Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
Many of the hadiths on the birth of Imam Zaman (as) are weak and unauthentic ones and only a few of these hadiths are authentic. Can one say that the weak ones are strengthened by those that are authentic, thus making the weak ones also dependable, so that all of the hadiths (weak and strong) as a whole make us certain about his birth?
8725 2008/09/23 TraditionalA few points need to made concerning the birth of Imam Zaman ( as ) :1- All of the hadiths on this subject aren’t weak, and there are also “sahih”, “mowathaq” and “hasan” ( terms referring to differen
Why is the grave of Lady Fatimah (as) still concealed, while Imam Ali’s (as) has been revealed?
8016 2008/09/21 TraditionalThe reason for why the grave of Imam Ali ( as ) was concealed for a while was the fact that ignorant and abusive individuals who were enemies to him, would possibly disrespect his grave. Later on thou
Who are the infallibles (ma’sum)?
7658 2008/08/23 TraditionalInfallibility is a spiritual power and inner virtue that restrains one from even imagining and thinking of sinning, let alone committing sin and in Islamic terms, means for one to be protected from si
Does the angel of death take the life of all living things?
14781 2008/08/23 TraditionalTraditions imply the fact that the angel of death ( Isra’il ) is at the top of the list of those divine creatures who take the lives of living things and is the one to take the lives of living things.
Why aren’t the imams able to protect their shrines from terrorist attacks?
7782 2008/08/21 TraditionalIn addition to Wilayah Tashri’i ( legislative authority of making things haram or halal ) , Allah ( swt ) has given the Prophet ( pbuh ) and imams ( as ) Wilayah Takwini ( the authority and power of m
Why did our imams practice polygamy?
8907 2008/08/18 TraditionalThere are many reasons behind marriage; spiritual calmness and tranquility, fulfillment of reproductive needs and desires, having a partner in life and the continuation of generations. Giving shelter
Why do we only have to have twelve imams? How can we be saved and reach salvation during the occultation of Imam Zaman (as)?
7588 2008/07/21 TraditionalContinue...
How do you prove that Imam Ali (as) was imam and khalifa after the Prophet (pbuh)?
56035 2008/07/21 TraditionalThere is no doubt that in order for Islam to survive, it needs a keeper and guardian and individuals to deliver and express the teachings and guidelines of religion for the people, and carry them out.
What is bid’ah and what are the criteria for an act to be considered bid’ah and what differences do the Shia have with other Islamic sects on this issue?
15299 2008/07/21 TraditionalBid’ah literally means innovation and in other words, something new, and in Islamic terms, means to relate something to religion that it has in no way asserted and in no way complies with any of its s
What is the reason for all of the hardship seen in the lives of Allah’s apostles?
8516 2008/07/21 TraditionalThe whole purpose of creation is for God to give, which is a result of His grace, and the problems and hardships this world are accompanied with are in no contradiction with this purpose because first
What is the purpose of creating mankind and the world?
12079 2008/07/20 TraditionalGod Almighty is a never-ending entity possessing all forms of perfection and creating is His grace. Since Allah ( swt ) is the All-Graceful, granting everything and anything possible, his being gracef
How does Islam solve the collision between religion and science?
8248 2008/07/20 ModernThis issue ( the collision of religion and science ) is one imported from Christianity. To find the answer to such a question in Islam, one must pay attention to the following points:1- When studying
Can one say that angels have different levels of infallibility?
11882 2008/07/02 TraditionalAngels are very noble and delicate creatures and of high and numerous virtues ( which have been expressed by the Quran ) . One of their traits is that they lack any materialistic and animalistic chara
I needed some information on the Ithna’Ashari sect in West Africa.
6964 2008/06/17 ModernWe apologize for the delay in responding to you. Information like that which you are looking for can only be found in specific centers, and although our researchers tried their best, they weren’t able
Is Islam a religion of peace and brotherhood, or a religion of war and violence?
9064 2008/06/17 ModernThe Holy Quran has verified the fact that Islam is a religion of peace and tranquility by saying: “Oh ye who believe ! Enter into peace and tranquility altogether and follow not the footsteps of Satan
If Allah (s.w.t.) sends us back to this world after our death, would we become righteous people?
9531 2008/05/12 TraditionalFirst of all, the returning of people to this world after death defeats the whole purpose of this universe’s creation and the appointment and sending of the prophets. Secondly, if by any chances peopl
What is the meaning of being infallible?
10594 2008/05/11 TraditionalAllamah Tabatabai states: Infallibility means the presence of a quality in the infallible person that protects him or her from doing what is not permissible ( e.g. sin or error ) . [ 1 ] It should be
Why do Shias curse the Sahabah and khalifahs?
