Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام قدیم)
What are the fundamentals and principles of Islam?
8960 2012/04/24 TraditionalLiterally Islam means submission and the religion of Islam is called Islam because it seeks man s submission to the will of God, the Lord of the worlds. Thus, Islam requires man to surrender himself t
From the Islamic and Shi’a point of view, where exactly does man have free will in?
7818 2012/04/21 TraditionalIslamic texts ( the ahadith and the Quran ) clearly stipulate that man has free will. This does not mean that man has complete freedom and no other power or factor limits his will. Man has control o
How can the contradiction between Islam and Christianity about God having a son be resolved?
8839 2012/04/19 TraditionalBased on what has been stated in surah Tawhid, the Muslims believe God to neither have begat a son, nor been begotten himself. All monotheistic religions also hold this same belief, with Christianity
What are the means for strengthening Shiite beliefs?
7335 2012/04/19 TraditionalIn order for us to strengthen Shiite beliefs, it is necessary that we substantiate these beliefs scientifically separating them from superstitions and illusions. We must also provide appropriate answe
Why has Fatimah Ma’sumah been given the titile ‘Ma’sumah’; is she an infallible?
7527 2012/04/18 TraditionalThe name of Lady Ma sumah, is Fatimah. In historical books and hadith sources, her eminence is referred to as Fatimah bint Musa ibn Ja far. She wasn t technically an infallible, the way the prophets a
Where will the evil Shias be punished; in this world, the Barzakh or the Hereafter?
11353 2012/04/17 TraditionalAccording to the Quran, all people will be punished or rewarded based on their actions and this is something clear; some in this world, some in the Barzakh and some in the Hereafter. As to the traditi
Can knowledge, power and other qualities God has endowed the prophet and his progeny with limitless in every respect?
6428 2012/04/17 TraditionalIf what is meant by infiniteness is that it is not limited by any boundaries, even the boundary of createdness or being created and reliance and need , then it must be said that nothing other than All
Is ‘Apprehension’ a quality that can be attributed to God?
6682 2012/04/17 TraditionalTaking into consideration the verse لا تدرکه الابصار و هو یدرک الابصار و هو اللطیف الخبیر [ 1 ] , Mudrik ( being apprehensive ) is one of God s names. [ 2 ] In the Quran and traditions, this attribute
What are the arguments to prove that the wilayah (guardianship) of the Infallibles, peace be upon them?
8504 2012/04/16 TraditionalThe wilayah of the infallibles, peace be upon them, can be proved through the four authoritative and valid sources such as the Quran, Sunnah, reason and consensus. Shia scholars have a consensus abo
In light of the various (and sometimes contradictory) meanings which have been listed for the term Wilāyat (guardianship), please detail the actual meaning behind the word.
8961 2012/04/14 TraditionalThe word Wilāyat comes from the word Walī; various meanings have been listed for this word. The lexical meaning of this word is complete guardianship or ownership over a matter or object. Its more gen
Was the earth created before the sky? There are planets in the galaxies very much older than the earth. As well, no astronaut has said that there are seven firmaments or skies above the earth. What is the Islamic point of view in this regard?
16076 2012/04/14 TraditionalThe creation of other creatures on earth is not meant to hold or entail material benefits for mankind; the material benefit is only one aspect of the story. The more important aspect is that contempla
Could you please explain the essence of infallibility? I personally believe only God is infallible.
7012 2012/04/14 TraditionalThe correct terminology to use here is that God is free from all limitations and flaws, not that He is infallible which is a term used for other than God. That being said, everything other than God is
I wish to know what the seven paradises are. Can you explain them for me?
47065 2012/04/07 TraditionalDar al-Salam ( Abode of Peace ) , Dar al-Jalal ( Abode of Glory ) , Jannatul Mava ( Garden of Refuge ) , Jannatul Khuld ( Garden of Eternity ) , Jannatul Adan ( Garden of Eden ) , Jannatul Firdous ( G
What are the causes of the reappearance of the Imam of Time (atf)?
9048 2012/04/03 TraditionalThe causes of the reappearance refer to those things that serve as agents instrumental in the reappearance of the Imam of Time ( atf ) . Although God s will is the fundamental cause of the reappearanc
Why did Islam expand and spread in Asia more than it did in Europe?
14745 2012/04/02 TraditionalIslam emerged in Asia and it spread across the Arab world and Asia. There are multiple factors behind the fact that Islam did not spread in Europe. Those factors include the internal discord and confl
What is Shia’s view about caliphate and successorship to the Holy Prophet (s)?
10991 2012/03/18 TraditionalAccording to Shia: 1. Caliphate or successorship to the Holy Prophet ( s ) is divinely appointed and that at God s order the Prophet, many a time, introduced Ali ( a.s. ) as his successor. 2. The
What kind of wilayah (authority) did the Holy Prophet (s) mean in Ghadir Khum?
