Search results : %s (%s items)(:1515 مورد)
- Is there any punishment for touching and hugging a non-Mahram?
- Are non-Muslim women mahram to Muslim women?
- How does God have knowledge of unreal or false information whereas false information is not considered to be knowledge?
- What is the philosophy behind prostrating on earth?
- Can a Muslim go in a church and offer prayers there?
- Where are the spirits of people who died in remote times? Are they not contained in a place and does time not run on them?
- Will there be a new life in the world after the Day of Judgment?
- Given the fact that man's body cells change continuously from the time of conception until old age, which one of these bodies are resurrected and brought to justice on the Day of Judgment?
- Is there any death in Paradise and Hell?
- What are the legal obligations of a wife towards her husband?
- What is the duty of the son or daughter regarding the prayers and fasts of their parents who don’t observe their religious duties?
- What duties does a child have when it comes to parents?
- Please mention the five qualities of the Imam according to Quranic ayahs?
- How can we strengthen the inclination towards worship in our children?
- Is the prayer performed in the Imams' shrine right? Though the grave is in the direction of the prayer?
- In a hadith by Imam Ridha (as) I read that “أَنَّهُمْ مَالِکُونَ مَجَازاً لَا حَقِیقَةً لَه” . What is meant by this metaphorical ownership that the imam is talking about?
- Does a virgin girl need to get her father’s permission for marriage?
- I would like to know when boys and girls become duty bound?
- Doesn’t there seem to be a discrepancy between the first verse of surah Anfāl, which allocates the ownership of all war spoils to Allah (swt) and the prophet, and verse 41 of the same surah which only entitles them to one fifth of the spoils?
- What is absolute existence? What is indeterminate existence?
- What is the ruling on dog leather?
- Why do they call Prophet Isa “The Spirit of God”?
- Why does the prophet's character change when he comes to power?
- Is there a possibility of evolution being considered true by Islam? In one of your answers about proof of God’s existence, the argument about "Order of Creation" or "Design Argument" was presented . Is there a contradiction between this argument and the theory of evolution?
- What is our duty during the time of Imam Mahdi’s occultation?
- How come Imam Ali did not object and oppose the Caliphs becoming the Caliph, and did not abolish the Bid’ahs (innovations)? And if the Caliphs were kafirs (unbelievers), how come he did not declare them kafirs and announce that they had unrightfully usurped the Caliphate when he came to power?
- The leather of the sofa at my friend’s home has some foreign characters printed on it; it has been imported from foreign countries, is this leather najis? Or since I suffer from waswasah, do you think this doubt of mine is just a result of that?
- What is the relationship between wilayah and marja’iyyah?
- Is God is so powerless that He cannot do any act unless there should be someone else to carry out His tasks?
- rules and regulations has Islam prescribed for exultations and happiness?
- What difference do God's knowledge, power, justice and life make with the same attributes in human beings?
- What is the best way for the couple's understanding of each other?
- What does resurrection of animals mean in the Quranic verse which says "When the wild beasts are herded together "? Does it mean that the animals are also resurrected and held answerable for their deeds?
- The Quran says, "We have revealed the clear Book ." What is meant by clear? Why does God say that He sent down a book after He sent it down?
- How was Hijab enacted in Islam?