19179 2008/05/11 TraditionalOne of the accusations that Shias have always faced from those who oppose them is that they have a hidden enmity towards the Prophet’s companions ( Sahaba ) . However, this accusation is false because
can you please tell me about the life of (Imam) Bukhari?
12236 2008/02/13 Contextual studyAbu Abdullah, Muhammad Ibn Ismael Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mughaireh, Ibn Bardzih, Jafi Al-Bukhari is one of the most celebrated Sunni Narrators [ of Hadiths ] .He was born in 194 Hijri ( Lunar Calendar ) in o
How old are the angels? Do the high angles die? How?
11761 2007/11/12 TraditionalAccording to narrations, the angels were created after the creation of prophet Mohammad’s ( s ) and the imam s divine spirit. All of them, even Gabriel, Israfil, and other high angels, will die before
What are the problems with the Maliki and Hanafi sects?
11599 2007/10/07 TraditionalIt must be made clear if your love for Shiaism is only love or is it backed up with strong reasoning? In the case that your love is based on proofs and reasoning the weakness and insufficiency of othe
Why is it permitted for a married man to have a temporary wife, without his wife's approval?
10624 2007/09/26 ModernSexual inclinations are one of the strongest human instincts which, like other natural human instincts, must be satisfied in the appropriate way. Human instincts can not be extinguished and even if we
What does Ahl al-Bayt mean?
11777 2007/06/21 ModernAhl al-Bayt is a Quranic, Hadith, and theological term meaning the family of the Noble Prophet of Islam ( s ) . This term, with this meaning has been used in the Quran in the verse of purity ( 33:33 )
Who are the Ahlul-Bayt?
32105 2007/05/24 TraditionalThe Prophet of Islam’s ( s ) Ahlul-Bayt are the same as the people of the cloak: Prophet Muhammad ( s ) , ‘Alī, Fātimah, Hassan, and Hussayn ( a ) . The proof for this is numerous traditions narrate
What is the mission of the Ahlul-Bait?
8856 2007/05/23 TraditionalThe greatness of the Prophet’s ( s ) Ahlul-Bait, the five people of the cloak – namely Prophet Muhammad ( s ) , Hazrat ‘Alī, Fātimah, Hassan, and Hussayn ( a ) , have been mentioned in m
In heaven if men can be with houris...then will they have to marry them first or not? Will women have only one husband? Or are there men-like houris for women??? Please explain!
13345 2007/05/23 TraditionalOne of the divine blessings, that are rewards for righteous deeds and belief in Allah, is Heaven and the bounties therein. There is no difference between men and women in regards to entering Heaven an
Does Heaven and Hell presently exist or not?
14498 2007/04/26 TraditionalIn accordance with Quranic verses and traditions, the promised Heaven and Hell are presently in existence and will be completely shown in the hereafter where man will be given his everlasting abode in
I have researched that before the creation of Hazrat Adam there were jins on earth...
21755 2007/04/11 TraditionalThe existence of jins is established in the Quran and there characteristics are also displayed. Even though our knowledge about jins is limited and minute, there are many proofs that one can use provi
Are there laws in heaven? If so, what kind?
13375 2007/04/10 TraditionalThis question does not have a Brief Answer. Click continue to view Detailed Answer.
Is it not possible for someone who is a good person and not Muslim (a Christian) to enter into paradise? Why?
8131 2007/04/07 ModernThe basis of entering heaven is measured by two values; good deeds and faith. Muslims and Shias will enter into heaven so long as they have acted upon the principles which being Muslim or Shia necessi
Taking into consideration the uniformity of the resources used by Mujtahids, why is there sometimes discrepancy in their opinions?
7980 2007/02/14 ModernHaving an identical opinion and fatwa amongst Mujtahids is dependent upon several things: Usage of identical Ijtihad resourcesUniformity in prerequisite resources which Ijtihad is contingent uponUnifo
What advice does Ayatollah Khomenehie give to the Muslims in America?
8549 2007/02/10 ModernAsalaamu Alaikum,Other than the topics which he has conveyed in his public announcements ( which are available on his website [ 1 ] ) the Supreme Leader has not expressed anything else in particular.
What is Shirk?
35357 2007/01/21 TraditionalLiterally, shirk means to allocate; technically, in Quranic terminology, shirk – in contrast to hanif – signifies the process of allocating someone/thing as the Almighty Allah’s partner or equal. Hani
What relationship do the believers have with the Quran during the Presence of a Masoom?
10310 2007/01/01 TraditionalThe Quran is the word of God, and it is a book for studying, understanding, and acting in accordance with, in order for mankind to maintain a prosperous life. However, the comprehension an
If a woman is divorced and then remarries, then who would be her spouse in the hereafter?
12098 2006/12/02 TraditionalFor a man and a woman who were married to each other in this world, there a several theories regarding their situation in the next world; for example: The husband and the wife are both in