Questions Archive(Thematic Category:احکام)
If a man has transferred the possession of 50 percent of his property during his lifetime to his wife and at the time of death, he has a mother, wife and four daughters, how is the inheritance distributed among his heirs?
6354 2014/06/28 Laws and Jurisprudence1. Generally speaking, anything gifted and transferred to the possession of another person by the deceased during his lifetime becomes a part of his property. It is no longer considered to be a proper
Is it permissible to use dead fetal bodies (aborted human bodies) for research?
6711 2014/06/23 گوناگونMost jurisprudents and religious authorities do not allow a human body ( embryo or born human being ) to be dissected. However, some other scholars [ 1 ] say in this regard that if a human body is dis
What is the Islamic law about using fragrant ointments and medicines during Ihram?
8579 2014/06/23 احرامApplying medical ointments or creams to the body for treatment and medication is allowed and there would be no problem in it. [ 1 ] However, if it is fragrant and it is applied when one is in the stat
1. Is Istihala (transformation) include those drugs which contain animal\'s gelatin like pig?
2. What is the ruling on using those creams may have been produced by animal corpse?
13757 2014/06/22 حیوانات و آبزیان1. If you are sure the foodstuff has been extracted from those animals that are ceremonially unclean or those which haven t been slaughtered canonically but a lot of changes have been made on that foo
1. What is the ruling on going to a foreign country for studying?
2. Are we allowed to use the meals which sale with halal label?
3. Do we become Najes after using toilet bowls?
5632 2014/06/22 کلیات1. There is no problem per se to study in a foreign country. 2. You are allowed to use the meal if the reliable authority issues the Halal Label and you become sure it is reliable. 3. Your body trea
What is the philosophy of Ghusl (ceremonial washing)?
8772 2014/06/22 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe reason which is behind the Jinabat Ghusl is to clean and purify our soul from its pollution and purify our body from the impurity. This means, if we want to remove the Jinabat from our body we hav
What is the reason behind the impurity of semen and urine?
15040 2014/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceWe must keep in mind that all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and keeping them away from harms. This means that nothing is lawful and unlawful without reason and it
Is doing some Wajib or Mustahab acts be considered as a substitute for the prayer?
6922 2014/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIt should be noted before answering the above-mentioned question that however, all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and keeping them away from harms. This means that
What is the ruling on eating the cheese contains rennet?
9544 2014/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceWhat the rennet is a substance or strong material we add it to milk in order to make cheese. This material seemingly prepares with the two methods that are as under: 1. via vegetarian mushroom. 2. v
If a person suffers from an incontinence, due to which he is not in a position to control his bowels, and his Wudhu gets void, what is the Islamic law about it?
7072 2014/04/20 Laws and JurisprudenceIf a person suffers from an incontinence, due to which drops of urine come out continuously, or he is not in a position to control his bowels, he should act as follows: A ) If he is sure that at som
What are the legal bases of various categories of rulings such as actual, outer, mawlawi, advisory, defining and declaratory law?
7018 2014/02/27 General TermsBased on the way one looks at the rulings and laws, it is possible to divide the rules in a number of ways some of which, albeit, can be merged into one another. In this study, we have tried, as far a
Is it necessary to give the qadha of the prayers and fasts which a person missed at a time when he had lost his memory?
6522 2014/02/25 آغاز تکلیفRule of Prayer If a patient does not have his senses in such a way that he cannot discern the prayer timing, the prayers which he has missed are not necessary to make up. That is, no qadha is obligat
Is it allowed to work in a place where food is prepared by pork or supermarket where sells such products? And also is it ok to touch them?
9222 2014/01/22 گوناگونGrand Maraje , do not find it permissible to work in such places where haram products are sold, so if your job is exclusively related to selling pork, you are not allowed to work there, otherwise ther
Is the narration concerning the manners of standing, ruku and sujud during prayers authentic?
8051 2014/01/20 Contextual studyConsidering that the narrators who have transmitted are trustworthy and reliable, the hadith can be regarded as authentic and valid. To read a short account on the narrators of this hadith, you should
I have recently converted to Shiism and I would like to know whether my prayers and marriage which have been conducted in accordance with the rules of Sunni school of jurisprudence are valid or not.
6703 2013/12/25 نماز قضا و استیجاریIf you performed them correctly then according to your own religion, your previous deeds are in order and it is not necessary to repeat them and your marriage is also in order. For further informatio
Can I perform two Umrah pilgrimages in one month?
7309 2013/12/25 گوناگونUmrah is an act of worship which is performed usually either as Mufradah or Umrah of Tamattu . These are names of two different pilgrimages performed on different occasions. It has been said by religi
A Sunni brother has performed Hajj and then converted to Shia. Considering that he has not done Tawaf al-Nisa, what is his duty? Is his child illegitimate by birth?
9092 2013/12/19 طواف نساء1. Some jurisprudents have not mentioned any special obligation or duty for the pilgrim who has performed hajj but some jurisprudents are of the view that the farewell circumambulation ( tawaf al-weda
Does playing video games that have blasphemy and magic render a person non-Muslim?
14144 2013/12/05 برخی احکامWatching such films or TV series does not make a person disbeliever but it is not permissible to watch movies which entail evil or when it is feared that one may be led astray. Index: We have forwar
Why are there no Ruku and Sujud in funeral prayers? What are the meanings of its takbirs?
