Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فقه)
I used to work in a store, but the owner decided to fire me without paying me the rest of my money. Is it permissible for me to take some of his property from the store to compensate for what he owes me?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Your question was asked from the offices of the grand maraji’ and this is their response:The Grand Ayatullah Khamenei ( may Allah prolong his life ) :Retaliation from the creditor is only permissible
The place of the people in a government system based on the Wali Faqih and its difference with a government based on liberalism?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to Quranic verses and the viewpoint of Islam, the ‘people’ compose one of the basic and essential foundations of a government. The Quran says: “We have sent our messengers with clear proofs,
What is the ruling on shaving the beard and body hair?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Only shaving or trimming facial hair ( beard ) [ 1 ] with shaving machines in a way that people say there is no beard anymore, is impermissible based on obligatory precaution. [ 2 ] Also, shaving a po
Please provide a hadith on the najasah of the dog and pig.
Laws and Jurisprudence
Regarding the najasah of the dog and pig, the hadiths that have reached us can be divided into two categories; ones that contain the term ‘najis’ in them and others that don’t have the exact term but
What is the view of the majority of scholars regarding Wilayah Faqih during the major Occultation?
For over a thousand years, Shi’a scholars have been cultivating the concept of Wilayah Faqih, its bounds and its privileges. Some, such as Abu al-Salah Halabi and Ibn Idris Hilli , have addressed the
What is the precise meaning of mockery? Do caricatures qualify as ridicule as well?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Most philologists and interpreters of the Holy Quran consider istihza ( ridicule ) and tamaskhur ( mock ) to have the same meaning. The meaning of this term is to humiliate someone and bring their dig
If a person suffers from brain death, is it permissible to donate his organ? Is the use of organs taken from such patients permissible?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The opinions of some of the grand religious authorities ( jurists ) about donating or removing the organ of a patient who suffers from brain death are as under:Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may
Why is pork haraam? Is there a reason for all religious laws?
Laws and Jurisprudence
In general it can be said that all Shari ah laws are based on divine knowledge and wisdom and the benefits and indecencies of every ruling has been explained and established, and no one other than All
Is it haraam (impermissible) to celebrate birthdays within Islam?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Celebrating birthdays is not a part of the Islamic traditions; it is a matter about which the Shari`ah is silent. The Islamic doctrines have not persuaded or recommended us to celebrate our birthdays.
What are the conditions of divorce?
Laws and Jurisprudence
If you were interested in living with your husband, you should have made every effort to save the marriage. In fact, you could have done something to draw your in-laws attention and make your husband
What is the Islamic law about chocolates or other products containing alcohol or gelatin?
Laws and Jurisprudence
We forwarded the above question to the offices of some of the grand jurists and the answers which we have received are as under: Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) :
I heard that Orbit gum has pork in it, is it true? If it contains pork, what is the Islamic law about it?
Laws and Jurisprudence
In this regard, a lot of research has been conducted but we did not find a trustworthy and reliable source to confirm the existence of animal ingredients like pork in Orbit chewing gum.It should be no
What is the correct, healthy and sin-free relationship between a boy and a girl?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to Islam, man and woman are complementary to each other. Each sex is incomplete without the other. God, the Sublime, has created these two to be a source of peace and tranquility for each ot
Why is card game considered to be "gambling" even if one intends to play it for entertainment and recreation without placing a bet?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Generally speaking, gambling and playing with gambling instruments are haram. The prohibition of card game which is considered to be a means for gambling is also for the same reason. Therefore, playin
What is the Islamic law about being Kathir al-Shak?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Undoubtedly, excessive and constant doubt which makes a person obsessive is the temptation of Shaitan ( Satan ) who wants God s servants to become tired and lethargic towards worshipping God and final
What is the Islamic law about smiling at a non-mahram while to talking to her?
Laws and Jurisprudence
If one smiles at a non-mahram or jokes with her with the intention of deriving sexual pleasure or if it entails evil or it is feared that he might fall into a sin, it is not permissible and it is a ma
Is there any punishment for touching and hugging a non-Mahram?
