Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
Was Eve created from the ribs of Prophet Adam and doesn't this contradict what the Quran says in this regard?
19989 2010/09/04 TraditionalThere are some Ahadith regarding this issue in Sunni books and some Shia hadith records and one may say that at first sight, Quranic verses have also addressed this subject, but we cannot come to a co
Why do Muslims believe that Jews are cursed?
22940 2010/09/04 Contextual studyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is chest beating for Imam Hussein an act endorsed by Islam?
17590 2010/09/04 TraditionalThe concept of mourning for Imam Hussein is among the furu’ or branches of the Shia school of thought and there are many reasons that support it. But regarding the way of mourning one must say that a
Is there a way to have welfare and tranquility in this world and the next together?
7368 2010/08/21 TraditionalBecause of its unique essence, and considering its degree of existence, this world is a mix of happiness and sorrow, joy and grief, and hardship and ease. You can never find total bliss and happiness
How can we get to know God and rely on and truly love him?
8047 2010/08/14 TraditionalThe term “God” is one of the most general and simplest concepts that everyone, even atheists that deny His existence, definitely have some kind of perception of, although comprehending the true nature
When put in the grave what can we do to better our surroundings?
7821 2010/08/14 TraditionalThe feelings a person might experience when lying in his grave is completely contingent upon the environment he has arranged and prepared with his deeds and acts in this world, thus this feeling may d
Is it possible to sleep in heaven?
14969 2010/08/01 TraditionalSleep is the body’s natural response to fatigue and tiredness, and as the Quran directly says, we know that those who enter paradise never become tired. It is because of this that our hadiths tell us
When the Imam of the Time (aj) reappears, how many Prophets and Imams (as) will return and accompany his reappearance?
11690 2010/07/22 Traditional“Raj’ah” literally means ‘to return’, and in Islamic terms, refers to the return of certain people from the dead. These people may consist of dedicated believers and mushriks ( polytheists ) alike. It
How do Shias prove that all must obey the Imams through the Quran? Also, how do they know that they were all appointed by Allah?
16899 2010/07/22 TraditionalThe word Imamah means to lead and an Imam is anything that is followed, whether it is a person and individual or something else, and whether it leads to the right path or the wrong path. But in Islami
are the reasons that prove the Quran has not been altered?
16046 2010/07/22 TraditionalThe distortion of the Quran has a broad meaning that covers all possible changes, whether it’s the adding of words, omitting of words, changing the combination of the words or changing the combination
Is it believed by the Shia that the creation of Adam was carried out by the hands of Imam Ali (as)?
16399 2010/06/21 TraditionalIf some people believe that Imam Ali ( as ) independently created Prophet Adam ( pbuh ) , it will be against the Quran and considered shirk. Not to mention that the creation of Adam by the physical bo
Why do some Islamic sects see Twelver Shias as kafirs, while they don’t have the same idea about other Shia sects?
9223 2010/06/21 TraditionalFirst we must pay attention that neither the Twelver Shia consider other Islamic sects as kafirs, nor do the majority of the Sunnis accuse the Twelver Shia of kufr, and if it is ever said so, it is by
How do you define assassinations? Do you have any suggestions to stop such acts?
6847 2010/05/20 TraditionalUsually the arrogant world powers and people who are attached to this world, in order to strip away people’s rights, first accuse them of things such as assassination, and subsequently torture and mur
According to the Shias, which individuals were given the title of the ‘Ahlul Bait’ (The family of the Holy Prophet (s)) and why is there no mention of the Shia Imams in the reliable books of the Sunnis?
6877 2010/05/20 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Are Heaven and Hell just myths or realities?
9944 2010/04/20 TraditionalFrom the perspective of Islam, which is the most complete religion, resurrection is one of the fundamentals of religion and believing in it is one of the conditions of being a Muslim.There are many wa
Is there a hadith that reads: “When there remains only one day till the end of the world, a hand will appear in the sky”?
7562 2010/04/20 TraditionalBefore engaging in answering your question, a few considerations need to be made:Since Islamic hadiths ( both in Shia and Sunni sources ) are a mixture of authentic and unauthentic ones and many hadit
Do the ahadith explain who the Sofyani, Yamaani, Khorasani, Shu’ayb Ibn Saleh, and Zarghawi exactly are?
13407 2010/04/20 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Please introduce/define Ibrahims followers that are known as the "Hanafian" and explain why the prophet followed Ibrahim?