13004 2013/12/05 نماز میت1. The reason there are no ruku and Sajud in funeral prayers is that this is in reality not a real prayer because it does not have the requirements of a real prayer such as purity of clothes, body, an
Is it forbidden to use insect repellants with fragrance whilst in the state of Ihram?
6566 2013/12/03 احرام1. Basically killing insects is not allowed while a person is in the state of Ihram except for when it is insidious and dangerous. 2. It is not permissible to use deodorants or fragrance nor is it pe
Are the homeopathic remedies halal?
11047 2013/11/23 گوناگونIf homeopathic remedies do not involve using impure or haram things or any illegal method of cure and they do not cause any damage to the patient s health, there would be no problem in it. Index: Th
Is it permissible for a woman to speak to strangers or to let her voice be heard by them? What if this act is neither Islamic, nor within a work framework?
10800 2013/11/11 فعالیت های اجتماعی زنانSpeaking excessively and unnecessarily is not good and advisable. All should observe limits in speaking. When it comes to women speaking with strangers, it is also better for them to avoid speaking un
Can a gold seller, sell jewelries to those women that he/she knows they use it in front of Non-Mahram?
7545 2013/10/26 خرید و فروشWhat has caused selling to be Haram and corrupted is not upon knowing that woman wear these gold and jewelries in the way of Haram, unless he/she intended the selling that those jewelries should be us
Is bringing souvenirs or gifts on returning from a pilgrimage journey considered to be part of religious recommendations?
7836 2013/10/20 گوناگونAmong the good practices recommended and emphasized upon in Islam is to give gifts to others. It is to be noted that the concept of gift has a much broader meanings in Islam as it includes both the ma
What are the objects on which zakat is either obligatory or recommend? Is zakat payable on currency notes?
10350 2013/10/19 PracticalIt is obligatory to pay Zakat on nine well-known things as mentioned in the Epistles of Islamic Laws. Also, there are certain things from which Zakat is mustahab ( recommended ) to pay, as stated in j
Is a woman who becomes a man\'s second wife sinful?
6629 2013/10/03 چند همسری1. As you know remarriage is an issue legislated and recognized as permissible by Islamic Shari ah. There is no doubt about it as the Quran states: فانکحوا ما طاب لکم من النسا مثنى و ثلاث و رباع فان
If a Quran is boxed in a decorative manner for display purposes, is it necessary to recite it?
6916 2013/10/03 Quranic StudiesThe Quran is a book of guidance and life; it has been sent down to humanity to turn to it, read it and adhere to it. Never should it be used for decorative purposes. Given the details provided in your
My wife and I had sexual intercourse while we were fasting. What are we supposed to do and what is the Islamic law?
8614 2013/08/13 Laws and JurisprudenceYour fast is void and if you did not know, due to inculpable ignorance [ jahl-e qusuri ] , that sexual intercourse invalidates the fast, only the qadha of the fast is obligatory on you. You must keep
Is it Haram to steal something back from someone who has already stolen it from you?
13705 2013/08/12 Laws and JurisprudenceThere is no problem if you believe the object is the one that has been stolen from you and you are not able to take it back legally and peacefully, but it should be done with no mischief. Appendix:
What is the opinion of maraja' related to several traditions in Shia literature mentioning the permissibility of sexual contact during fasting and saying that it does not affect the fast?
10300 2013/07/29 جنابتAs for your question, we must say that as it has been mentioned in your message, Shaykh Hurr Amili has opened a chapter in his Wasail al-Shi ah entitled Rules Regarding Anal Intercourse without Ejacul
Is Khums payable on money which has been deposited free of interest only to be used in future for buying a house?
9365 2013/05/15 Laws and JurisprudenceSupreme Leader, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, may Allah grant him long life, says in response to the following question: There is a person who does not have a house of his own to live in. He has saved som
What is the Islamic law, if a woman and her husband doubt whether or not the woman’s menstrual blood has stopped flowing and they have sexual intercourse?
26475 2013/05/15 Laws and JurisprudenceIf one doubts about whether a woman has started seeing menstrual blood or not, she is treated as not being in her menses. However, if it is after menstrual period ( assuming that her period lasts for
If I start Ramadhan in one city and then I travel and finish the month of Ramadhan in another city, what is my duty especially in regards to Laylat al-Qadr or Eidul Fitr?
6867 2013/05/15 گوناگونYou must act according to the horizon of the place where you are currently in. Hence, the Night of Qadr and also Eidul Fitr are determined on the same place. Some grand religious authorities answers
Is this fine to help or give money to needy people instead of giving a walima (feast), if a couple is going to marry?
10125 2013/05/15 گوناگونThe religion of Islam being perfect addresses all aspects of human life. It has prescriptions and codes of practice for Muslims to help them live a balanced and objective life. Hence, one must not go
What is the Islamic law regarding cleaning Turbah of Imam Hussein (a.s.) when it turns dark?
11492 2013/05/15 دو سجدهBased on the sayings of Ahlul-Bayt ( a.s. ) , the soil of Karbala and the Turbah which is associated with the Chief of Martyrs, Imam Hussein ( a.s. ) enjoys a special significance. Sajda on this soil