Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
What is the precise meaning of Alhamdulillah and Subhan’Allah
25030 2011/04/20 TraditionalThe literal meaning of Hamd is praise, the opposite of condemnation and dishonor. Tasbih is characterized as glorifying God, making void and absolving Him of all deficiencies, needs, parallels and all
Are the Imams witnessing our actions?
7914 2011/04/11 TraditionalThe Quranic verses and also narrations ( revayāt ) indicate that the Imams ( a.s. ) are aware of our actions throughout the day and night, and that our deeds are presented to them. As for why one Imam
Why did Ali (a.s.) not lead even a single prayer when the Prophet (pbuh) was ill?
8424 2011/04/09 TraditionalFirstly, we have no reliable evidence to prove that Abu Bakr led the prayers after the incident of Ghadir Khum and during the Holy Prophet s illness.Secondly, the qualities and specifications which qu
Why was a Quranic verse sent down giving the Prophet (pbuh) permission not to respect his wives' turns?
9540 2011/04/06 TraditionalBased on what is inferred from religious sources, the marriages of the Holy Prophet ( pbuh ) have been on account of certain cultural, emotional, political, social and religious expediencies. Consider
What are the definition, place and necessity of Taqlid?
8234 2011/04/06 Modern‘Aql or reason which is endorsed by the Shari’ah and associated with jurisprudence is different from the manipulative intellect which we use in our lives. Although the intellect is also endorsed by di
What is the reason behind Imam of Mahdi's remaining in occultation despite there are Shiite governments in the world?
11314 2011/03/10 TraditionalThe occultation of the Imam of Time ( atf ) does not mean that the Imam is living a paranormal or different life. For example, he is not living in a cave and the likes of such places. In fact, accordi
Is it okay to say "Ali is the inheritor"?
7852 2011/02/15 TraditionalAn heir is someone who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property or position of another without an external cause like purchase and sale, dedication etc. rather by descent and right of relat
Why does God command us not to prostrate for anyone other than Him but He contradicts His Own saying by commanding angels to prostrate in front of man?
8081 2011/02/13 TraditionalServitude to anyone other than God is undesirable and prohibited and similarly prostration is not permissible, if it implies glorifying and worshipping someone other than God. However, if the very pro
Why do Shiite Muslims, who worship the One God, prostrate on a stone towards the Ka'bah?
8579 2011/02/12 TraditionalShiite Muslims are monotheists and they worship the One God and prostrate only for Him. However, according to Islam, there are certain conditions for Sajdah in the prayers. One of those conditions is
Is there a correspondence between different acts of worship and the rewards Allah has promised for them?
7497 2010/12/21 TraditionalPromising such rewards does not contradict Allah s justice and doesn’t negate the correspondence between acts and rewards; because if justice means to place everything in its appropriate position, whi
What are the plans and goals of Shaytan?
9021 2010/12/21 Traditional1- To misguide man2- To invite the people to superstitious and innovative acts3- To cause them to bring about change in Allah’s creationThese are some of Shaytan’s plans and goals that have been menti
Can ordinary human beings be infallible or not?
10246 2010/12/21 TraditionalThe word infallible ( ma’sum ) means protection, to be secured, safety from committing sins and forgetfulness. Infallibility has levels and stages from which the highest is reserved for Prophets and i
Why does Shia say: The sentence “Ashhadu anna alian waliullah” must be repeated in Adhan?
40295 2010/12/11 TraditionalThe term “wali” has been used in several meanings some of the most important of which are the following: A ) Wali meaning guardian;B ) Wali meaning friend;C ) Wali meaning helper or assist
Is the Imam of Time (atf) present at all places even in non-Islamic (Jewish) countries?
7149 2010/12/09 TraditionalIt is not possible from a rational and logical perspective to attain ultimate perfection without divine guidance. God, the Exalted, has sent His proofs to mankind to guide them in the right path in th
What is the difference between Shia and Sunni?
13560 2010/12/06 TraditionalAlthough such a topic requires extensive discussion, we shall briefly mention, in two stages ( beliefs and laws ) , those of the Shiite views which are opposed by Sunnis or a group of them:A ) Beliefs
Does the prohibition of Taqlid in beliefs not require the impermissibility of Taqlid in religious laws?
6776 2010/11/28 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Can anyone other than the fourteen infallibles be khalifatullah?
8403 2010/11/22 TraditionalBefore engaging in exactly who the examples of khalifatullah are, it is necessary to define the khalifatullah and what his/her characteristics are:In addition to their literal definitions, the terms v
Where does the Imam of Time (atf) live during the occultation?
