent marriage with People of the Book:Imam Khomeini: As an obligatory precaution, it is impermissible to get married to People of the Book.Ayatullah
Is it permissible to serve alcoholic beverages in restaurants in the west?
7910 2010/06/21 Laws and JurisprudenceThe dignity of Muslims around the world depends on their adherence to their religion’s laws and devotement to Islam, and they must strive to remain committed to the pact they have made with Allah ( sw
What is the ruling on eating ice cream at a place where its workers are Christian?
8659 2010/05/27 Laws and JurisprudenceThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.