Questions Archive
Saturday, 22 February 2025
What is the purpose of dreaming? Why has Allah granted us dreams?
Dreaming is one of the signs of Allah and a window to the unseen, a characteristic and natural trait that Allah has imparted to our bodies and souls.
Do the believers receive any rewards or divine bounty in the grave and do the disbelievers receive punishment therein?
In his book Awael al-Maqalat, Shaykh Mufid sorts out human individuals based on their beliefs and deeds into four groups:1. Pious believers;2. Disbelieving, stubborn and grudging sinners;3. Believers
What would have happened if the Caliphate had fallen into the hands of Imam Ali (as)?
Certainly, Imam Ali’s ( as ) greatest concern would have been to continue the way of the Holy Prophet ( saw ) and guard the path of hidayah ( guidance ) and true Islam, so that mankind could reach sa’
Is the marriage of an adherent and practicing religious girl with a carefree and secular minded boy going to be successful?
Islam attaches great importance to real pleasure and prosperity of human beings through Islamically balanced, highly ethical, well-educated and well-behaved families and happy homes. It has important
What is the reason behind the necessity of paying Khums and where is it spent? Why don't the Sunnis pay it?
Laws and Jurisprudence
1. There are few verses in the holy Quran that contain general ordinances about obligations such as purity, prayers, hajj, fasting etc. The exposition and clarification of those ordinances and their c
Were the heavens and the earth created in six days or eight days?
Quranic Studies
God, the Glorified, has used the word qaddara ( measure ) for sustenance and the term khalaqa ( created ) for the heavens and the earth. That is, within these four days, sustenance needed for life on
Is the repentance of a person who has committed sodomy accepted?
From the Islamic viewpoint, sodomy is a very inferior and ugly act and is one of the great sins for which heavy punishments have been determined, namely execution. [ 1 ] What various verses of the Qur
One who has repeatedly repented and broken his repentance and now doubts frequently about Allah and the imams, has Allah forsaken such a person? What is the way to gain proximity to Allah?
Sin and disobedience brings about one’s destruction, while repentance and a resolution to refrain from sin is movement towards salvation. Shaytan is man s enemy and all of his efforts go into creating
Did the Ansar believe in the caliphate of Abu Bakr and is that why they did bey’ah with him?
Exalted scholars
In our view, doing bey’ah and pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr without the presence of Imam Ali ( as ) and without his consultation, who, compared to the prophet, according to the famous hadith of manz
Is it true that the number of authentic hadiths in the book of Kafi is one fifth of all the hadiths therein?
Science of narrators
What those scholars who have counted the number of authentic hadiths meant when they said ‘authentic’, is in terms of the science of rijal and they had no intention to narrow things down in fiqhi and
There is a hadith that says: “The believers should encounter each other with cheerful faces”, is this true about the husband and wife as well?
One of the characteristics that hadiths have mentioned about a believer, is that when encountering others, they should have cheerful faces and conceal their sorrow; this characteristic brings about in
What is the ruling of committing sin under compulstion?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to religious teachings, religious duties are contingent upon one’s free will and choice, meaning that if one does something out of free will, he will deserve to be rewarded or punished. It i
If someone commits the sin of masturbation and repents afterwards will Allah forgive his sin? Is it true that Allah doesn’t look at the person who commits such sin?
Tawbah literally means to discontinue a sin and to return to the true path and in other words, to return to regretting the sin. [ i ] Repentance is a move towards salvation and one s serious decision
How does the status of a person, who has been in deviation and engulfed in sins, change in the afterworld through others' good deeds and prayers without him having a role?
The point in the question is neither hundred percent acceptable nor is it hundred percent refutable, but it depends squarely on the type of the sin and the person who commits it. There are some sins l
Amr Aas has poetry in Imam Ali’s praise; in which book can this poetry be found?
تاريخ بزرگان
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Was Imam Ali (as) only the friend, companion and relative of the prophet, or was he more than that?
In addition to being related to and a friend and companion of the prophet ( pbuh ) and his supporter in all phases of his life and in different scenes of defending the religion and spreading the word
What is the best name one can pick for their child?
Contextual study
Names portray the owner of the name and whenever a name is said, the owner immediately comes to mind, therefore it is important to choose suitable and good names. It has been mentioned in ahadith that
How can those who don’t observe the complete hijab study in the Howza?
