Questions Archive(Thematic Category:احکام)
Is it permissible for a woman and her husband to stipulate in the marriage contract that the man should seek his wife’s permission when he wants to leave their house? Is such a condition put in the marriage contract binding?
14785 2013/05/15 احکام و شرایط ازدواجPutting such a condition in the marriage contract would be permissible and there would not be problem in the condition insofar as it is not irrational. If such a condition is placed in the marriage co
If one wants to buy kafan (shroud) for himself before death, what are the different recommendations according to the traditions of Prophet (pbuh) and Ahlul Bayt (a.s) especially when it comes to the type and other specifics that one may have to be considered before buying.
16174 2013/04/18 کفن و دفنAs for the conditions and manners of buying a shroud, there are certain recommendations in our jurisprudential sources some of which we shall mention as under: 1. It is recommended that the shroud be
What is the concrete jurisprudential argument on shaving beard?
12307 2013/04/09 Laws and JurisprudenceGreat jurisprudents studying many different proofs and arguments on this subject have forbidden shaving beard. Of course, some other scholars have criticized the said arguments saying that relying on
Has the Quran stated anything concerning impurity of dogs? If it has, why is it then permissible to eat what has been hunted by a retriever (hunting dog)?
13002 2013/03/16 سگIslamic laws are not derived exclusively from the Holy Quran. In fact, the traditions ( ahadith ) of the Prophet of Islam ( pbuh ) , the sayings of infallible Imams ( a.s. ) and their lifestyles ( see
Is tacit agreement which is not in writing considered and treated as partnership?
6654 2013/02/02 Laws and JurisprudenceThe answers received from the offices of two of the grand religious authorities are as under: Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani ( may Allah grant him long life ) : If the purchase and sale transacti
What is the Islamic law regarding a song sung by a woman with music instruments? What is ghinā?
9362 2013/02/02 Laws and JurisprudenceOffice of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : 1. If the singing is ruled as ghinā, it is ḥarām and the content makes no difference. Similarly, if one listens to her voice wit
Is it permissible for men to listen to a woman’s singing?
17219 2013/01/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawAs you have rightly mentioned, men are different from women in a lot of ways. For this reason, different rules have been legislated for each group. When it comes to a woman reciting eulogies and narra
Are leather products imported from non-Islamic countries treated as ritually impure?
9066 2013/01/20 Laws and JurisprudenceAn answer given to the above question by some grand religious authorities ( maraje ) is as follows: [ 1 ] Leather products are considered pure [ and salat in them is permissible ] , if one entertain
If a man and a woman have illicit sexual relationship and after sometimes they marry each other and have a child after legal marriage contract, is the child legitimate or illegitimate by birth?
11542 2013/01/20 Laws and Jurisprudence1. Assuming that their sexual relationship had been illegal according to Shari ah law and that the woman had conceived before legal marriage, the child is illegitimate by birth. However, the child is
Is it possible to clean the private parts using tissue paper?
18566 2013/01/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is permissible to use toilet paper to clean only the anus from faeces. [ 1 ] The urinary organ cannot be made ritually pure without water. [ 2 ] In places where you do not have access to water, you
Do ointment, cream and similar materials transmit impurity? What about liquids other than water?
10111 2013/01/20 Laws and JurisprudenceAll Shia scholars ( Mujtahedeen ) say: If a ritually clean thing touches a najis thing and if either or both of them are so wet that the wetness of one reaches the other, the clean thing will become n
What is khums and what is it paid on?
9235 2012/12/16 Laws and JurisprudenceKhums literally means one-fifth or 20% . In Islamic legal terminology, it means one-fifth of certain items which a person earns by means of trade, industry, agricultural work, research or any other wa
Why is there not one source of emulation and one Resalah (Manual of Islamic Laws) keeping in view the fact that Islam is not but one faith?
7886 2012/12/01 ModernAccording to Islam, Ijtihad [ i ] is a necessity and the only way through which Islam, the real religion, can survive over the history and ages. Shiite jurisprudents and religious authorities differ o
What is the ruling on not knowing how many days one has to make up for his fasts?
8109 2012/10/20 Laws and Jurisprudence1- If one is not sure whether or not he has missed prayers, he does not have to make up for any. [ 1 ] However, if he is sure that he has missed prayers, but he is not sure how many he has ( and canno
Is it permissible to use Facebook to spread, promulgate and promote Islamic teachings?
7530 2012/09/25 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is permissible to use internet for any legal and allowable purposes especially for spreading the message of Islam. In case, however, it entails evil or is considered to be against the law, one shou
Can a person who has committed a great (major) sin become a prayer leader after repentance?
7587 2012/09/25 Laws and JurisprudenceAs for a major sin for which the perpetrator is punished e.g. adultery, the execution of punishment itself is a requirement in the sense that if the penalty has been exercised and carried out on such
If a Shia deceased man’s mother and brothers are non-Muslims while his paternal or maternal aunt is Sunni, how is his property distributed among the heirs.