14808 2010/04/20 TraditionalIn the Quran Ibrahim has been known as a Hanif individual and the prophet has called the Muslim Ummah to follow his path. From the Islamic perspective there is no fundamental difference between holy
What does it mean when it is said that Adam (pbuh) descended from heaven?
9919 2010/04/18 TraditionalHubut means to come down and descend, and it is the opposite of Su’ud ( ascension ) and sometimes it means to settle down in a certain place.In order to explain the Hubut of Prophet Adam first we need
Why do Shias believe in the Imams and their Imamate?
31852 2010/04/08 TraditionalI believe that you are asking how we can find out if someone is really an Imam or not. However, before answering this question, we should first understand why we need to believe in the concept of Imam
Is it possible to see God? If so, then how?
9320 2010/04/08 TraditionalAccording to both Islamic sources and the intellect, God cannot be seen by the physical eye neither in this life nor in the next. However He can be seen through the eyes of the heart. Up to each given
Is making contact with beings from other worlds possible?
9493 2010/04/08 TraditionalThere is no doubt that it is possible to make contact with beings from other realms. What is also certain is that using narcotic drugs and alcoholic beverages to do so is impermissible.The ways and in
Which heaven was the heaven in which Prophet Adam resided?
23523 2010/03/13 TraditionalThere are different viewpoints regarding this matter amongst Quranic commentators:A number of them believe that Prophet Adam s heaven was simply a beautiful and thriving garden on earth.Some, unlike t
Are natural disasters forms of divine punishment or do they have natural causes?
16264 2010/03/13 TraditionalThe purpose behind natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and storms, cannot only be viewed as forms of divine punishments, they are also designed to remind us of God s blessings. They help us
Who are the Ahlul-Bayt that have been spoken of from the Sunni viewpoint?
8494 2010/03/11 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the Maqam Ibrahim? What is its purpose?
40988 2010/02/14 TraditionalOne of the clear signs in Makkah ( as a verse in the Quran tells us ) is the Maqam Ibrahim where Prophet Ibrahim stood.Regarding the meaning and interpretation of “Maqam Ibrahim”, some believe that it
Will there be a new creation after the end of this world?
14075 2010/02/09 TraditionalSince Allah ( swt ) is the All-Emanating and All-Graceful, and His grace is never-ending, grace calls for Him to continuously create, and He creates everything that deserves to be created. His grace m
Do the Shia believe that Lady Fatimah was higher than many other men?
7083 2010/01/21 TraditionalThe answers to your first and second have already been given in Questions 458 ( website: 492 ) and 455 ( website: 489 ) respectively, please refer there.As for the answer to your third question:Althou
What is Islam's viewpoint regarding reincarnation?
14521 2010/01/21 TraditionalA few centuries back in India a theory known as reincarnation was developed concerning the consecutive return of souls to this world after death. During the ages this theory was gradually taken into s
Please mention verses from Quran which prove the Imamate of Imam Ali (as).
21200 2010/01/19 TraditionalThe best approach in proving the Imamate of Imam Ali ( as ) for followers of the Sunni school of thought is through means of what has been mentioned in the Quran and narrations which have been mention
Can Buddhism be considered a divine faith?
9377 2010/01/09 TraditionalSome believe Buddha to be a divine prophet who had acquired the fundamentals of his religion through revelation. This theory seems to be acceptable for two reasons ( although the faith underwent major
What is the scope of the mind in Islam and when and where can one use it regarding religious matters?
9878 2010/01/06 ModernThe mind is the most valuable faculty that Allah ( swt ) has endowed man with and it bears different degrees and classifications.1- Theoretical intellect: Whose job is to know about realities and judg
Is the day of resurrection, structurally physical or a spiritual?
10579 2009/12/28 TraditionalEven though logical reasoning proves the existence of a world other than the one we live in, the power of reason cannot reveal whether it is a spiritual or physical world, and in the case of it being
Is the word ‘jahannam’ (hell) a Farsi word, and do those who reside in hell speak in this language?
13940 2009/12/28 TraditionalThe first part of your question is answered in question 2945 ( website: 3174 ) . Please refer to the website in order to see the appropriate response. In regards to the second part of your question, i
Was Prophet Adam the eighth person to live on earth?
40348 2009/12/17 Contextual studyAccording to Islamic teachings firstly: there is no doubt that Prophet Adam was the first person of the current generation of human beings and that this generation are all born from him. Secondly, bef