Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
What is the reason for the prophet’s (pbuh) silence during his lifetime regarding the khalifahs?
7228 2009/08/15 TraditionalThere are a few points that need to be made in answer to your question:1- After making his call to Islam open in the third year of his prophethood, the prophet ( pbuh ) had announced the caliphate and
Why is it necessary for the imam to be infallible and how can one tell that an imam is infallible or not?
9062 2009/07/19 TraditionalIn contrast to the Sunni school of thought, the Shia believe that the imam is equal to the prophet in all matters other than receiving revelation. Therefore, he has to be infallible from sin and mista
Are there hadiths that say when Imam Zaman’s (aj) name is heard, one should stand and put his hand on his head?
24006 2009/07/19 TraditionalThe reason for why the Shia do such, can be the following two hadiths:1- In the famous hadith of Di’bil Khoza’i, the poet of the Ahlul-Bayt, it has been mentioned that when he was reciting his famous
Who are the Magi?
13556 2009/07/19 TraditionalThe term “Magus” which is used to denote the Zoroastrians in Arabic, derives from “Magoosh” or “Magoo” of the ancient Persian language. ( The word Magic comes from this term ) . After entering the Ara
What does Islam say about Prophet Isa (pbuh) walking on water?
24649 2009/07/19 TraditionalOne of the ways for identifying prophets is through miracles; extraordinary actions that can t be taught or learned by normal people that others aren t capable of doing. [ 1 ] Prophet Isa ( pbuh ) had
Is it true that when the Dajjal appears, all his followers are lovers of Uthman?
9779 2009/07/19 TraditionalAfter analyzing Shia and Sunni sources, one comes to the conclusion that such a hadith with the following wordage: “ان خرج الدجال تبعه من کان یحب عثمان” has only been narrated by Zayd ibn Wahab in the
How does it make sense for the imam’s existence being grace, it he never becomes ruler and caliph of the Muslim nation?
7161 2009/06/22 TraditionalAllah’s ( swt ) wisdom is what calls for Him to appoint imams after the final prophet ( pbuh ) in order to carry on his responsibilities so that the main goal of sending all previous prophets and the
How was the creation of man according to the Quran?
31081 2009/06/22 TraditionalThe Quran has explained the creation of man and his origin using different words and phrases. Some verses say that the initial material man comes from is clay. Other verses say it is water, while a th
Suppose someone pretends that he's going to commit suicide just to threaten somebody but actually ends up dying unintentionally, is his death a matter related to decree and destiny or is it his own fault? How is he going to be dealt with in the other world?
10820 2009/06/22 TraditionalA good answer to this question requires a brief explanation of the literal meaning of the following words: qadha ( decree ) , qadar ( destiny ) , taqdir ( predestination/determination ) , and taqdire-
Do all of the prophet’s (pbuh) words and sayings come from revelation?
10336 2009/06/22 TraditionalThe experts have different viewpoints on this issue:Taking into consideration verses 3 and 4 of surah Najm [ i ] , some believe that all of the prophet’s sayings and actions originate from revelation.
Please explain the concept of infallibility. Is it possible for anyone besides the infallible imams (as) to be infallible?
11647 2009/06/22 TraditionalIn a theological dictionary, one the possesses infallibility would be defined as an infallible. An infallible is one who, by the grace of God, is free from all forms of mistake and error, and does not
Which people will enter paradise?
14176 2009/06/22 TraditionalAfter analyzing Quranic verses, one can conclude that paradise is a definite vow of Allah ( swt ) and the reward of the pious believers who completely obey the prophet ( pbuh ) . One who possesses the
Why wasn’t Imam Mahdi just born at the time he was to emerge instead of being born a very long time before and waiting till that time?
9602 2009/06/10 TraditionalThe answer to this question lies in explaining why the occultation took place, what the awaiting of the Mahdi ( aj ) truly means, and what the benefits and outcomes of having a concealed imam are.It h
Is it possible to establish a relationship with Imam Mahdi (aj)?
14139 2009/06/09 TraditionalWhen two individuals know nothing about each other, there is no way they can have a relationship, unless at least one of them knows the other sparking a two way knowledge and awareness that will final
What are the benefits of having an "absent" imam in occultation?
8278 2009/05/17 TraditionalAlthough the existence of an infallible imam entails many benefits, but an imam in occultation also has its own numerous benefits which can be summed up in the following:1- Being the mediator between
Doesn’t the occultation of the twelfth imam undermine the whole concept of "imamate"?
7189 2009/05/06 TraditionalSince the question is vague and general, without specifying which dimension of the concept of imamate the occultation of Imam Mahdi ( aj ) contradicts, we will have to list some of the imam s major re
What does Islam mean?
9452 2009/04/29 TraditionalIslam literally means to submit and surrender to another s will and in the Quran, it to one who is in total submission to Allah ( swt ) and is free from any form of shirk and polytheism. It is on thes
According to which Quranic command do religious minorities living in Islamic countries like Iran, who enforce the law of hijab, have to observe the hijab?
