Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
If Allah (awj) is omniscient, why does He need to test mankind?
9700 2011/08/15 TraditionalAs implied by the question, because Allah ( awj ) is omniscient, the purpose of His tests is not to unveil something hitherto unknown. Rather, the Qur`an and ahadith suggest that these tests serve tw
Isn’t there a discrepancy between Islam’s view of the human being as a creature endowed with free choice and assertation of the Qur`an that Allah (awj) shuts the hearts, ears and eyes of some to the truth?
7756 2011/08/15 TraditionalIn many verses there is mention of the unbelievers’ and hypocrites’ hearts, eyes, and ears being sealed and of the sinful and perverse being misled. Khatm and tab’ [ both meaning “seal” ] denote endin
Is it possible for humankind to know Allah (awj)? If yes, to what degree and what is the value of such knowledge?
10912 2011/08/15 TraditionalThe human being can attain knowledge of Allah ( awj ) through various ways. This knowledge can come about through the medium of the intellect or of the heart. At times he—as in the case of the sage a
What is the relationship between Divine will and human will?
7712 2011/08/15 TraditionalThe human being is a contingent existent who derives his existence and existential qualities from Allah ( awj ) . Allah ( awj ) has, by His generative will ( irada takwini ) , created him as a voliti
Is it not polytheistic to ask for one’s needs from anyone other than Allah (awj) such as the Prophet (ص) or the infallible Imams (ع) since it is Allah (awj) who is the Fulfiller of Needs?
8451 2011/08/15 TraditionalIf one reveres, refers or takes recourse to, or seeks one’s needs from these personages with the intention that are separate from Allah ( awj ) and independent of Him in fulfilling our needs, such an
If a person falls ill, should he seek treatment a) with a doctor, or b) by eating dust from near Imam al-Husayn’s grave, or c) through supplication?
7895 2011/08/15 ModernEach of the aforementioned actions could potentially cure his illness independently or by combining with the other two. However, the best course is to accompany all our actions—among which are medical
What is the “sharaban tahuran” mentioned in the Qur`an (sometimes translated as “pure wine”)?
54428 2011/08/15 Traditional“Sharab” means something which can be drunk and “tahur” means that which is in itself pure and uncontaminated and also makes other things pure. We can gather from various verses that in heaven there a
Did religion come to imprison us or to set us free?
8511 2011/08/15 ModernFreedom, from the point of view of religion, can be studied under two headings: spiritual freedom and socio-political freedom. From the spiritual perspective, man’s essence or immaterial self is free
Considering the verse of the Qur`an in Surah 32, verse 13 which reads, “Had We wished We would have given every soul its guidance,” - can it not be concluded that Allah (awj) has not desired the guidance of all humanity? If Allah (awj) had desired the guidance of all humanity He would have willed such, but obviously He has not. Why?
7976 2011/08/10 TraditionalAllah ( awj ) has willed the guidance of all His creatures. For, after taking all the [ relevant ] Qur`anic verses into consideration, the following points can be deduced:1. Divine guidance is divided
What are the signs for the reemergence of the Master of the Age [i.e. the Twelfth Imam]?
9559 2011/08/10 ModernThe topic of the signs of the re-emergence is a complicated one and calls for a thorough investigation of all the related narrations. However, in brief, the signs fall under two categories. One group
We know of many people around the world who are not Muslims or Shi`a but are nevertheless individuals of good conduct; for example, non-Muslims are responsible for many inventions. Is it right that they all deserve to be punished in Hell because they are not Muslims?
11363 2011/08/10 ModernThose who do not believe in Islam can be classified into two groups:1. Those who are termed ‘Jahil-e-Muqassir’ ( lit. ‘culpable ignorant’ ) . These are non-believers to whom the message of Islam has r
Is religion compatible with politics?
8314 2011/08/10 ModernA religion that has come in order to explain the path to felicity from now until the end of time cannot remain indifferent to a matter that all societies need, that is, government. In other words, th
Can we call Hazrat Ali (a.s) as Raziq (sustainer) since he was the one who distributed food among the needy? Is it permissible to call the 14 Infallibles as 'rabb' because they are those who look after us?
9791 2011/07/31 TraditionalIt depends on what a person means when he uses terms such as raziq , rab and the likes which are the attributes of God, the Exalted. Hence, the intention and motive are very important. It can be said
What will happen to the Islamic governments in the wake of the reappearance of the Imam of Time (atf)?
6896 2011/07/31 TraditionalFollowing the reappearance of the Imam of Time ( atf ) and establishment of a single global government by him, if there are presumably any governments that work towards the realization of the goals of
What is meant when it is said that Awliya’ullah have the knowledge of the past, present and the future?
16228 2011/06/21 TraditionalThe knowledge we possess is accumulated from many different ways. One of these ways is one’s connection with Unseen which is also done in many forms and can differ depending on the individual’s emotio
Why aren’t the Imams’ names clearly mentioned in the Quran?
12864 2011/06/21 TraditionalWe must pay attention that even though the Imams’ names are not mentioned in the Quran, but they have been clearly mentioned in the words of the Prophet, especially Imam Ali. The most prominent exampl
Is it not malevolent to pray that someone be deprived of God's mercy? Why do we curse someone who is dead?
