Questions Archive(Thematic Category:احکام)
Is it permissible to enter into a sisterhood/brotherhood contract with a male cousin and shake hands and speak with him?
7373 2012/06/28 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islamic Shari ah, it is not permissible for a girl and a boy to have any kind of relationship with each other before marriage regardless of whether the relationship is direct or indirect
Considering the fact that there are different degrees of mentally challenged people, and most of them have no inclination towards the opposite gender, does one need to wear hijab in front of them?
6835 2012/05/21 Laws and JurisprudenceAs has been mentioned in the question, since most of these individuals are not discerning between good and bad, they have the same ruling as insane people and there is no need to wear hijab in front o
What is the ruling on killing or hurting someone when defending yourself?
12479 2012/05/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the conflicts that take place between people within the society, no one is allowed to start a fight or use force against others. [ 1 ] From the Islamic point of view, the only solution is to refer
Why is it necessary to give Sahm-e Imam to a qualified Mujtahid?
8883 2012/05/19 Laws and JurisprudenceGiven the fact that qualified jurisprudents are the general representatives of the Imam of Time ( atf ) during the period of occultation and that, in order for the Islamic laws not to remain unperform
Is it permissible to trade wild animals to be used for a zoo or for other entertainments?
6765 2012/05/02 Laws and JurisprudenceSuch matters have something to do with the law of the country or place where you are living. If there is no legal restriction in this regard and there is also a rational benefit in trading wild animal
What does Islam say about sound relationships between boys and girls?
15453 2012/04/21 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to Islam, the male and female complement each other and God, the All-Kind, has created them fore each other. One of the needs they have, are sexual ones. Fulfilling these needs must be withi
What is Nafaqah?
13431 2012/04/19 Laws and JurisprudenceNafaqah is a jurisprudential term used for women, kin ( relatives ) and property. It is predominantly used for women/wives and denotes the financial support that is obligatory upon men ( when certain
What are the ruling and conditions for marrying a non-Muslim woman?
11226 2012/04/19 Laws and JurisprudenceNon-Muslims are of two types: 1. People of the Book 2. Not People of the Book. According to the view of all Shia jurists, a Muslim man cannot get married ( neither temporarily nor permanently ) to a n
If a non-Muslim woman, who is married to a non-Muslim man, converts to Islam, would she have to divorce her husband?
7291 2012/04/17 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the case asked about, if her husband doesn t embrace Islam, she separates from him and there is no need for the divorce contract to be carried out. Of course, she needs to observe the iddah ( waiti
Is it haram to consume industrial alcohol? What is ruling on taking narcotics?
8056 2012/04/17 Laws and JurisprudenceThe responses of the grand maraji to your question are as follows: The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani ( may Allah prolong his life ) : 1. Alcohol is intoxicating and its consumption impermi
Can one take narcotics during the holy month of Ramadan to be able to wake at dawn?
7562 2012/04/17 Laws and Jurisprudence1. Generally speaking, anything that has a considerable harm for the body is haram to consume. [ 1 ] Considering the substantial individual and societal harms of drugs, they are haram. [ 2 ] The
I live outside of Iran, my elderly mother resides in Iran and is facing problems related to old age that have made her restless and agitated. Is it a sin to leave my spouse to go and be with my elderly mother so that I can arrange for her comfort during her old age? However, I fear that as a result of my absence, my spouse may fall into sin, what is my duty?
7059 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThe office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei: The cases differ. The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani: The rights of a wife, such as: the right for intercourse or the right to sharing a bed [
What is zina muhsanah?
7749 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceZina denotes copulation with other than one s legal spouse ( permanent or temporary ) , which the Quran labels as a grave sin, about which Allah has said: Do not approach fornication. It is indeed obs
What conditions make it obligatory for one to financially support one’s wife?
7670 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceFinancially supporting the wife becomes obligatory upon the husband when all the following conditions are met: The marriage contract is a permanent one The female meets the requirements for e
What is the ruling on Stellate Sturgeon?
11320 2012/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThose who are followers of Imam Khumayni ( rah ) , can consume those fish they aren t sure have scales or not. As to those who follow scholars who believe it to be haram, they can still buy and sell t
What do the terms “Hukm” and “Fatwa” signify? What is the difference between the two?
10286 2011/08/10 FiqhA fatwa is a universally applicable religious law concerning a particular issue that is derived from the four sources of Islamic law ( the Qur`an, the sunnah, ijma’ ( consensus ) , and ‘aql ( the inte
Why is it necessary to follow a marja’?
11407 2008/05/12 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqlid means for someone who doesn’t have the required expertise in a field that calls for expertise, to go to an expert in that field for help. The most important reason behind the need for taqlid in
When Maghrib and Isha prayer become Qaza?
49414 2007/01/10 FiqhThe answer given to the question by the office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei is as follow: The last time for performing Maghrib and Isha prayer is at canonical midnight. ( i.e: 11 hours after, the cano