Laws and Jurisprudence
It is haram ( forbidden ) for a non-mahram man and a non-mahram woman to seek any kind of pleasures from each other ( it is even forbidden for them to cast lustful look at each other ) . It is for the
Are non-Muslim women mahram to Muslim women?
Laws and Jurisprudence
When it comes to non-Muslim women looking at Muslim women, there is a narration in our sources from Imam Ja far Sadiq ( a.s. ) who said that: It is not appropriate for Muslim women to remove their Hij
What is the philosophy behind prostrating on earth?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The essence of prostration is humility and it is one of the obligations we must perform, as the Quran says: “O you who have faith ! Bow down and prostrate yourselves…”.There is an important point here
Can a Muslim go in a church and offer prayers there?
Laws and Jurisprudence
There is no problem in going inside a church except for when he who goes there is a well-known figure whose going to church leads to promotion of the church or when it is feared that he might be ideol
What are the legal obligations of a wife towards her husband?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The sustainability, continuity and stability of a marital life depend on love, understanding and respect for mutual rights. In order for the family, which is small social unit, to be solidified and s
What is the duty of the son or daughter regarding the prayers and fasts of their parents who don’t observe their religious duties?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to the view of a majority of the jurists, making up for the missed prayers and fasts of one’s father is binding on the eldest son. This means that it is wajib for the eldest son to either pe
Does a virgin girl need to get her father’s permission for marriage?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The maraje’ consider the permission of the father or paternal grandfather [ in the case of her not having a father ] of a virgin girl necessary for her marriage [ 1 ] . [ 2 ] The baligh virgin girl wh
I would like to know when boys and girls become duty bound?
Laws and Jurisprudence
In Islam, the age at which girls and boys become duty bound is contingent upon the signs of bulugh ( coming of age ) , which is seminal discharge in boys and menstruation in girls. However, in Islam,
What is the ruling on dog leather?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Dogs and pigs, and all of their body parts are najis. Therefore, their leather is also najis.The grand maraje’ state: Dogs and pigs that live on land are najis, including their hair, bones, paws, nail
The leather of the sofa at my friend’s home has some foreign characters printed on it; it has been imported from foreign countries, is this leather najis? Or since I suffer from waswasah, do you think this doubt of mine is just a result of that?
Laws and Jurisprudence
First of all, just because there are foreign characters on the leather of the sofa doesn’t mean that it necessarily comes from a foreign and non-Muslim country and you shouldn’t be very doubtful in th
What is the relationship between wilayah and marja’iyyah?
In Shia thought, marja’iyyah is comprised of two responsibilities; the issuance of legal verdicts, and wilayah ( i.e., leadership and authority ) . Throughout history, the grand marja’s have both expl
How was Hijab enacted in Islam?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Before the advent of Islam, women did not wear modest dresses or full veil in public. No sooner Islam emerged in the Arabian Peninsula than it presented clear rules for women’s dress. The rules regard
Why is full hijab compulsory for Muslim women in Iran?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Hijab is one of the Islamic duties which existed in other religions also. It has been stated in the Holy Quran and in numerous traditions that a woman should cover all parts of her body except her fac
How did the women dress themselves in the time of the Holy Prophet (s) before the advent of Islam?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The literal meaning of the word hijab is to curtain, partition or place a barrier between something. The word hijab which refers to women s modest covering is a term used in our age; it is a new term
Is it permissible for me to wear rings made of white gold and silver?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to the verdicts of grand religious authorities, it is not permissible for men to adorn themselves with whatever is called gold irrespective of whether the gold is yellow or red or white. How
Is it permissible for men to wear white gold?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) :If a metal is called white gold, it is in fact the yellow gold which becomes white when a white metal is blended with it; therefor
Is it haram to get a tattoo?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The answer given by Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani ( may Allah grant him long life ) is as under:If it is not harmful to your body and the tattoo shapes are not offensive and do not in any way degrade
What is the Islamic law about women going out with makeup?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi ( may Allah grant him long life ) : There is no objection to women wearing light makeup on their faces and hands up to the wrists provided that it does not en
What is the legal and religious position, if we, for promotion of tourism, let non-Muslims free to commit prohibited acts?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Tourism is an increasingly popular economic development strategy in many countries. Although the revenue earned through tourism industry can be more than the oil and natural resources revenue in some