8645 2011/06/14 TraditionalYazid and his likes were cursed by God, the Exalted, the Prophet ( pbuh ) and his noble successors ( a.s. ) who are the embodiments of divine mercy towards the rest of God s creatures. Some pe
Why has God not protected Masjidul Haram and Ka'bah against floods and other disasters?
10492 2011/06/11 TraditionalKa bah and Masjidul Haram ( Grand Mosque ) are the most sacred, most revered and most valuable places on earth. The building of Ka bah is made of earthly materials. All the laws governing the material
Do the believers receive any rewards or divine bounty in the grave and do the disbelievers receive punishment therein?
10189 2011/05/18 TraditionalIn his book Awael al-Maqalat, Shaykh Mufid sorts out human individuals based on their beliefs and deeds into four groups:1. Pious believers;2. Disbelieving, stubborn and grudging sinners;3. Believers
What would have happened if the Caliphate had fallen into the hands of Imam Ali (as)?
8149 2011/05/18 TraditionalCertainly, Imam Ali’s ( as ) greatest concern would have been to continue the way of the Holy Prophet ( saw ) and guard the path of hidayah ( guidance ) and true Islam, so that mankind could reach sa’
How does the status of a person, who has been in deviation and engulfed in sins, change in the afterworld through others' good deeds and prayers without him having a role?
9471 2011/05/08 TraditionalThe point in the question is neither hundred percent acceptable nor is it hundred percent refutable, but it depends squarely on the type of the sin and the person who commits it. There are some sins l
Was Imam Ali (as) only the friend, companion and relative of the prophet, or was he more than that?
9519 2011/04/21 TraditionalIn addition to being related to and a friend and companion of the prophet ( pbuh ) and his supporter in all phases of his life and in different scenes of defending the religion and spreading the word
Is it possible for Imam Zaman to ever commit a sin, no matter how small?
6987 2011/04/20 TraditionalAccording to the Ahlul-Bayt’s school of thought, Imam Zaman holds the high rank of infallibility ( ‘ismah ) and is an infallible ( ma’sum ) . The ma’sum is one who through Allah s ( swt ) grace is fre
In the Quran, we can see that the general propositions of prayer have been outlined, but nothing of Imamate can be witnessed, is it possible to point out a section of the Quran as reference for Imamate?
7699 2011/04/20 TraditionalNumerous verses in the Quran have addressed the issue of Imamate. Allameh Hilli ( ra ) and Allameh Majlisi have explicitly listed these verses in Alfain and Bihar al-Anwar. Examples of these ayahs are
What is the Solution to the inconsistency between the legislative wilayat (authority) of the Imams and the sealing of Prophethood?
7243 2011/04/20 ModernThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Did the imams ever do anything supernatural in order to prove their imamate?
6941 2011/04/20 Traditional“Miracles” in Islamic theological terms are acts that surpass normal limits that challenge others to do the same and are in accordance with the claims of the person performing them. What is meant by s
What is the measure to choosing individuals as prophets and aimah among others?
7939 2011/04/20 TraditionalBased on the reasons for general prophethood, God chose a group of individuals from the human race as paradigms and representatives to guide mankind.Even though the innate potential to be God’s repres
Has the Quran solved all the problems people face in their lives?
15313 2011/04/20 ModernWe believe that the Quran enjoys comprehensiveness and is capable of solving all problems of people s lives, but such a claim does not mean we should expect the Quran to solve everything, even the pro
What is the Mus’haf of Fatimah? Did the prophet and his household know about this book?
11155 2011/04/20 TraditionalThe Mus’haf of Fatimah is the name of a book that was written by Imam Ali during Lady Fatimah s lifetime. The content of this book was communicated to Lady Fatimah through the special angel Gabriel. T
There are several reasons why the third ayah of Surah Al-Ma’idah cannot be about the event of Ghadir! Please share your viewpoint about this?
16422 2011/04/20 Traditional1. The matter of the wilayah of Amir Al-Mu’mineen had been announced only in limited groups of people and certain circumstances, but was formally presented to the ummah on the day of Ghadir, which is
What do Jews say about the coming of the Promised Messiah?
6544 2011/04/20 TraditionalSimilar to other faiths and people, the Jews definitely believe in the coming of a savior at the end of time. In the current Torah, there are many glad tidings of the coming of a universal reformer. I
Are we forbidden to go to a somewhere that divine punishment has taken place?
6968 2011/04/20 TraditionalWe have not come across a hadith in Islamic resources which forbids us from going to a location where divine punishment has taken place, although, there is a hadith in which Imam Ali ( as ) states: “I
What does it mean for ethics to be based upon religion?
7957 2011/04/20 ModernIn the discussion regarding the relationship between religion and ethics, there are two general views about the benefits of the morals and ethics.1. Ethics is a matter independent of religion and
Why did Allah create Satan?
17393 2011/04/20 TraditionalFirst: Satan’s role in deviating and misguiding man is confined to tempting him. Second: Progress and development can only take place when there are opposite and conflicting forces, and therefore the
Please explain what a human Shaytan is.
20475 2011/04/20 Traditional“Shaytan” is a general term that refers to any deviating, misguiding and disobedient creature, whether it is human or not. In the Quran, this term has not been used for a specific creature, in fact it