10390 2009/04/21 ModernThis might be a question to many; why do Muslim women have to wear the hijab, and moreover, why do non-Muslims who live in Muslim countries ( who enforce this Islamic ruling such as Iran ) have to obs
Why have the Shia gone astray?
8877 2009/04/20 TraditionalIn order to answer this question, a few points need to be made:1- If what you mean by “Shia” are the wrong and unacceptable acts that some Shia do, it is unfair to relate these wrong acts to the entir
Are we allowed to attend the majalis (gatherings) of Imam Hussein (as) at the houses of those muslims who treat Imam Ali (as) as God?
7442 2009/04/06 TraditionalAlthough holding mourning sessions and gatherings for Imam Husein ( as ) and his companions is a great act that brings one massive blessings and rewards, yet if these gatherings are used to strengthen
How come although all of us gave an oath in the Alame-Arwah, there are still people who have religions other than Islam?
30180 2009/03/14 TraditionalIn our religious texts and scriptures, a realm or world by the name of Dharr has been spoken of. There are differences between the scholars regarding what this realm exactly is. Nevertheless, the view
Is the hadith that says: “All the imams are equal to the prophet (pbuh) in rank.” (Al-Kafi, vol.1, pg.270) an authentic one?
10581 2009/03/14 TraditionalAlthough the fourteen infallibles are all at the pinnacle of perfection and spiritual completion, yet the holy prophet ( pbuh ) of Islam is the highest of them all, possessing advantages and character
What is Islam for?
7942 2009/03/04 TraditionalReligion is a set of beliefs associated with practical and moral principles delivered to humankind by God s messengers, for the guidance of man and his eternal prosperity and salvation.According to re
Can we say “Ya Ali Madad” keeping in mind that Allah (swt) is the one who has given them the power to help us, and can this aid and help be seeked after their martyrdoms and demises?
23844 2009/02/14 TraditionalContinue...
Why did Allah (swt) create man, considering that He knew many of them would be bad and end up in the hellfire?
8915 2008/12/31 Traditional1 ) Punishment from Allah ( swt ) is a result of man willingly disregarding divine guidance and not listening to the call of the outer and inner messengers.2 ) The knowledge of Allah ( swt ) regarding
Why doesn’t Allah (swt) guide the fasiqs (wrongdoers/transgressors)?
14547 2008/11/23 TraditionalGuidance can be divided into the following types:1- Existential ( takwini ) guidance ( guidance that has to do with man’s creation ) , which is the nature embedded in all humans by Allah ( swt ) , cau
What is God’s reason for creating man?
8975 2008/11/22 Traditionala ) His ability to create called for Him to create.b ) The order of creation is one based on aim and wisdom.c ) The ultimate goal and aim of creating all things, is the emergence of man; the reason be
where did secularism or the belief in the separation of religious and civil affairs emerge from?
7586 2008/11/19 ModernDuring the renascence Christian believers came to the realization that their religion, with all the shortcomings it had, could not meet the modern social and political needs; therefore, secularism too
What are the signs of Imam Zaman’s (as) dhuhur (reappearance) and which ones are reliable?
13436 2008/11/17 TraditionalAsking about the “dhuhur” ( reappearance ) of Imam Zaman ( as ) and its signs is very good and desirable, yet one mustn’t get so caught up in this matter to the extent that he/she forgets about the tr
What is meant by the verse: “He (Allah (swt)) guides whosoever he desires, and misguides whosoever he desires.”
20087 2008/11/04 TraditionalIt has been proven in theology that man is of free will and Quranic teachings are in no conflict with this fact and actually emphasize this point. Yet since some Quranic verses interpret and explain o
How can one explain how the killing of the Egyptian man by Prophet Musa (pbuh) isn’t in conflict with his infallibility?
18050 2008/11/04 TraditionalAll divine prophets, regardless of their different degrees and ranks, are infallible and at the peak of nearness to Allah ( swt ) , and all of them have responsibilities that surpass those of normal p
What is the theological basis of Mahdiism?
7590 2008/10/22 TraditionalThe necessity of Allah’s ( swt ) grace, the existence of a khalifatullah and vicegerent of Allah ( swt ) and his protection from any calamities and bad incidents can be counted as a portion of the the
Who is the Dajjal? Can you please give an explanation on him and the hadiths that have mentioned him?
22082 2008/10/21 TraditionalOne of the signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi ( as ) , is the coming of a creature gone astray that misleads others by the name of “Dajjal”. In Arabic, any liar can be called dajjal. There are ma
What type of religion is “the seal of religions”?
8231 2008/10/12 ModernThe “seal of religions” is the final “mursal” religion. Meaning that after such a religion, it isn t possible for another messenger or religion to be sent.One of the conditions of a religion being the
How can there be a religion that contains all of man’s needs for salvation?
7916 2008/10/12 ModernThe first question that needs to be answered is: Is man truly always experiencing change in his life and is it true that every aspect of his life is usually going through alteration? Or can one say th