8869 2012/03/14 TraditionalConsidering that the Prophet ( s ) appointed the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ( a.s ) in an absolute and general way, the Holy Prophet s authority in its entirety, irrespective of whether it is myst
Who is God and how is it possible to prove His existence?
10778 2012/03/14 TraditionalGod, the Exalted, is the absolute being and perfection. There is no deficiency or imperfection in Him. He is unique and has the power to do everything. He has knowledge of everything at all times and
When Allah gives His creation certain qualities, does that mean that they have become partners with Him in that given quality?
6351 2012/03/10 TraditionalWhen a creation is in lack of a certain quality such as power, and is then given it by God, even at the time when it seemingly bears that quality, it has no independence whatsoever. It isn t the case
Is God subjugated to natural laws?
6559 2012/03/10 TraditionalAllah is the one who has set all natural laws, and the only thing He is under the influence of, is His own will. The one thing to keep in mind is that His will is that things take place through their
If there are levels for heaven, are there levels for hell?
9324 2012/03/10 TraditionalWhat is understood from Quranic verses and the ahadith is that, similar to heaven, [ 1 ] hell has different levels, and sinners will be put into these levels depending on the number and type of their
Why are Iranian ceremonies for holidays and for mourning different from Muslim and Shi’a ones?
8503 2012/03/08 TraditionalEven though ceremonies that are held for religious occasions must be in accordance with the general guidelines of Islam, but in regard to the details about which Islam has not mentioned guidelines, th
How is the existence of good and bad compatible with monotheism?
7484 2012/03/07 Traditional1 – This world has been created in a manner where no being is independent from the other. If we observe the world around us carefully, we would discover the beings within it connected, much like the i
How is it possible to prove the existence of the Imam of Age (atf) and his reappearance through the Quran?
8054 2012/03/03 TraditionalFirst of all, it is necessary to know that the Quran speaks in a general way. All the general statements of the Quran are explained in detail in the traditions of the Holy Prophet ( s ) and his househ
If the existing Christianity has been altered and God calls them as infidels, why does He heal their sick ones and gives attention to them?
6483 2012/03/03 TraditionalThe fact that God, the Glorified, heals the sickness of Christians and gives attention to them is because of His common and encompassing grace and compassion which includes all humans. He heals their
Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?
8408 2012/02/18 TraditionalThe fact that God has created man in the best of forms and has fulfilled all of his needs both in this world and the next, and as a matter of fact, has created everything for him and put it at his dis
I believe in God and pray to Him, but sometimes I don’t know how to picture him.
6334 2012/02/15 TraditionalEssentially, picturing God and moving towards embodying and picturing God is wrong, because God isn t physical and cannot be pictured or imagined. God is a reality and at the same time, in all realiti
If the idol worshippers did not consider their idols to be actual gods, but rather, representations or representatives of God, then does this eliminate the issue of their idol worship?
7830 2012/02/15 TraditionalFrom the perspective of Islam, Allah is the sole creator and manager of all things. Worship is exclusively due to Him and all of the various aspects of idol worship are deviations and distortions in t
What is the Islamic law about having an affair or illicit relationship with a person from the opposite gender? If their relationships do not lead to adultery, are they still sinful?
18370 2012/02/15 TraditionalAdultery is a great sin according to the Quran. God, the Exalted, says: Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful ( deed ) and an evil, opening the road ( to other evils ) . [ 1 ] In this short
I have heard that the bodies of some martyrs from the Iraq and Iran war are still intact and did not decompose, are these reports reliable?
11525 2012/02/15 TraditionalLooking at the issue from one angle, since the bodies of living things have been created in a way that once the soul leaves the body, in accordance to the laws of nature, the body begins to smell, rot
Why do Jewish people read their book in Hebrew?
6562 2012/02/14 TraditionalGod is a metaphysical being who cannot be analyzed with physical standards, nonetheless, He has used physical means understandable to man to take care of this world’s affairs. One of these affairs is
Can you prove why God should be unlimited?
7394 2012/02/07 TraditionalIn order to answer the question, we must clarify the meaning of the infiniteness of God and His relation with other beings: Divine infinity means that God is in every way immeasurable, unbounded, unli
What are the main characteristics of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (S) that make them superior to other religions and other prophets respectively?
14426 2012/01/30 TraditionalIslam has two special and distinctive features in the light of which the need for prophethood ceases to exist and there is no room for another prophethood:1. Islam is the last religion; it is the most
If Aisha was the Mother of the Faithful and the Quran has described her as being "pure", then why did she go into a war with Imam Ali (a.s)?
9931 2012/01/30 TraditionalIf you mean by the word pure absolute and comprehensive purity which is what Ayah of Tathir ( purification ) refers to, then it relates only to the Holy Prophet ( s ) , Imam Ali ( a.s ) , Fatima ( s.a
Is identification of individuals and personalities in Paradise and Hell possible?
7592 2012/01/28 TraditionalIn the Holy Book of the Quran, there are verses in witness of the conversation between the dwellers of Paradise and those of Hell, which briefly relate the possibility of information for the dwellers