7144 2012/09/24 Laws and Jurisprudence1. A Muslim inherits from a non-Muslim, but a non-Muslim does not inherit from a deceased Muslim, even if he be his/her father or son. [ 1 ] If some of the heirs are Muslims and some are non-Muslims,
I want to know the philosophy behind the Kunday niaz (offering) which is given all over my country in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban.
39590 2012/09/24 Contextual study1. Nazr ( vow ) means making it obligatory upon oneself to do some good act, or to refrain from doing an act which is better not to do, for the sake of, or for the pleasure of Allah. [ 1 ] Thus, it ca
Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?
8090 2012/09/24 گوناگونIn this commotion-filled world and era in which human societies have turned into a scene for competition and rivalry for reaching worldly and material ends, many people are putting all their thoughts
If a person remains in taqlid of a deceased Mujtahid performing hajj rituals according to his verdicts without seeking a living Mujtahid’s permission, is there any problem in his hajj?
6346 2012/09/10 Laws and JurisprudenceThe above question was forwarded to the offices of the some grand religious authorities ( jurists ) and the answers which we have received are the following: Office of grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may
Are there any rules, guidelines, and restrictions when it comes to adopting children?
7854 2012/09/01 Laws and JurisprudenceThere is no objection in providing care and protection to a child who is without protection or whose guardians are unable to protect it and who surrender their child with full consent to another perso
What is sex change?
8221 2012/08/23 Laws and JurisprudenceAlthough dictionaries do not provide a definition for sex change , it means any change and transformation in a male, female or genderless in such a way that the current state is different from the pre
Why shouldn’t women offer prayers and observe fast when they are in their menses?
10043 2012/08/15 Laws and JurisprudenceAlthough there is wisdom behind all divine laws, it is for the major part hidden to us. In fact, no divine law has been enacted or legislated without a rationale or reason but it remains concealed to
Is it makrooh for a menstruating woman to recite the Quran in the month of Ramadhan?
8340 2012/08/15 Laws and JurisprudenceAs for the abominableness of recitation of the Quran by a menstruating woman, it does not make any difference whether she recites the Quran in the month of Ramadhan or in any other month; reciting the
What is the limit which a suitor should take into account in regards to looking at a woman’s body without any covering?
8456 2012/08/13 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is permissible for a man to look at a woman whom he intends to marry provided that: 1- it is not with the intention of pleasure, 2 it is to find out about her beauty or her defects, 3 there should
What is the Islamic law about a woman giving her picture to a man outside her family?
7051 2012/08/11 Laws and JurisprudenceWe have received the following answers from the offices of some of the prominent religious authorities and we want you to go through them: Office of grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him lo
How can girls wear bright (gaudy) dresses on the one hand and go out in public without displaying their beauty on the other?
8443 2012/08/11 ModernAccording to the Quran, man is a creature that has a divine fitra [ God-gifted nature ] on the one hand and a material nature on the other. Not differentiating between them will cause a person to be d
What was the law about drinking wine before Islam?
8460 2012/08/08 Laws and JurisprudenceHistory bears witness that the process of various people s religiosity in all the divine religions had been in a way such that after the death or martyrdom of every prophet or every messenger among pe
Is it permissible for a man to drink his wife’s milk?
28033 2012/08/07 Laws and JurisprudenceWe have sent this question to the offices of the following grand jurists and the answers which they have sent us are the following: Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life
What is the Islamic law about a woman swallowing her husband’s semen? What if she did not know the rule about swallowing semen?
58631 2012/08/07 Laws and JurisprudenceMan s semen and the semen of every animal that has gushing blood is najis ( ritually impure ) . [ 1 ] It is haram to eat or drinking a najis thing. [ 2 ] Therefore, semen like any other najis thing
What is the Islamic law regarding anal intercourse? Is there any objection in it?
19112 2012/08/07 Laws and JurisprudenceSince different jurists have different verdicts in this regard, you should act according to the fatwa ( verdict ) of the Mujtahid ( jurist ) whom you follow. For your information, we will now mention
Why does God, Who is the most Merciful of the merciful ones, recommend so extreme punishments such as retaliation, cutting of hands or other excessive violence?
8365 2012/08/04 ExegesisAccording to the verses and narrations, God is Compassionate and Merciful and He also has the qualities of anger and indignation. That is, He is both All-Forgiving and severe in punishment, He is the
Are there any guidelines in the Islamic sources about fashion and clothing?
9290 2012/07/15 PracticalAlthough Islam lays great emphasis on spiritual modesty of human beings ( clothing of piety ) , the outward clothing is also a bounty which God, the Exalted, has bestowed exclusively upon human beings
How can a person, who comes to know later in his life that he had been an orphanage child, know that he is legitimate by birth? What is the Islamic law about his inheritance, parental relationship and mahramiyah?
6289 2012/07/07 Laws and JurisprudenceThe only answer we have received for your message, which we had forwarded to the offices of the grand religious authorities, is the following: Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant hi
What is the limit of sexual pleasures in temporary marriage?
8198 2012/06/28 Laws and JurisprudenceThe relation between man and woman becomes lawful by contracting marriage. There are two kinds of marriages: Permanent marriage and temporary marriage In a permanent marriage, the period of matrimony