7662 2010/11/22 TraditionalThere are three categories of reports in regards to the domicile of the Imam of Time ( atf ) : The first category of reports does not introduce a special residence for the Imam. Although some of the n
Can any evidence be found in Sunni sources that speak of the martyrdom of Lady Fatimah (as)?
13290 2010/11/22 TraditionalThis historical truth has been preserved in historical and hadith sources. Great Sunni scholars, such as Ibn Abi Sheybah, Baladhari, Ibn Qutaybah, etc. have revealed this fact. For information on the
Is it true that Umar, on the day of the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiyya, told the Prophet (s) that he had never doubted in his prophethood as much as he did on that day?
12805 2010/11/22 TraditionalSome sources of the Ahlul Sunnah have reported on the matter of the Treaty of Hudaybiyya that when Umar felt that the orders of the Prophet ( s ) hadn’t been carried out, he said: ( والله ما شککت منذ
Why does the Imam of Time (ajt) not write a book to guide people during the time of occultation?
7447 2010/11/22 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Why do we pray for the well-being of Imam Zaman?
7086 2010/11/22 TraditionalPraying for the well being of Imam Zaman ( aj ) is an Islamic command that has its own reasons, even if we never learn of those reasons. Some of the reasons though, can be the following:1- Praying for
How is Imam Mahdi’s food and clothing?
7855 2010/11/22 TraditionalThe imam ( aj ) lives a normal life just like everyone else. What can be concluded from hadiths about his food and clothing, is that they are at a minimum.Nu’mani, in his book of Gheybah, narrates a h
If Ali (A.S.) was enemies with the Khulafa then why did he give some of his children similar names to them?
9437 2010/11/22 TraditionalWith a quick glance at historical books we see that Abu Bakr ibn Ali, Umar bin Ali and Usman bin Ali were the children of Laila the daughter of Masoud Thaqafi, Um Habib and Ummul Banin, respectively.
Does the statement of Ḥaḍrat Ali (as), “Leave me and seek someone else”, not contradict the belief in the position of Imamah being divinely appointed?
8596 2010/11/21 TraditionalThe appointment of Ali ( as ) to the position of Imamah and wilāyah by divine decree and that he was chosen for this position by Allah, has been established through strong and sound arguments. However
Is there any special importance in roosters' crow?
13775 2010/11/09 TraditionalAll the creatures of the world praise and glorify God. The seven skies, the earth and all of their inhabitants are glorifying God, the Exalted. Animals including roosters are not an exception. Therefo
What is the Jews’ belief concerning the return (raj’ah) of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)?
10057 2010/11/09 TraditionalSimilar to other faiths and people, the Jews definitely believe in the coming of a savior at the end of time. In the current Torah, there are many glad tidings of the coming of a universal reformer. I
Which verse in the Holy Quran is a confirmation of tawassul (seeking means) and how is justified?
12985 2010/11/09 Quranic StudiesThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Does Imam Mahdi, the Imam of Time (a.s.), know when he is going to reappear?
7674 2010/10/18 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the limit of freedom in Islam and Shi’ism?
8404 2010/10/13 TraditionalDepending on the contexts, freedom has different meanings and the limits of freedom are different with the difference of its meanings:1- Freedom in the sense of existential independence, something exc
Why has the position of imamate been transferred from generation to generation, from father to son in our religion?
8907 2010/09/22 TraditionalThe position of imamate is bestowed only upon those who posses [ specific ] conditions, such as infallibility, abundant knowledge, etc., and no one except God has knowledge and awareness of these cond
Please explain the basis of Shi'ite thought and its characteristics?
8621 2010/09/18 TraditionalThe Holy Quran is the basis of the Shi ite thought and the source of all the Shiite teachings. It considers the apparent and outward meanings of the verses, the sayings, conducts, silence and assertio
Why is Shia the best religion?
27096 2010/09/05 TraditionalThe superiority of the Shia religion is because of its being the true religion and there is only one true religion in all times and ages. As for other religions, they are either invalid and baseless o
What is the role of mediators in getting nearness to God?
9144 2010/09/05 TraditionalThe word Wasilah ( means ) has a wide range of meanings which include anything or any action that helps get nearer to Almighty God. In view of the fact that the universe has been created on the basis
What is the meaning of "اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا ثارَ اللَّهِ وَ ابْنَ ثارِه وَ الْوِتْرَ الْمَوْتُورَ "? Isn't seeking vengeance on one's murderer something that stems from grudge and hatred?
12486 2010/09/05 TraditionalAccording to the different meanings the words Thar and Witr have, the phrase السلام علیک یا ثارالله و ابن ثاره و الوتر الموتور can have different meanings, but the most appropriate meaning would be: G