Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
How should an astronaut get wudhu and make prayer in outer space?
14507 2006/11/26 ModernUnder no circumstances or conditions is it permissible to discard obligatory prayers, and they must be made in any possible situation. If possible, a person who is in space or on a spacesh
According to Islam is it permissible for women to drive?
30918 2006/11/22 ModernThe ruling for women driving must be derived from other laws and principals; meaning that we do not have a direct ruling on women driving in the Quran or Sunnah, because it is a new issue (
What is the origin and growth of Shi‛ism?
7444 2006/08/21 ModernShi‛ism began with a reference made for the first time to the partisans of Ali ( shi‛ah-i‛Ali ) , the first leader of the Household of the Prophet, during the lifetime of the Prophet himself. The cour
I would like to know the methods of religious thought.
9201 2006/07/15 TraditionalThere are three methods of religious thought in Islam. The Holy Quran in its teachings points to three paths for Muslims to follow in order to comprehend the purposes of religion and the Islamic scien
What are the reliable sources of religious thought in Islam?
6939 2006/07/15 TraditionalNeedless to say religious thought, like other forms of thought, must have reliable sources from which the raw material of its thought originates and upon which it depends. Similarly, the process of re
What do you mean by religious thought?
6786 2006/07/15 TraditionalBy “religious thought” we mean that form of thought which is concerned whit any of the problems of a religious nature within a particular religion, in the same sense that mathematical thought is the f