Studying in different fields is always valuable and brings about completion for the individual, nevertheless, reaching values and virtues coming from knowledge calls for some preliminary steps and har
Is it possible for Imam Zaman to ever commit a sin, no matter how small?
According to the Ahlul-Bayt’s school of thought, Imam Zaman holds the high rank of infallibility ( ‘ismah ) and is an infallible ( ma’sum ) . The ma’sum is one who through Allah s ( swt ) grace is fre
In the Quran, we can see that the general propositions of prayer have been outlined, but nothing of Imamate can be witnessed, is it possible to point out a section of the Quran as reference for Imamate?
Numerous verses in the Quran have addressed the issue of Imamate. Allameh Hilli ( ra ) and Allameh Majlisi have explicitly listed these verses in Alfain and Bihar al-Anwar. Examples of these ayahs are
Is Imam Ali capable of reviving the dead?
Asserting that someone can independently do so without God’s assistance is in absolute contradiction with tawhid af’ali ( oneness in action ) , for death and life is solely in God’s hand.However, if o
What is the Solution to the inconsistency between the legislative wilayat (authority) of the Imams and the sealing of Prophethood?
This question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is there any reason for the permissibility of chest beating and self-hitting of some Muslims that is done in Muharram and other times?
History of Fiqh
Mourning for Imam Husein ( as ) is one of the highest forms of worship, and doing anything for him that is considered a form of mourning in culture and society is permissible, unless it really brings
Is it true that one shouldn’t pray for oneself on Ashura?
Dua and supplication are the needful connection between the servant and his Lord for the fulfillment of worldly and otherworldly needs. Dua for oneself and others is always something good and entails
Is it correct to recite salawat when hearing Surah Yasin, and is there a reason for it?
Reciting salawat when mentioning or referring to the Prophet ( sa ) has been recommended in the ahadith. A hadith reveals that the Prophet has ten names, five of which have been mentioned in the Quran
Are the sciences of Alchemy, Limiya, Himiya, and Simiya accepted in the religion?
Philosophy of Science
· Kimiya: A science by which one can transform certain metals and minerals into other things.· Limiya: A science by which the soul can be transferred into another body.· Simiya
Are the boundaries of the Islamic hijab contingent upon different urfs, environments and places? Can ta’zir be carried out if one does not submit to it?
Laws and Jurisprudence
It is wajib for all women to conform to a complete hijab in front of non mahram men. There is no distinction in this hukm between women who are migratory and others and social customs or special envir
Did the imams ever do anything supernatural in order to prove their imamate?
“Miracles” in Islamic theological terms are acts that surpass normal limits that challenge others to do the same and are in accordance with the claims of the person performing them. What is meant by s
Do the descendants of the Prophet have to pay khums?
Laws and Jurisprudence
If one acquires wealth through business or industry or any other means, in the case of the wealth exceeding his and his household’s yearly needs, he must then submit one fifth ( khums ) of the remaini
What is the measure to choosing individuals as prophets and aimah among others?
Based on the reasons for general prophethood, God chose a group of individuals from the human race as paradigms and representatives to guide mankind.Even though the innate potential to be God’s repres
What is the ruling on using books of supplication which contain tables and forms?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Firstly, in regards to your question, it is difficult to recognize exactly what kind of science your book uses; this would require further explanation and expansion on the contents and subject of the
Has the Quran solved all the problems people face in their lives?
We believe that the Quran enjoys comprehensiveness and is capable of solving all problems of people s lives, but such a claim does not mean we should expect the Quran to solve everything, even the pro
What is the Mus’haf of Fatimah? Did the prophet and his household know about this book?
The Mus’haf of Fatimah is the name of a book that was written by Imam Ali during Lady Fatimah s lifetime. The content of this book was communicated to Lady Fatimah through the special angel Gabriel. T
Has Imam Hussein discriminated between Arabs and Non-Arabs in a hadith and has he scorned Ajams?
Contextual study
The hadith you mentioned was from Abu Abdillah ( pb ) , which refers to Imam Sadiq ( not Imam Hussein ) in which he says: We are from the Quraysh and our Shias are Arabs and our enemies are Ajams. If
There are several reasons why the third ayah of Surah Al-Ma’idah cannot be about the event of Ghadir! Please share your viewpoint about this?
1. The matter of the wilayah of Amir Al-Mu’mineen had been announced only in limited groups of people and certain circumstances, but was formally presented to the ummah on the day of Ghadir, which is